STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COMPANY MANAGEMENT. Review the present bill format to determine if information regarding delinquent dates can be provided more clearly. This review should be conducted in conjunction with the analysis and implementation of an automated billing system. This recommendation should be completed within ninety (90) days of the Commission’s Order in File No. SR-2012-0263.
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STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COMPANY MANAGEMENT. Complete an analysis of automated billing systems that could be cost-effectively implemented to manage the calculation and preparation of customer bills and maintenance of records. This recommendation should be completed within ninety
STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COMPANY MANAGEMENT. Utilize a standard time sheet to record and maintain the time expended by its employees and contractors at each of the water and sewer systems it operates that will facilitate summarization and analysis. This recommendation should be completed within thirty (30) days of the Commission’s Order in File No. WR- 2012-0267.
STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COMPANY MANAGEMENT. Develop and require a signed customer application prior to providing service as specified in the Company’s tariff. The Company's customer application shall include the date, the customer's signature, and a statement indicating that the customer agrees to abide by the Company's rates, rules and regulations, and applicable state statutes. This recommendation should be completed within 30 days of the effective date of any Commission order issued in Case Nos. SR-2014- 0153 and WR-2014-0154.
STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COMPANY MANAGEMENT. Evaluate and implement actions in compliance with Commission Rule 4 CSR 240- 13.050 and the Commission-approved sewer and water tariffs that will reduce the number of delinquent customer accounts. The Companies actions should ensure that discontinuances of service are conducted in a manner that is consistent with the time frame communicated to customers. The review should also include an evaluation of whether the use of a collection agency would be cost-beneficial. This recommendation should be completed within 90 days of the effective date of any Commission order issued in Case Nos. SR-2014-0153 and WR-2014-0154.
STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COMPANY MANAGEMENT. Complete an analysis of automated billing systems that could be cost-effectively implemented to manage the calculation and preparation of customer bills and maintenance of records. This recommendation should be completed within ninety (90) days of the Commission’s order in File No. SR-2012-0263.
STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COMPANY MANAGEMENT. Resume the practice of sending bad debt accounts over $30.00 to the Company’s collection agency once the accounts have reached a pre-determined number of days in arrears. Utilize the monthly report that the Company developed previously to track payments recovered by the collection agency. This recommendation should be completed within thirty (30) days of the Commission’s order in File No. WR-2012-0405.
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STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COMPANY MANAGEMENT. Initiate procedures that ensure call center representative include the Company name in the opening response to after-hours telephone calls. This recommendation should be completed within ninety (90) days of the effective date of the Commission order.
STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COMPANY MANAGEMENT. Initiate actions to ensure the accuracy of information presented on Company billing statements. These actions should incorporate a comprehensive analysis of information presented on billing statements including an evaluation of cost components such as calculation of customer charges and late payment fees; also, a review of general information for accuracy like the contact telephone number for customers. Actions should also include establishing a routine procedure to analyze a random sample of billing statements for accuracy prior to mailing. This recommendation should be completed within thirty (30) days of the effective date of the Commission order.
STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT COMPANY MANAGEMENT. Develop and implement a process to ensure all customer complaints received by Company personnel are documented and maintained for at least two (2) years. Documentation shall adhere to Commission Rule 4 CSR 240-13.040 and include the customer name, address, nature of the complaint, date of occurrence, as well as an explanation of what the Company has done to address the complaint. This recommendation should be completed within thirty (30) days of the effective date of the Commission order.
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