Staff Reduction. 1. The Board may adopt a resolution ordering reasonable reductions in the number of bargaining unit members for any of the following reasons: return to duty of Employees after leaves of absence, suspension of schools, territorial changes affecting the district or center, financial reasons, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of students. 2. Any reduction under this Article shall be based on seniority within each Classification affected, with preference to Employees with greater seniority as defined in the Seniority article (Article 19). 3. Each notice of reduction in force shall state the following: reasons for the reduction in force, effective date of the reduction in force; and a statement advising the employee of his/her restoration rights. 4. For a period of two (2) years, any bargaining unit member whose employment is reduced under this Article shall have the right of restoration to employment with the Board in order of seniority, if and when a bargaining unit position in his/her former Classification becomes vacant or is created. No bargaining unit member whose employment has been reduced under this Article shall lose that right of restoration by reason of having declined recall to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work than required by the position the Employee last held while employed in the District. Written notice of restoration shall be sent to the employee’s last known address by registered or certified mail. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to keep the Board informed of any change in address. If the employee fails to accept the return to active employment within three (3) calendar days from the date said notification was delivered or seven (7) calendar days from the date it was mailed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, whichever comes first, said employee shall be considered to have declined said offer and shall be removed from the reinstatement list. An employee recalled to active employment shall be given five (5) days to report to work. 5. No bumping or displacements shall be permitted. 6. The Superintendent may elect not to fill any vacant position in an effort to minimize the need for reductions in force.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Staff Reduction. 16.1 In the event of reduction of staff in any gang, the senior qualified employees will be retained. The Board may adopt Employees laid off in such gangs or as a resolution ordering reasonable reductions the result of displacement will have the right to exercise their seniority in other extra gangs.
6.2 Displacement rights must be exercised and work commenced on that position of choice within 10 days of displacement except that employees who are on leave of absence at the time of displacement will be required to exercise such rights prior to resuming duty. An employee failing to exercise such rights will forfeit his/her seniority and his/her name will be struck off the seniority list.
6.3 Employees will be given no less than 4 working days' advance notice when regularly assigned positions are to be abolished, except in the number event of bargaining unit members a strike or a work stoppage by employees in the Railway industry in which case shorter notice may be given.
6.4 An employee who is laid off and who desires to return to the service when work is available for any him/her, must keep the proper officers of the following reasons: return to duty of Employees after leaves of absence, suspension of schools, territorial changes affecting the district or center, financial reasons, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of students.
2. Any reduction under this Article shall be based on seniority within each Classification affected, with preference to Employees with greater seniority as defined in the Seniority article (Article 19).
3. Each notice of reduction in force shall state the following: reasons for the reduction in force, effective date of the reduction in force; and a statement advising the employee Railway advised of his/her restoration rightsaddress in order that he/she may be readily located when his/her services are required. A laid-off employee failing to comply with this rule, will forfeit his/her seniority rights under this agreement and his/her name shall be struck off the seniority list by agreement between the System Federation General Chairman and the appropriate officer of the Railway.
4. For a period of two (2) years, any bargaining unit member whose employment is reduced under this Article 6.5 Laid-off employees shall have the right of restoration be recalled to employment with the Board service in order of seniorityseniority when staff is increased or when vacancies occur.
6.6 A laid-off employee who fails to report for duty, if and when a bargaining unit position in or to give satisfactory reasons for not doing so within 15 calendar days from date of notification, shall forfeit his/her former Classification becomes vacant or is created. No bargaining unit member whose employment has been reduced seniority rights under this Article shall lose that right of restoration by reason of having declined recall to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work than required by the position the Employee last held while employed in the District. Written notice of restoration agreement, and his/her name shall be sent to struck off the employee’s last known address seniority list by registered or certified mail. It shall be agreement between the responsibility System Federation General Chairman and the appropriate officer of the employee to keep the Board informed Railway.
6.7 Rules 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 do not apply in cases of any change in address. If employment for under thirty days' duration where the employee fails to accept the return to active employment within three (3) calendar has steady work of thirty days from the date said notification was delivered or seven (7) calendar days from the date it was mailed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, whichever comes first, said employee shall be considered to have declined said offer and shall be removed from the reinstatement list. An employee recalled to active employment shall be given five (5) days to report to workmore elsewhere.
5. No bumping or displacements shall be permitted.
6. The Superintendent may elect not to fill any vacant position in an effort to minimize the need for reductions in force.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Staff Reduction. 1. The Board may adopt “Staff Reduction Guidelines for Certificated Personnel (Teacher Types)” dated December 2005 contained herein shall be amended by adding the additional paragraphs to read: For the purposes of a resolution ordering reasonable reductions staff reduction caused by drop in enrollment, returning leave teachers and/or other administrative actions requiring teachers to be moved from their schools in the current or subsequent school years, teachers shall be ranked in their school, district office or other administrative unit by service time in the DOE in positions presently reflected by the definition of Bargaining Unit 5. Time as an educational officer shall not be counted toward service time. Each administrator, at the beginning of the school year, shall generate a seniority listing reflecting service time in the DOE and, upon request, shall show any member of the bargaining unit where they on the list. In secondary schools, the department to which a teacher is assigned shall be designated on the school’s seniority list. Teachers shall be ranked in the departments by length of service in the State of Hawaiʻi. Should a staff reduction be necessary, the teacher in the department with the least number of years of service in the State shall be reduced. Any teacher so reduced, if certified in another area, shall have priority of placement over the least senior teacher in that department; however, a member of the bargaining unit members for any shall not displace another member of the following reasons: return to duty bargaining unit who has more service time in the DOE. Should there be a tie in the application of Employees after leaves of absencethe above procedure, suspension of schoolsthe tied teachers will be ranked by the service time in the school or administrative unit. Should there be a further tie, territorial changes affecting the district or center, financial reasons, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of students.
2. Any reduction under this Article teachers shall be based on seniority ranked by service time within each Classification affectedthe district. Should a tie further continue, the principal shall use a neutral method to break the tie, such as a flip of a coin. Whenever there are staff reduced or district unassigned teachers, the District shall confer with preference them to Employees with greater seniority as defined in explain the Seniority article (Article 19).
3method of assigning such teachers. Each notice of reduction in force shall state the following: reasons for the reduction in force, effective date of the reduction in force; and a statement advising the employee of his/her restoration rights.
4. For a period of two (2) years, any bargaining unit member whose employment A teacher who is staff reduced under this Article shall have the right of restoration to employment with the Board in order of seniorityor affected by other administrative action may submit, if and when they so desire, a bargaining unit position in his/her former Classification becomes vacant or is created. No bargaining unit member whose employment has been reduced under this Article shall lose that right preferred list of restoration by reason of having declined recall to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work not more than required by the position the Employee last held while employed in the District. Written notice of restoration shall be sent to the employee’s last known address by registered or certified mail. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to keep the Board informed of any change in address. If the employee fails to accept the return to active employment within three (3) calendar days from the date said notification was delivered schools, three (3) geographic areas within their district, or other districts, to their District Personnel Regional Officer within seven (7) calendar days from the date it was mailed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, whichever comes first, said employee days. Every reasonable attempt shall be considered made by the Employer to place the teacher in one of their preferred areas. This teacher shall have declined said offer and shall be removed from the reinstatement list. An employee recalled to active employment shall be given five (5) days to report to work.
5. No bumping or displacements shall be permitted.
6. The Superintendent may elect not to fill any priority for a vacant position in their area of certification over less senior tenured teachers in similar situations. The Employer shall develop the procedures to implement the aforementioned provisions. The Employer shall also provide to the Association the computer list reflecting service time in the DOE for members of the bargaining unit in each school or administrative unit and will provide updated lists as they are available. District unassigned teachers shall not have priority for reassignment for Middle School vacancies. Vacancies occurring in the sixth (6th) grade in middle schools shall be subject to the normal Assignment and Transfer process. Staff reduced elementary teachers will maintain their option to seek a 6th grade vacancy. Tenured teachers employed at a DOE school moving to conversion as a public charter school shall be afforded the option to be placed in another DOE school as an effort unassigned staff reduced teacher, pursuant to minimize the need current staff reduction guidelines. Priority placement for reductions in forcethese teachers shall only be available during the Assignment and Transfer Period of the charter school conversion transition year.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Staff Reduction. 1A. When there is a reduction in a specific classification, as defined in sub-paragraph B, employees currently serving in that classification shall be laid off commencing with the least senior employee. The Board may adopt a resolution ordering reasonable reductions in In the number selection of employees for layoff, the school district shall retain those bargaining unit members with the greatest seniority provided they are properly qualified and able to perform all the needed duties for any of the following reasons: return to duty of Employees after leaves of absence, suspension of schools, territorial changes affecting the district or center, financial reasons, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of studentsposition.
2. Any reduction under this Article shall be based on seniority within each Classification affectedB. Classifications are defined as: custodial, with preference to Employees with greater seniority as defined in the Seniority article (Article 19)cafeteria, secretary, paraprofessional, computer/library instructional support technician and bus driver.
3. Each notice of reduction in force shall state the following: reasons for the reduction in force, effective date of the reduction in force; and C. Whenever a statement advising the employee of his/her restoration rights.
4. For a period of two (2) years, any bargaining unit member whose employment is reduced under this Article to be laid off, the school district shall have notify the right of restoration to employment with the Board in order of seniority, if and when a bargaining unit position in his/her former Classification becomes vacant or is created. No bargaining unit member whose employment has been reduced under this Article shall lose that right and the Association president by mailing notice within ten (10) working days of restoration by reason the Board meeting in which the Board took layoff action, except in case of having declined recall to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work than required by the position the Employee last held while employed in the District. Written notice of restoration emergency.
X. Xxxx off bargaining unit members shall be sent rehired in accordance with classification seniority; that is, the bargaining unit member with the greatest seniority in a classification shall be rehired first, provided they have the ability and skills necessary to perform the employee’s duties of the job that is open. Necessary skills will be determined by written job descriptions agreed upon by both parties.
E. When rehiring laid off bargaining unit members, the school district will notify them by certified mail at their last known address by registered or certified mailaddress. It shall be the responsibility duty of the employee member on layoff to keep provide their current mailing address to the Board informed of any change in addressadministration. If such bargaining unit member does not notify the employee fails to accept the return to active employment school district within three (3) calendar days from the date said notification was delivered or seven (7) calendar working days from the mailing date it was mailedof such notice that he/she will report for work on the date specified, excluding Saturdaysor give a legitimate reason, Sundaysas determined by the superintendent, for delay beyond such time, he/she will be considered as having quit and Holidays, whichever comes first, said employee all seniority shall be considered terminated. Seniority bargaining unit members shall have recall rights up to have declined said offer and shall be removed twenty-four (24) months from the reinstatement list. An employee recalled to active employment shall be given five (5) days to report to workdate of layoff.
5. No bumping or displacements shall be permitted.
6. The Superintendent may elect not to fill any vacant position in an effort to minimize the need for reductions in force.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Master Contract, Master Contract
Staff Reduction. 1. The Board may adopt “Staff Reduction Guidelines for Certificated Personnel (Teacher Types)” dated December 2005 contained herein shall be amended by adding the additional paragraphs to read: For the purposes of a resolution ordering reasonable reductions staff reduction caused by drop in enrollment, returning leave teachers and/or other administrative actions requiring teachers to be moved from their schools in the current or subsequent school years, teachers shall be ranked in their school, district office or other administrative unit by service time in the DOE in positions presently reflected by the definition of Bargaining Unit 5. Time as an educational officer shall not be counted toward service time. Each administrator, at the beginning of the school year, shall generate a seniority listing reflecting service time in the DOE and, upon request, shall show any member of the bargaining unit where he falls on the list. In secondary schools, the department to which a teacher is assigned shall be designated on the school’s seniority list. Teachers shall be ranked in the departments by length of service in the State of Hawaii. Should a staff reduction be necessary, the teacher in the department with the least number of years of service in the State shall be reduced. Any teacher so reduced, if certified in another area, shall have priority of placement over the least senior teacher in that department; however, a member of the bargaining unit members for any shall not displace another member of the following reasons: return to duty bargaining unit who has more service time in the DOE. Should there be a tie in the application of Employees after leaves of absencethe above procedure, suspension of schoolsthe tied teachers will be ranked by the service time in the school or administrative unit. Should there be a further tie, territorial changes affecting the district or center, financial reasons, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of students.
2. Any reduction under this Article teachers shall be based on seniority ranked by service time within each Classification affectedthe district. Should a tie further continue, the principal shall use a neutral method to break the tie, such as a flip of a coin. Whenever there are staff reduced or district unassigned teachers, the District shall confer with preference them to Employees with greater seniority as defined in explain the Seniority article (Article 19).
3method of assigning such teachers. Each notice of reduction in force shall state the following: reasons for the reduction in force, effective date of the reduction in force; and a statement advising the employee of his/her restoration rights.
4. For a period of two (2) years, any bargaining unit member whose employment A teacher who is staff reduced under this Article shall have the right of restoration to employment with the Board in order of seniorityor affected by other administrative action may submit, if and when he so desires, a bargaining unit position in his/her former Classification becomes vacant or is created. No bargaining unit member whose employment has been reduced under this Article shall lose that right preferred list of restoration by reason of having declined recall to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work not more than required by the position the Employee last held while employed in the District. Written notice of restoration shall be sent to the employee’s last known address by registered or certified mail. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to keep the Board informed of any change in address. If the employee fails to accept the return to active employment within three (3) calendar days from the date said notification was delivered schools, three (3) geographic areas within his district, or other districts, to his District Personnel Regional Officer within seven (7) calendar days from the date it was mailed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, whichever comes first, said employee days. Every reasonable attempt shall be considered made by the Employer to place the teacher in one of his preferred areas. This teacher shall have declined said offer and shall be removed from the reinstatement list. An employee recalled to active employment shall be given five (5) days to report to work.
5. No bumping or displacements shall be permitted.
6. The Superintendent may elect not to fill any priority for a vacant position in his area of certification over less senior tenured teachers in similar situations. The Employer shall develop the procedures to implement the aforementioned provisions. The Employer shall also provide to the Association the computer list reflecting service time in the DOE for members of the bargaining unit in each school or administrative unit and will provide updated lists as they are available. District unassigned teachers shall not have priority for reassignment for Middle School vacancies. Vacancies occurring in the sixth (6th) grade in middle schools shall be subject to the normal Assignment and Transfer process. Staff reduced elementary teachers will maintain their option to seek a 6th grade vacancy. Tenured teachers employed at a DOE school moving to conversion as a public charter school shall be afforded the option to be placed in another DOE school as an effort unassigned staff reduced teacher, pursuant to minimize the need current staff reduction guidelines. Priority placement for reductions in forcethese teachers shall only be available during the Assignment and Transfer Period of the charter school conversion transition year.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Staff Reduction. 1. The 22.1 In the event that the Board may adopt a resolution ordering reasonable reductions in decides to reduce the number of bargaining unit members for any of the following reasons: return to duty of Employees after leaves of absencetenured teachers, suspension of schools, territorial changes affecting the district or center, financial reasons, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of students.
2. Any reduction under this Article teachers shall be based retained on seniority within each Classification affected, with preference to Employees with greater seniority as defined in the Seniority article (Article 19).
3. Each notice of reduction in force shall state the following: reasons for the reduction in force, effective date of the reduction in force; and a statement advising the employee of his/her restoration rights.
4. For a period of two (2) years, any bargaining unit member whose employment is reduced under this Article shall have the right of restoration to employment with the Board in order basis of seniority, if endorsement, evaluation, experience, and when preparation.
22.2 Teachers laid off shall be offered re-employment in the reverse order of layoff. Teachers shall have ten (10) working days to accept this offer of re-employment from the date of receipt of a bargaining unit position certified letter with reasonable time to become available. One rejection of a comparable job opening for which a teacher is certified shall remove that teacher from the seniority list. Offerings of half-time positions shall not meet the “comparable re-employment standard” unless the teacher in hisquestion had previously held a half-time position. Except as provided in Section 22.4 below, teachers made such offerings shall remain on the rehiring list until offered comparable re-employment. The District shall maintain the seniority list.
22.3 When vacancies occur, the District shall first attempt to fill such positions by recalling teachers on lay-off status who have the necessary certification and endorsement.
22.4 In the event two or more tenured teachers are involved in a staff reduction situation, the Vacancy/her former Classification becomes vacant or is createdRIF Committee will make a determination which the Board will consider binding. No bargaining unit member whose employment has been reduced under this Article shall lose that right of restoration by reason of having declined recall to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work than required The following areas will be used by the position Committee to make the Employee last held while employed in the Districtdetermination: endorsement, evaluation, seniority, experience, and preparation. Written notice of restoration shall The overall school situation will be sent to the employee’s last known address by registered or certified mailconsidered. It shall be the responsibility The Vacancy/RIF Committee will have made a determination when 4 of the employee to keep the Board informed of any change in address5 members agree. If the employee fails Committee is unable to accept get a 4 out of 5 majority, then seniority will be the return determining factor.
22.5 Laid off teachers shall lose all rights to active employment within three recall upon the elapsing of thirty (330) calendar days from months following the date said notification was delivered or seven (7) calendar days from the date it was mailedlast day of work. At that time, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, whichever comes first, said employee laid off teachers shall be considered to have declined said offer and shall be their names removed from the reinstatement seniority list. An employee recalled to active employment shall be given five (5) days to report to work.
5. No bumping or displacements shall be permitted.
6. The Superintendent may elect not to fill any vacant position in an effort to minimize the need for reductions in force.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
Staff Reduction. Subd.
1. The Board may adopt In the event conditions necessitate a resolution ordering reasonable reductions reduction of staff, voluntary separation, if any, will be accepted.
a. In the event of layoff, employees shall be laid off according to seniority in the number inverse order of bargaining unit members seniority by band, grade and subgrade. Bumping shall be allowed into the next one lower band, grade and subgrade on a voluntary basis if the employee is deemed to be qualified for any the new position by the Director of Food Service. The employee shall have three (3) working days to exercise bumping rights in writing to the Human Resource Department . A voluntary bump into the one next lower band, grade, and subgrade will include acceptance of the following reasons: return lower wage rate on the same step held by the employee in the higher band, grade and subgrade and shall include acceptance of the work hours of the position. The least senior employee in the band, grade and subgrade affected by this procedure will be the one subject to duty of Employees after leaves of absencebumping. If an employee chooses not to exercise bumping rights, suspension of schools, territorial changes affecting the district or center, financial reasons, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of studentsthey will be laid off.
2. Any reduction under this Article shall b. In the event of recall, employees who have been laid off will be based on returned within band, grade and subgrade according to seniority within each Classification affectedin the inverse order of layoffs.
c. Eligible employees, with preference to Employees with greater seniority as defined in Section 1 of this Article, who are laid off shall be put on a recall list for two (2) calendar years. The administration will post all positions within the Seniority article (Article 19)building. Those on the recall list shall have the same rights as current employees to be considered for jobs posted.
3. Each notice of reduction in force shall state the following: reasons for the reduction in force, effective date of the reduction in force; and a statement advising the employee of his/her restoration rights.
4. For a period of two (2) years, any bargaining unit member whose employment is reduced under this Article shall have the right of restoration Employees who wish to employment with the Board in order of seniority, if and when a bargaining unit position in his/her former Classification becomes vacant or is created. No bargaining unit member whose employment has been reduced under this Article shall lose that right of restoration by reason of having declined recall to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work than required by the position the Employee last held while employed in the District. Written notice of restoration shall be sent receive postings should furnish self-addressed envelopes to the employee’s last known address by registered Human Resource Department or certified mail. It shall be they may check the responsibility of the employee to keep the Board informed of any change in address. If the employee fails to accept the return to active employment within three (3) calendar days from the date said notification was delivered or seven (7) calendar days from the date it was mailed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, whichever comes first, said employee shall be considered to have declined said offer and shall be removed from the reinstatement list. An employee recalled to active employment shall be given five (5) days to report to workdistrict web site for current postings.
5. No bumping or displacements shall be permitted.
6. The Superintendent may elect not to fill any vacant position in an effort to minimize the need for reductions in force.
Appears in 1 contract
Staff Reduction. 1A. When there is a reduction in a specific classification, as defined in sub-paragraph B, employees currently serving in that classification shall be laid off commencing with the least senior employee. The Board may adopt a resolution ordering reasonable reductions in In the number selection of employees for layoff, the school district shall retain those bargaining unit members with the greatest seniority provided they are properly qualified and able to perform all the needed duties for any the position.
B. Classifications are defined as: custodial, cafeteria, secretary, paraprofessional, computer/library instructional support technician and bus driver.
C. Whenever a bargaining unit member is to be laid off, the school district shall notify the bargaining unit member and the Association president by mailing notice within ten (10) working days of the following reasons: return Board meeting in which the Board took layoff action, except in case of emergency.
D. Laid off bargaining unit members shall be rehired in accordance with classification seniority; that is, the bargaining unit member with the greatest seniority in a classification shall be rehired first, provided they have the ability and skills necessary to perform the duties of the job that is open. Necessary skills will be determined by written job descriptions agreed upon by both parties.
E. When rehiring laid off bargaining unit members, the school district will notify them by certified mail at their last known address. It shall be the duty of Employees after leaves the member on layoff to provide their current mailing address to the administration. If such bargaining unit member does not notify the school district within seven (7) working days from the mailing date of absencesuch notice that he/she will report for work on the date specified, suspension or give a legitimate reason, as determined by the superintendent, for delay beyond such time, he/she will be considered as having quit and all seniority shall be terminated. Seniority bargaining unit members shall have recall rights up to twenty-four (24) months from the date of schools, territorial changes affecting the district layoff. PAID LEAVES
A. Bargaining unit members absent from duty on account of illness or center, financial reasons, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of studentsdisability as defined in this section shall accumulate paid sick leave days as follows:
1. School year bargaining unit members shall receive ten (10) sick days per calendar year.
2. Any reduction under this Article Twelve month bargaining unit members shall receive twelve (12) sick days per calendar year.
B. Bargaining unit members shall be based credited with sick days at the beginning of each contract year (prorated if hired during the contract year). A sick day is equal to the normal workday hours of the bargaining unit member’s regular schedule.
C. Each bargaining unit member shall be entitled to an unlimited accumulation of unused sick leave.
D. The Board of Education may request a statement to verify the ability/inability to return to work after five (5) consecutive work days of illness or disability leave from a licensed and practicing physician in the State of Michigan. If, however, the bargaining unit member is disabled or becomes ill while out of the state, he/she will be required to contact the school system by the most expedient means and may subsequently be required to furnish a physician's statement.
E. If a bargaining unit member uses twelve (12) or more sick days in a given school year, the Board may request a physician's statement for each day thereafter.
F. The Board reserves the right at its expense to verify the findings or certification of the bargaining unit member's physician (licensed and practicing in Michigan). Bargaining unit members shall present themselves at reasonable times and places when requested by the Superintendent for purposes of such evaluation by the Board's physician. Should the finding of the Board's designated physician disagree with the member's physician, the member may elect to have a third opinion rendered by a physician chosen mutually by the Board and the Association. Such third opinion shall not be considered as binding on seniority within each Classification affectedthe parties. This sub-paragraph shall not be considered applicable to Workers’ Compensation issues.
G. To qualify for sick leave allowance, bargaining unit members must notify the immediate supervisor as early as possible, but no later than one (1) hour before the scheduled work day begins - except in cases of emergency.
H. A bargaining unit member who suffers injury or disease which is compensable under Michigan Workers’ Compensation shall continue to receive the amount of regular pay by having their sick leave reduced by the difference between his/her net pay for regular work hours and his/her Workers’ Compensation pay for the duration of his/her accumulated sick leave.
I. Leaves of absence with preference pay chargeable against the bargaining unit member's allowance in addition to Employees illness shall be granted for the following:
1. For illness in the immediate family (the immediate family is considered to be the spouse, child, stepchild, parent, grandparent, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother or sister). A special allowance for a person of personal significance to the member as well as additional days may be used in unusual circumstances if granted by the superintendent.
2. Time necessary for attendance at the funeral service of a person whose relationship to the bargaining unit member warrants such attendance but not to exceed one (1) day may be granted by the Superintendent.
J. Leaves of absence with greater seniority pay not chargeable against the bargaining unit member's sick allowance shall be granted for the following reasons:
1. A maximum of five (5) days per death in the immediate family of the bargaining unit member or the member's spouse as defined in Section I, 1 above.
2. Absence when a bargaining unit member is called for jury service. The bargaining unit member shall receive the Seniority article (Article 19)difference between his/her regular pay and jury pay. The bargaining unit member is expected to return to work when dismissed from jury duty to complete his/her shift.
3. Each notice of reduction Court appearance as a witness in force shall state any criminal case or in any case connected with the following: reasons for bargaining unit member's employment or the reduction in forceschool, effective date of less any witness fee received by the reduction in force; and a statement advising the employee of bargaining unit member. The bargaining unit member is expected to return to work to complete his/her restoration rightsshift when dismissed from duty.
4. For Two (2) days will be granted to take a period military physical examination.
5. After the completion of nine (9) months in the system, a maximum of two (2) yearsdays personal leave shall be allowed per school year for performance of personal or business obligations. Such days may accumulate if unused from year to year to a maximum of five (5) such days. A maximum of three (3) personal leave days may be taken on consecutive school days. Except during the last ten (10) days of a semester and days immediately preceding or following scheduled school calendar holidays and vacations, personal leave days shall be freely granted upon written request to the immediate supervisor and the bargaining unit member's reason for such absence need not be stated. If taken during the last ten (10) days of a semester, before or after a holiday or vacation, the reason shall be stated.
a. A written request must be made at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance, except in the case of emergencies.
b. Days may not be used for working another job.
c. Normally, no more than two (2) employees from each job classification (culinary, bus drivers, secretaries, custodians, computer/library instructional support technician and paraprofessionals) will be granted personal business days on any given day.
K. Any bargaining unit member whose employment is reduced under this Article shall have the right may voluntarily donate up to five (5) days per year of restoration to employment with the Board in order of seniority, if and when a bargaining unit position in his/her former Classification becomes vacant or is created. No accumulated sick days to another bargaining unit member whose employment facing personal long term illness or the long term illness or death of an immediate family member provided that the bargaining until member has been reduced under this Article shall lose that right of restoration by reason of having declined recall to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work than required by the position the Employee last held while employed in the District. Written notice of restoration shall be sent to the employee’s last known address by registered or certified mailexhausted his/her own sick/personal day allowance. It shall be the responsibility of the employee recipient member or his/her designee to keep notify the Board informed Business Office and Association President of any change his/her desire to seek sick day donations. In turn, the Association President shall notify members of such request and subsequently, notify the Business Office of the names of bargaining unit members who may be interested in addresscontributing from their own personal sick day allowance to requesting recipient bargaining until member. If the employee fails to accept the return to active employment within three (3) calendar No donation of sick days from the date said notification was delivered or seven (7) calendar days from the date it was mailed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, whichever comes first, said employee shall be considered to have declined said offer and shall be removed from the reinstatement list. An employee recalled to active employment shall may be given five (5) days to report to workanother bargaining unit member after the donating member has announced that he/she is planning on resigning or retiring.
5. No bumping or displacements shall be permitted.
6. The Superintendent may elect not to fill any vacant position in an effort to minimize the need for reductions in force.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Contract
Staff Reduction. 1
6.1 In the event of reduction of staff in any gang, the senior qualified employees will be retained. The Board may adopt Employees laid off in such gangs or as a resolution ordering reasonable reductions result of displacement will have the right to exercise their seniority in other extra gangs.
6.2 Displacement rights must be exercised and work commenced on that position of choice within 10 days of displacement except that employees who are on leave of absence at the time of displacement will be required to exercise such rights prior to resuming duty. An employee failing to exercise such rights will forfeit his/her seniority and his/her name will be struck off the seniority list.
6.3 Employees will be given no less than 10 working days' advance notice with a subsequent 10 day window when regularly assigned positions are to be abolished, except in the number event of bargaining unit members a strike or a work stoppage by employees in the Railway industry in which case shorter notice may be given. Such notice will include, when known, the expected duration of temporary abolishment. A copy will be provided to the Local Chairman and TCRC MWED Director.
6.4 An employee who is laid off and who desires to return to the service when work is available for any him/her, must keep the proper officers of the following reasons: return to duty of Employees after leaves of absence, suspension of schools, territorial changes affecting the district or center, financial reasons, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of students.
2. Any reduction under this Article shall be based on seniority within each Classification affected, with preference to Employees with greater seniority as defined in the Seniority article (Article 19).
3. Each notice of reduction in force shall state the following: reasons for the reduction in force, effective date of the reduction in force; and a statement advising the employee Railway advised of his/her restoration rightsaddress in order that he/she may be readily located when his/her services are required. A laid-off employee failing to comply with this rule, will forfeit his/her seniority rights under this Agreement and his/her name shall be struck off the seniority list by agreement between the TCRC-MWED President and the appropriate officer of the Railway.
4. For a period of two (2) years, any bargaining unit member whose employment is reduced under this Article 6.5 Laid-off Extra Gang Labourers shall have the right of restoration be recalled to employment with the Board service in order of seniority. Extra Gang Labourer positions will be bulletined prior to any of the gangs mobilizing in the spring. On this bulletin, if and when a bargaining unit position in extra gang labourers will be required to identify their work gang preference by stating their first, second, third … etc. choice of preferred work gang. When staff is increased or when
6.6 A laid-off employee who fails to report for duty, or to give satisfactory reasons for not doing so within 15 calendar days from date of notification, shall forfeit his/her former Classification becomes vacant or is created. No bargaining unit member whose employment has been reduced seniority rights under this Article shall lose that right of restoration by reason of having declined recall to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work than required by the position the Employee last held while employed in the District. Written notice of restoration Agreement, and his/her name shall be sent to struck off the employee’s last known address seniority list by registered or certified mail. It shall be agreement between the responsibility TCRC-MWED President and the appropriate officer of the employee to keep the Board informed Railway.
6.7 Rules 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 do not apply in cases of any change in address. If employment for under thirty days' duration where the employee fails to accept the return to active employment within three (3) calendar has steady work of thirty days from the date said notification was delivered or seven (7) calendar days from the date it was mailed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, whichever comes first, said employee shall be considered to have declined said offer and shall be removed from the reinstatement list. An employee recalled to active employment shall be given five (5) days to report to workmore elsewhere.
5. No bumping or displacements shall be permitted.
6. The Superintendent may elect not to fill any vacant position in an effort to minimize the need for reductions in force.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Staff Reduction. 1. The Board may adopt If it becomes necessary to reduce employees in a resolution ordering reasonable reductions in the number job series due to substantiated lack of bargaining unit members for any of the following reasons: return to duty of Employees after leaves of absencefunds, suspension of schools, territorial changes affecting the district or center, financial reasonsdeclining enrollment, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of studentsor for good cause shown, the following procedure shall govern such layoff. Employees shall be laid off in the following order, in the affected series according to system seniority.
2. Any reduction under this Article A. Temporary employees
B. Probationary employees
C. Part-time employees
D. Full-time employees with the least system seniority in each series affected System seniority shall be based on seniority within each Classification affected, defined as the uninterrupted length of continuous service with preference to Employees with greater seniority as defined the Employer. Authorized leaves of absence and layoffs do not constitute an interruption in continuous service for the Seniority article (Article 19).
3. Each notice purpose of reduction in force force. In case of identical continuous system seniority, the employee who last signed the employment contract shall state be laid off first. For the followingpurposes of layoff and recall the following series and positions shall be used. The positions listed below are listed by rank order in each series from highest rank (top) to lowest rank (bottom): Series 1: reasons for Xxxxxxx Skilled Maintenance Assistant Maintenance Series 2: Head Custodian Assistant Custodian/Utility Assistant Custodian Cleaner Series 3: Driver Series 4: Cook Assistant Cook Cafeteria Worker Employees shall be laid off according to system seniority within their series. The employee with the least system seniority in the series affected by a layoff shall be laid off first. An employee laid off under the above provisions may have the right to bump an employee with less system seniority in a lower position within his/her series. Employees also have the right to bump an employee with less system seniority in a position previously held. An employee with less system seniority may not bump an employee with more system seniority. In the event an employee, with the approval of the OAPSE 134 President, exercises the option to bump upward by one rank within their series (DUE TO HIGHER SYSTEM SENIORITY THAN AN EMPLOYEE ONE RANK HIGHER) they shall be subject to the following requirements and restrictions:
A. A bump upward is limited to one rank position. For example, a more senior cafeteria worker may bump a less senior food handler in the event of a reduction in force, effective date of the reduction in force; and a statement advising the employee of his/her restoration rights.
4B. Employees who bump upward into positions one rank above their positions within their series shall be subject to evaluation by their supervisor at their 30th, 60th, 90th, 120th, 150th, and 180th day marks in the new position.
C. Employees who bump upward into positions one rank above their positions within their series can be bumped back into their original position at any time during their first 180 days with written notice and the opportunity for a meeting with their immediate supervisor to discuss the basis for the return. For Such return to the former position shall not be subject to the grievance procedure.
D. In the event an employee is moved back to their former position within the first 180 days that they hold the upward position, they shall be ineligible to bump upward again for a period of two (2) years, any bargaining unit member whose employment not less than 5 years unless the employee is reduced under this Article shall have the right able to show proof of restoration to employment with the Board in order of seniority, if and when a bargaining unit position in his/her former Classification becomes vacant or is created. No bargaining unit member whose employment has been reduced under this Article shall lose that right of restoration by reason of having declined recall to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work than required by the position the Employee last held while employed additional training in the District. Written notice of restoration relevant field to the upward position.
E. In the event an employee successfully completes the evaluation cycles through their first 180 days in the upward position, they shall be sent subject to the employee’s last known address by registered or certified mail. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to keep the Board informed of any change in address. If the employee fails to accept the return to active employment within three (3) calendar days from the date said notification was delivered or seven (7) calendar days from the date it was mailed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, regular evaluation schedule and Holidays, whichever comes first, said employee shall be considered to have declined said offer and shall may only be removed from the reinstatement list. An employee recalled to active employment shall be given five (5) days to report to work.
5. No bumping or displacements shall be permitted.
6. The Superintendent may elect not to fill any vacant their position in an effort to minimize the need for reductions in forceaccordance with Section 12.2.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Staff Reduction. Reduction In Force (RIF) – shall be defined as “an employee being laid off by system seniority within an affected Series”
A. If it becomes necessary to reduce employees in a job series due to substantiated lack of funds, major declining enrollment, and/or lack of work for good cause shown, the Board will attempt to make reductions, first through attrition such as retirements or resignations. If this method does not meet reduction requirements, employees shall be laid off in the following order, in the affected series according to system seniority:
1. The Board may adopt a resolution ordering reasonable reductions in the number of bargaining unit members for any of the following reasons: return to duty of Employees after leaves of absence, suspension of schools, territorial changes affecting the district or center, financial reasons, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of studentsTemporary employees shall be laid off first.
2. Any reduction under this Article shall be based on seniority within each Classification affected, with preference to Employees with greater seniority as defined in the Seniority article Probationary employees who have not completed ninety (Article 19)90) worked days.
3. Each Part-time employees with the least system seniority in each series affected
4. Full-time employees with the least system seniority in each series affected In case of identical continuous system seniority, the employee who last signed the employment contract shall be laid off first. For the purposes of Reducing, Bumping, and Recall, the following series and classification shall be used: Series I – Clerical Series V – Student Services Secretary I Educational Interpreter Secretary II Paraprofessional Clerk Typist Computer Technician IT Lead Technician Computer Lab Assistant Employees shall be laid off according to system seniority within their series. The employee with the least system seniority in the series affected by a layoff shall be laid off first.
B. In the event of any layoff, the Board shall give the Bargaining Unit President and the employee written notice a minimum of reduction in force shall state fourteen (14) calendar days, and insofar as possible, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the following: reasons for the reduction in force, effective date of the reduction in force; layoff, reason for layoff, and a statement advising the employee reinstatement rights. The Director of Human Resources or his/her restoration rightsdesignee may reassign the laid-off employee to another position from the time the employee is notified of the layoff until the day the employee is laid off.
C. When new positions are being created at the same time current positions are being eliminated, the following procedures will be used in this order:
1. Option to accept a new position will be offered to any qualified employee (as outlined in D) facing Reduction in Force actions
2. Implement Reduction in Force procedures
3. Implement Bumping Procedures
4. For Create Reinstatement List
5. Post any remaining available positions
D. An employee may bid on a period of two (2) yearsvacancy to avoid layoff; however, any bargaining unit member whose employment is reduced under this Article shall have the right of restoration to employment with the Board in order of seniority, if and when a bargaining unit position in his/her former Classification becomes vacant or is created. No bargaining unit member whose employment has been reduced under this Article shall lose that right of restoration by reason of having declined recall to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work than required by the position the Employee last held while employed in the District. Written notice of restoration shall be sent to the employee’s last known address by registered or certified mail. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to keep the Board informed of any change in address. If the employee fails to accept the return to active employment within three (3) calendar days from the date said notification was delivered or seven (7) calendar days from the date it was mailed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, whichever comes first, said such an employee shall be considered qualified to have declined said offer do so as determined by law, Board, and shall be removed its administration after consultation with matched skill base/training and/or OAPSE 129 President. Taking such a position (if different from the recently held position or a long term sub position) defined as lesser hours and/or benefits does not remove the employee from the reinstatement list. An The employee recalled must request removal in writing to active employment shall be given five (5) days to report to workthe Human Resources Department.
5. No bumping or displacements E. A transferred employee shall be permittedretain all seniority rights, such as longevity allowance, vacation allowance, and retirement service.
6. F. The Superintendent may elect Board agrees to continue current payments for all benefits for a period not to fill exceed ninety (90) days, should any vacant position in an effort employee be laid off or have his/her hours reduced, involuntarily, due to minimize the need for reductions in forcelack of work or lack of funds.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Staff Reduction. Whenever the Employer decides it is necessary to reduce staff at one (1. The Board may adopt a resolution ordering reasonable reductions ) or more of its locations, the Employer will advise the Union in writing of the layoff and the number of bargaining unit members for any positions/classifications to be reduced. Prior to issuing layoff notices, the company will post a notice at the location where the layoff is to take effect advising editorial employees of the following reasons: return need to duty reduce staff and the Employer’s intent to accept applications for voluntary resignations with severance pay as provided by the collective agreement for employees who have been laid off. Interested employees in the editorial department at the location will be required to apply within 14 calendar days. Acceptance of Employees after leaves the voluntary resignation will be at management’s discretion. In the event the Employer does not receive the required number of absencevoluntary resignations, suspension employees will be laid off in reverse order of schoolsseniority by classification at each location affected, territorial changes affecting provided that those employees remaining are qualified to perform the district or center, financial reasons, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of studentswork required.
2. Any reduction under this Article (A) Except in cases where more than three (3) weeks’ notice is required by the Employment Standards Act, there shall be based on seniority within each Classification three (3) weeks’ notice to the affected employees of any layoffs. The Employer will provide the Union with three (3) weeks’ notice of the layoffs and the names of the employees affected.
(B) In the event of a layoff, with preference to Employees with greater seniority as defined temporary employees will be laid off before part-time or full-time employees in the Seniority article (Article 19)affected classification.
3. Each notice of reduction in force shall state (C) If there is a layoff, the following: reasons for the reduction in forceemployee(s) affected may choose, effective date of the reduction in force; and a statement advising the employee of his/her restoration rights.
4. For a period of two (2) years, any bargaining unit member whose employment is reduced under this Article shall have the right of restoration to employment with the Board in order of seniority, if and when a bargaining unit position in his/her former Classification becomes vacant or within two (2) weeks of such notice, to bump the employee(s) with the least seniority within their region (e.g. York Region). Where there is createdno employee with less seniority within the region, then the laid-off employee(s) may elect to bump the employee(s) at the bottom of the chain wide seniority list. No bargaining unit member whose employment has been reduced under this Article shall lose that right of restoration by reason of having declined recall Employees may choose to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work than required by bump either those with the position the Employee last held while employed least seniority in the District. Written notice of restoration shall be sent same classification, or those with the least seniority in a classification in which they have had prior permanent work experience and are competent to perform the employee’s last known address by registered or certified mail. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to keep the Board informed of any change in address. If the employee fails to accept the return to active employment within three (3) calendar days from the date said notification was delivered or seven (7) calendar days from the date it was mailed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, whichever comes first, said employee shall be considered to have declined said offer and shall be removed from the reinstatement list. An employee recalled to active employment shall be given five (5) days to report to work.
5. No bumping or displacements shall be permitted.
6. The Superintendent may elect not to fill any vacant position in an effort to minimize the need for reductions in force.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Staff Reduction. REDUCTION IN FORCE When in the sole judgment of the District, reduction in force is necessary, the District shall attempt to accomplish the necessary reduction through attrition.
1. The Board If further reduction is necessary, it shall occur within the six (6) pay columns (F, E, D, C, B, A) as described under Schedule A of this Agreement.
a. An employee whose position has been eliminated may adopt accept lay off or fill a resolution ordering reasonable reductions vacancy within his/her classification, provided, however, that no employee will be required to accept a vacancy with a lower number of months in the work year or hours in the work day. If the employee does not accept lay off or fill a vacancy as described above, he/she may replace the least senior employee within his/her classification with less seniority, provided that the employee displaced has the same number of bargaining unit members for months in the work year and horn's in the work week.
b. If placement Is not accomplished under the first step above, the employee, If deemed qualified, shall be assigned to any existing vacancy in his/her pay column, provided, however, that no employee will be required to accept a vacancy with a lower number of months in the following reasons: return work year or hours in the work day. If there Is no vacancy in his/her pay column the employee shall have the option, if deemed qualified, to duty replace the least senior employee in his/her pay column, provided that the employee displaced has the same number of Employees after leaves months in the work year and hours in the work week. If placement is not accomplished under the steps above, the employee, if deemed qualified, shall accept assignment to an existing vacancy in progressively lower pay column(s) provided, however, that no employee will be required to accept a vacancy with a lower number of absencemonths in the work year or hours in the work day or replace the least senior employee in progressively lower pay column(s), suspension provided that the employee displaced has the same number of schoolsmonths in the work year and hours in the work week.
c. If placement is not accomplished under the steps above, territorial changes affecting the district or center, financial reasons, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of studentsprocess will be repeated first with progressively lower months in the work year and then with progressively lower hours in the work day.
d. An employee who is displaced pursuant to the provisions above shall be subject to the same procedures as described above.
2. Any reduction under this Article Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee shall be based on seniority within each Classification affected, with preference to Employees with replace another employee who has greater seniority and an employee shall not be required to move down more than one (1) pay column for a period of one (1) year. This provision shall not be construed as defined in to limit the Seniority article (Article 19)District'srightto lay off such an employee.
3. Each notice of reduction Within the columns F, E, D, C, B and A the District, in force its sole discretion may determine if the employee is qualified to perform a specific job. When the District determines an employee is not qualified, the employee shall state receive a written rationale why said determination was made if the following: reasons request for the reduction rationale is made in force, effective date writing within five (5) working days after the employee has been notified of the reduction staff reduction. Timelines regarding a grievance (See Article XV) shall not be altered in force; and a statement advising meeting the employee guidelines of his/her restoration rightsthis article. Furthermore, such determination by the District shall not be subject to the provisions of Article X V of this Agreement.
4. For a period of two (2) years, any bargaining unit member whose employment An employee who is reduced under this Article shall have the right of restoration to employment with the Board in order of seniority, if and when a bargaining unit position in his/her former Classification becomes vacant or is created. No bargaining unit member whose employment has been reduced under this Article shall lose that right of restoration by reason of having declined recall moved to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work than required by the position the Employee last held while employed in the District. Written notice of restoration different pay column shall be sent to placed on the employee’s last known address by registered or certified mail. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to keep the Board informed of any change in address. If the employee fails to accept the return to active employment within three (3) calendar days from the date said notification was delivered or seven (7) calendar days from the date it was mailed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, whichever comes first, said employee shall be considered to have declined said offer and shall be removed from the reinstatement list. An employee recalled to active employment shall be given five (5) days to report to workcorresponding step if such a step is available.
5. No bumping or displacements shall be permitted.
6. The Superintendent may elect not to fill any vacant position in an effort to minimize the need for reductions in force.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Staff Reduction. A. REDUCTION IN FORCE When in the sole judgment of the District, reduction in force is necessary, the District shall attempt to accomplish the necessary reduction through attrition.
1. The Board If further reduction is necessary, it shall occur within the six (6) pay columns (F, E, D, C, B, A) as described under Schedule A of this Agreement.
a. An employee whose position has been eliminated may adopt accept lay off or fill a resolution ordering reasonable reductions vacancy within his/her classification, provided, however, that no employee will be required to accept a vacancy with a lower number of months in the work year or hours in the work day. If the employee does not accept lay off or fill a vacancy as described above, he/she may replace the least senior employee within his/her classification with less seniority, provided that the employee displaced has the same number of bargaining unit members for months in the work year and hours in the work week.
b. If placement is not accomplished under the first step above, the employee, if deemed qualified, shall be assigned to any existing vacancy in his/her pay column, provided, however, that no employee will be required to accept a vacancy with a lower number of months in the following reasons: return work year or hours in the work day. If there is no vacancy in his/her pay column the employee shall have the option, if deemed qualified, to duty replace the least senior employee in his/her pay column, provided that the employee displaced has the same number of Employees after leaves months in the work year and hours in the work week. If placement is not accomplished under the steps above, the employee, if deemed qualified, shall accept assignment to an existing vacancy in progressively lower pay column(s) provided, however, that no employee will be required to accept a vacancy with a lower number of absencemonths in the work year or hours in the work day or replace the least senior employee in progressively lower pay column(s), suspension provided that the employee displaced has the same number of schoolsmonths in the work year and hours in the work week.
c. If placement is not accomplished under the steps above, territorial changes affecting the district or center, financial reasons, lack of work, and/or decreased enrollment of studentsprocess will be repeated first with progressively lower months in the work year and then with progressively lower hours in the work day.
d. An employee who is displaced pursuant to the provisions above shall be subject to the same procedures as described above.
2. Any reduction under this Article Not withstanding the foregoing, no employee shall be based on seniority within each Classification affected, with preference to Employees with replace another employee who has greater seniority and an employee shall not be required to move down more than one (1) pay column for a period of one (1) year. This provision shall not be construed as defined in to limit the Seniority article (Article 19)District's right to lay off such an employee.
3. Each notice of reduction Within the columns F, E, D, C, B and A the District, in force its sole discretion may determine if the employee is qualified to perform a specific job. When the District determines an employee is not qualified, the employee shall state receive a written rationale why said determination was made if the following: reasons request for the reduction rationale is made in force, effective date writing within five (5) working days after the employee has been notified of the reduction staff reduction. Timelines regarding a grievance (See Article XV) shall not be altered in force; and a statement advising meeting the employee guidelines of his/her restoration rightsthis article. Furthermore, such determination by the District shall not be subject to the provisions of Article XV of this Agreement.
4. For a period of two (2) years, any bargaining unit member whose employment An employee who is reduced under this Article shall have the right of restoration to employment with the Board in order of seniority, if and when a bargaining unit position in his/her former Classification becomes vacant or is created. No bargaining unit member whose employment has been reduced under this Article shall lose that right of restoration by reason of having declined recall moved to a position requiring fewer regularly scheduled hours of work than required by the position the Employee last held while employed in the District. Written notice of restoration different pay column shall be sent to placed on the employee’s last known address by registered or certified mail. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to keep the Board informed of any change in address. If the employee fails to accept the return to active employment within three (3) calendar days from the date said notification was delivered or seven (7) calendar days from the date it was mailed, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, whichever comes first, said employee shall be considered to have declined said offer and shall be removed from the reinstatement list. An employee recalled to active employment shall be given five (5) days to report to workcorresponding step if such a step is available.
5. No bumping or displacements shall be permitted.
6. The Superintendent may elect not to fill any vacant position in an effort to minimize the need for reductions in force.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement