Layoff Defined Sample Clauses

Layoff Defined. Layoff shall be defined as a reduction in the work force.
Layoff Defined. A layoff is defined as a permanent or prolonged reduction in the number of employees employed by the Employer resulting from a need for fewer employees as determined by the Employer. For a list of the job classifications see Appendix A. See Appendix B for a list of departments.
Layoff Defined. Layoff shall be defined as a necessary reduction in the work force beyond normal attrition due to decreased student enrollment or shortage of revenues.
Layoff Defined. Layoff shall be defined as a necessary reduction in the work force beyond normal attrition as determined by the Board. A reduction in staff does not include a reduction in hours except only as described in Section 8.3.3.
Layoff Defined. A layoff shall be defined as a temporary severance of the work employment relationship, or a permanent reduction of the workforce.
Layoff Defined. In the event of the need to lay off an employee(s), which shall include, by definition, a reduction in the regular hours of work as defined in this agreement, or terminate employment for reasons including work program redundancy or elimination, reduction, or change, or budget limitation, the following provisions shall apply.
Layoff Defined. A layoff is an elimination of a position or a reduction of hours within a position for an employee. In the case of reduction in hours in a position, the incumbent may accept the reduction in hours and remain in the position or exercise Article 10. The incumbent will receive written notice of layoff as provided in Article 10.
Layoff Defined. A. The word "layoff" means a reduction in the working force. B. In the event of a layoff the following procedure will be used so long as the remaining employees have the necessary qualifications, skill, and physical ability to efficiently perform all work required: 1. Employees in the classification not entered on the seniority list, including probationary and temporary employees, will be laid off first. 2. Thereafter seniority of employees working in the classification will determine the order of layoff. 3. An employee who would otherwise be laid off may within seven (7) calendar days of notification of layoff elect to bump a less senior employee as follows: Employees may be permitted to bump less senior employees working in other classifications if the more senior employee has successfully held such classification in the past within a reasonable period of time such that it can be reasonably expected the employee is still fully qualified to perform such work or if in the Employer's sole discretion the employee has sufficient qualifications, skill, and physical ability to efficiently perform all work required. 4. In proper cases (when the Union and District mutually agree), exceptions may be made. Disposition of these cases will be a proper matter for special conference; and if not resolved, it shall then be subject to the Grievance Procedure. C. Employees to be laid off (other than those bumped by other employees) for an indefinite period of time will normally, absent emergency, be given at least seven (7) calendar days' notice of layoff. The local Union secretary shall receive a list from the Employer of the employees being laid off on the same date the notices are issued to the employees. D. The Union recognizes the right of the Employer to determine the necessity for layoff and the number of employees to be laid off, but the Union and the Employer agree to meet prior to layoff to discuss the effects and implementation of such layoff. If a grievance is filed by an employee claiming that they have been improperly laid off and the Employer grants the grievance (resulting in layoff of a different employee), the Employer will not be liable for retroactive pay to the employee laid off as a result of resolution of the grievance; should, however, an arbitrator subsequently decide that the employee laid off should be returned to work, pay for such employee may in the arbitrator's discretion commence at the beginning of the work week following receipt by the Emp...
Layoff Defined. Temporary Layoffs: A temporary layoff is for a period of for (5) working days. An employee on temporary layoff may not exercise his seniority right to bump into other classifications.