St6bility Sample Clauses

St6bility. The second index we developed indicates the level of spatio-temporal stability for each DSC at a given window of time (e.g. hours, minutes, days). Here, we demonstrate this index for hours units, but this, of course, can be modified based on the different time scales of the data availability or the desired analysis. For that, we calculated the spatial stability of the DSCs for each hour during weekdays only. We based this decision on the results of a previous analysis (presented in the methodology section) that indicated significant differences between weekdays and weekends in terms of traffic flow. The spatial stability (S) for a specific DSC at a specific time is calculated based on: m ∑ l FTC m∗LSCT n Where l FCT represents the number of links (street segments) in each of the FTCs included in the examined DSC at the examined hour, and LSCT represents the total number of links that appeared at least once in the examined DSC at that hour. m represents the number of days used for the calculation which is 5 in our case n (corresponding to working days only). S=1 is at its maximum, when ∑ l FCT =m∗LSCT . This indicates that all the FTCs are spatially identical on all the examined days at a specific hour. When ∑ l FCT =LSCT none of the links appears more than once in the DSC,
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  • Geometric visibility The visibility of the illuminating surface, including its visibility in areas which do not appear to be illuminated in the direction of observation considered, shall be ensured within a divergent space defined by generating lines based on the perimeter of the illuminating surface and forming an angle of not less than 5° with the axis of reference of the headlamp. The origin of the angles of geometric visibility is the perimeter of the projection of the illuminating surface on a transverse plane tangent to the foremost part of the lens of the headlamp.

  • Non-Grievability No dispute over a claim for any benefits extended by this Health and Welfare Fund shall be subject to the grievance procedure.

  • Visibility 12.1. Contractor shall follow any instructions given by EFI relating to visibility for the tasks and output under this Contract, including the use of specific disclaimers.

  • Workplace Flexibility Where, for bona fide operational reasons the Employer schedules employees to work Saturday or Sunday, the following criteria shall apply:

  • Grievability Denial of a petition for reinstatement is grievable. The grievance may not be based on information other than that shared with the Employer at the time of the petition for reinstatement.

  • Compatibility 1. Any unresolved issue arising from a mutual agreement procedure case otherwise within the scope of the arbitration process provided for in this Article and Articles 25A to 25G shall not be submitted to arbitration if the issue falls within the scope of a case with respect to which an arbitration panel or similar body has previously been set up in accordance with a bilateral or multilateral convention that provides for mandatory binding arbitration of unresolved issues arising from a mutual agreement procedure case.

  • Employability Executive acknowledges (i) that Executive has sufficient abilities and talents to be able to obtain, upon the termination of Executive’s employment, comparable employment from another business while fully honoring and complying with the above covenants concerning confidential information and contacts with the Company’s or any of its Affiliates’ customers or employees, and (ii) the importance to the Company and its Affiliates of the above covenants. Accordingly, for a period of one (1) year following the termination of Executive’s employment with the Company and upon the Company’s reasonable request of Executive, Executive shall advise the Company of the identity of Executive’s new employer and shall provide a general description, in reasonable detail, of Executive’s new duties and responsibilities sufficient to inform the Company of its need to request a court order to enforce the above covenants.

  • Constructability Review Prepare detailed interdisciplinary constructability review within Fourteen (14) days of receipt of the plans from the District that:

  • Excellence excellence is the result of always striving to do better. This is represented by constant improvements to the way in which we deliver our services, which results in a high performing health service. • Respect – we demonstrate respect through our actions and behaviours. By showing each other respect, in turn we earn respect. • Integrity – integrity is doing the right thing, knowing it is what we do when people aren’t looking that is a true reflection of who we are. • Collaboration – collaboration represents working together in partnership to achieve sustainable health care outcomes for our community with a shared understanding of our priorities. • Accountability – together we have a shared responsibility for ensuring the best health care outcomes for our community. This is a reminder that it is not only our actions, but also the actions we do not do, for which we are accountable. Brief Summary of Duties (in order of importance)

  • Formwork Descriptions of formwork shall be deemed to include use and waste only (except where described as left in or permanent), for fitting together in the required forms, wedging, plumbing and fixing to true angles and surfaces as necessary to ensure easy release during stripping and for reconditioning as necessary before re- use. The vertical strutting shall be carried down to such construction as is sufficiently strong to afford the required support without damage and shall remain in position until the newly constructed work is able to support itself. Formwork to soffits of solid slabs etc., shall be deemed to be to slabs not exceeding 250mm thick unless otherwise described. Formwork to sides of bases, pile caps, ground beams, etc., will only be measured where it is prescribed by the Engineer for design reasons. Formwork necessitated by irregularity or collapse of excavated faces will not be measured and the cost thereof shall be deemed to be included in the allowance for taking the risk of collapse of the sides of the excavations, provision for which is made in Earthworks. Carried to Collection R Amount Item Quantity Rate Amount No REINFORCED CONCRETE 25 MPa/19mm Concrete: 14 Base slabs. m3 7 15 Suspended Slabs. m3 7 TEST BLOCKS Test blocks: 16 Making and testing set of three 150x150x150mm concrete strength test cubes (Provisional). No 4 FINISHING TOP SURFACE OF CONCRETE Finishing top surfaces of concrete with a wood float: 17 Base slabs, etc m2 36 Finishing top surfaces of concrete smooth with steel float: 18 Suspended slab, etc m2 36 ROUGH FORMWORK (DEGREE OF ACCURACY II) Rough Formwork to Sides: 19 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide. m 27 Smooth Formwork to Sides: 20 Edges, risers, ends and reveals not exceeding 300mm high or wide. m 27 Fabric reinforcement:

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