SPECIFIC UPGRADE REQUIREMENTS. 1. December 31, 1995 Release ------------------------------- The following items we not yet incorporated into the Maginet GDG platform at this time, but already offered in some markets by the competition. It has therefore been agreed that they will be incorporated into the installations to be completed after January 1996, and provided as an upgrade to those installations completed before that date, by January 1, 1997. Installations shall be upgraded to incorporate the following by December 31 1995. a. Access to nationally available teletext where available. b. Video games from one of the market leaders in this field. The current generation of products from either Sega, Nintendo, 3DO or approved alternative are to be provided. It shall be possible to charge for games on a unit time or number of plays basis. c. In-room terminals that can be tuned from a central location, that they bypass the TV tuning device where A/V outputs are provided in the TV sets. They shall also be concealed with a sensor no larger that 30 mm high x 50 mm long x 30 mm deep will be visible from the guest room. EXHIBIT "A" TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS d. Hotel information channels which can be set up for and accessed by all guests or by particular groups which can be individually addressed by the hotel staff except as limited by the PMS. 2. July 31, 1996 Release --------------------------- The following advanced interface requirements are already provided in some markets and are required at the latest to be implemented in new installations by July 31,1996 and retro-fitted where required in existing hotels by July 31, 1997. Hyatt Parties will identify a preferred solution, or present a similar system installed at a competing hotel and will make best efforts to obtain interface protocol, for use by Maginet and/or GDG to develop the required interface. Maginet & GDG shall deliver the required interface, to comply with section 14 of the master agreement. a. Advanced Interface Development Requirements that shall be installed by Maginet/GDG are: i. Interface to fax server and in-room printer/scanner interfaces for the in room terminal. ii. Assistance in developing means to post minibar charges using MATV network. iii. Interface to allow access to voicemail system features, via TV remote as well as telephone.


  • Maintenance Requirements The Contractor shall ensure and procure that at all times during the Maintenance Period, the Project Highway conforms to the maintenance requirements set forth in Schedule-E (the “Maintenance Requirements”).

  • Specific Requirements compensation insurance with statutory limits required by South Dakota law. Coverage B-Employer’s Liability coverage of not less than $500,000 each accident, $500,000 disease-policy limit, and $500,000 disease-each employee.

  • Software Requirements 7 Developer shall prepare the Project Schedule using Oracle’s Primavera P6.

  • DBE Requirements A. Notice is hereby given to the CONSULTANT and any SUB-CONSULTANT, and both agree, that failure to carry out the requirements set forth in 49 CFR Sec. 26.13(b) shall constitute a breach of this Contract and, after notification and failure to promptly cure such breach, may result in termination of this Contract or such remedy as INDOT deems appropriate. The referenced section requires the following assurance to be included in all subsequent contracts between the CONSULTANT and any SUB-CONSULTANT: The CONSULTANT, sub recipient or SUB-CONSULTANT shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this Contract. The CONSULTANT shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the CONSULTANT to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this Contract, which may result in the termination of this Contract or such other remedy, as INDOT, as the recipient, deems appropriate. B. The CONSULTANT shall make good faith efforts to achieve the DBE percentage goal that may be included as part of this Contract with the approved DBE SUB-CONSULTANTS identified on its Affirmative Action Certification submitted with its Letter of Interest, or with approved amendments. Any changes to a DBE firm listed in the Affirmative Action Certification must be requested in writing and receive prior approval by the LPA and INDOT’s Economic Opportunity Division Director. After this Contract is completed and if a DBE SUB- CONSULTANT has performed services thereon, the CONSULTANT must complete, and return, a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Affidavit (“DBE-3 Form”) to INDOT’s Economic Opportunity Division Director. The DBE-3 Form requires certification by the CONSULTANT AND DBE SUB-CONSULTANT that the committed contract amounts have been paid and received.

  • Interface Requirements The NID shall be equal to or better than all of the requirements for NIDs set forth in the applicable industry standard technical references.

  • Technical Requirements Signaling Link Transport shall consist of full duplex mode 56 kbps transmission paths and shall perform in the following two ways:

  • Data Requirements ‌ • The data referred to in this document are encounter data – a record of health care services, health conditions and products delivered for Massachusetts Medicaid managed care beneficiaries. An encounter is defined as a visit with a unique set of services/procedures performed for an eligible recipient. Each service should be documented on a separate encounter claim detail line completed with all the data elements including date of service, revenue and/or procedure code and/or NDC number, units, and MCE payments/cost of care for a service or product. • All encounter claim information must be for the member identified on the claim by Medicaid ID. Claims must not be submitted with another member’s identification (e.g., xxxxxxx claims must not be submitted under the Mom’s ID). • All claims should reflect the final status of the claim on the date it is pulled from the MCE’s Data Warehouse. • For MassHealth, only the latest version of the claim line submitted to MassHealth is “active”. Previously submitted versions of claim lines get offset (no longer “active” with MassHealth) and payments are not netted. • An encounter is a fully adjudicated service (with all associated claim lines) where the MCE incurred the cost either through direct payment or sub-contracted payment. Generally, at least one line would be adjudicated as “paid”. All adjudicated claims must have a complete set of billing codes. There may also be fully adjudicated claims where the MCE did not incur a cost but would otherwise like to inform MassHealth of covered services provided to Enrollees/Members, such as for quality measure reporting (e.g., CPT category 2 codes for A1c lab tests and care/patient management). • All claim lines should be submitted for each Paid claim, including zero paid claim lines (e.g., bundled services paid at an encounter level and patient copays that exceeded the fee schedule). Denied lines should not be included in the Paid submission. Submit one encounter record/claim line for each service performed (i.e., if a claim consisted of five services or products, each service should have a separate encounter record). Pursuant to contract, an encounter record must be submitted for all covered services provided to all enrollees. Payment amounts must be greater than or equal to zero. There should not be negative payments, including on voided claim lines. • Records/services of the same encounter claim must be submitted with same claim number. There should not be more than one active claim number for the same encounter. All paid claim lines within an encounter must share the same active claim number. If there is a replacement claim with a new version of the claim number, all former claim lines must be replaced by the new claim number or be voided. The claim number, which creates the encounter, and all replacement encounters must retain the same billing provider ID or be completely voided. • Plans are expected to use current MassHealth MCE enrollment assignments to attribute Members to the MassHealth assigned MCE. The integrity of the family of claims should be maintained when submitting claims for multiple MCEs (ACOs/MCO). Entity PIDSL, New Member ID, and the claim number should be consistent across all lines of the same claim. • Data should conform to the Record Layout specified in Section 3.0 of this document. Any deviations from this format will result in claim line or file rejections. Each row in a submitted file should have a unique Claim Number + Suffix combination. • A feed should consist of new (Original) claims, Amendments, Replacements (a.k.a. Adjustments) and/or Voids. The replacements and voids should have a former claim number and former suffix to associate them with the claim + suffix they are voiding or replacing. See Section 2.0, Data Element Clarifications, for more information. • While processing a submission, MassHealth scans the files for the errors. Rejected records are sent back to the MCEs in error reports in a format of the input files with two additional columns to indicate an error code and the field with the error. • Unless otherwise directed or allowed by XxxxXxxxxx, all routine monthly encounter submissions must be successfully loaded to the MH DW on or before the last day of each month with corrected rejections successfully loaded within 5 business days of the subsequent month for that routine monthly encounter submission to be considered timely and included in downstream MassHealth processes. Routine monthly encounter submissions should contain claims with paid/transaction dates through the end of the previous month.

  • Time Requirements The Independent Contractor will not be required to follow or establish a regular or daily work schedule, but shall devote during the term of this Agreement the time, energy and skill as necessary to perform the services of this engagement and shall, periodically or at any time upon the request of the Company, submit information as to the amount of time worked and scope of work performed.

  • Invoice Requirements Contractor hereby waives the right to enforce any term which contradicts or modifies any term of the solicitation or any Contract that may result, including subsequent amendments to the Contract, or would result in an unencumbered expense if enforced against the state. Contract quote and invoice must contain, at a minimum:

  • System Requirements Apple Software is supported only on Apple-branded hardware that meets specified system requirements as indicated by Apple.