Common use of Staff Reduction Clause in Contracts

Staff Reduction. In the event of a reduction in staff, employees to be laid off will be notified at least sixty (60) days in advance of implementation. In the event the Board decides to reduce the number of teachers through layoff, or reduce the number of teachers in a given subject area, field, or program, or eliminate or consolidate positions, the following procedure shall be followed: A. Probationary teachers shall be laid off first provided there are tenured teachers qualified and certified to replace them. The order of reduction among probationary teachers shall be according to the academic needs of the district, competency, certification and seniority. B. The order of reduction among tenure teachers shall be according to certification, qualifications as established and required by the Board for the position and seniority. C. Seniority shall be defined as the length of service in the Chassell Township School District measured by service in the Chassell Township School District as a member of the bargaining unit when under regular contract and does not include any leaves of absence. A teacher's length of service shall be determined based on the teacher's first day on the job. Where the employment of teachers begins on the same date, a teacher who has been employed on a full- time basis shall be considered to have greater seniority than one who has been employed on a part-time basis. D. Tenured teachers shall be recalled in order of seniority to the next available vacancy for which the teacher is certified and qualified according to the qualifications established and required for the position by the Board, which arises within five (5) years from the effective date of the tenured teacher's layoff. E. The provisions of this layoff procedure will conform with the regulations of the State Tenure Commission. F. The Board shall give written notice of recall from layoff by sending a registered letter to said teacher at the teacher's last known address. It shall be the responsibility of each teacher to notify the Board of any change in address. The teacher's address as it appears in the Board's records shall be conclusive when used in connection with layoff, recall or other notice to the teacher. If the teacher fails to respond within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the recall as to intent to report for work immediately or at the start of the next school year, such teacher shall be considered to be a voluntary quit and shall thereby terminate his individual employment contract and any other employment relationship he may have had with the Board.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

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Staff Reduction. In “Staff Reduction Guidelines for Certificated Personnel (Teacher Types)” dated December 2006 contained herein shall be amended by adding the event additional paragraphs to read: For the purposes of a staff reduction caused by drop in staffenrollment, employees returning leave teachers and/or other administrative actions requiring teachers to be laid off will be notified at least sixty (60) days moved from their schools in advance of implementation. In the event the Board decides to reduce the number of teachers through layoffcurrent or subsequent school years, or reduce the number of teachers in a given subject area, field, or program, or eliminate or consolidate positions, the following procedure shall be followed: A. Probationary teachers shall be laid off first provided there are tenured teachers qualified and certified ranked in their school, district office or other administrative unit by service time in the DOE in positions presently reflected by the definition of Bargaining Unit 5. Time as an educational officer shall not be counted toward service time. Each administrator, at the beginning of the school year, shall generate a seniority listing reflecting service time in the DOE and, upon request, shall show any member of the bargaining unit where he falls on the list. In secondary schools, the department to replace them. The order of reduction among probationary teachers which a teacher is assigned shall be according to designated on the academic needs of the district, competency, certification and seniority. B. The order of reduction among tenure teachers school’s seniority list. Teachers shall be according to certification, qualifications as established and required ranked in the departments by the Board for the position and seniority. C. Seniority shall be defined as the length of service in the Chassell Township School District measured by State of Hawaii. Should a staff reduction be necessary, the teacher in the department with the least number of years of service in the Chassell Township School District as State shall be reduced. Any teacher so reduced, if certified in another area, shall have priority of placement over the least senior teacher in that department; however, a member of the bargaining unit when under regular contract and does shall not include any leaves displace another member of absence. A teacher's length of service shall be determined based on the teacher's first day on the job. Where the employment of teachers begins on the same date, a teacher bargaining unit who has been employed on more service time in the DOE. Should there be a full- tie in the application of the above procedure, the tied teachers will be ranked by the service time basis shall in the school or administrative unit. Should there be considered to have greater seniority than one who has been employed on a part-time basis. D. Tenured further tie, the teachers shall be recalled ranked by service time within the district. Should a tie further continue, the principal shall use a neutral method to break the tie, such as a flip of a coin. Whenever there are staff reduced or district unassigned teachers, the District shall confer with them to explain the method of assigning such teachers. A teacher who is staff reduced or affected by other administrative action may submit, if he so desires, a preferred list of not more than three (3) schools, three (3) geographic areas within his district, or other districts, to his District Personnel Regional Officer within seven (7) calendar days. Every reasonable attempt shall be made by the Employer to place the teacher in order one of seniority his preferred areas. This teacher shall have priority for a vacant position in his area of certification over less senior tenured teachers in similar situations. The Employer shall develop the procedures to implement the aforementioned provisions. The Employer shall also provide to the next available vacancy Association the computer list reflecting service time in the DOE for which members of the teacher is certified bargaining unit in each school or administrative unit and qualified according will provide updated lists as they are available. District unassigned teachers shall not have priority for reassignment for Middle School vacancies. Vacancies occurring in the sixth (6th) grade in middle schools shall be subject to the qualifications established normal Assignment and required Transfer process. Staff reduced elementary teachers will maintain their option to seek a 6th grade vacancy. Tenured teachers employed at a DOE school moving to conversion as a public charter school shall be afforded the option to be placed in another DOE school as an unassigned staff reduced teacher, pursuant to the current staff reduction guidelines. Priority placement for these teachers shall only be available during the position by the Board, which arises within five (5) years from the effective date Assignment and Transfer Period of the tenured teacher's layoffcharter school conversion transition year. E. The provisions of this layoff procedure will conform with the regulations of the State Tenure Commission. F. The Board shall give written notice of recall from layoff by sending a registered letter to said teacher at the teacher's last known address. It shall be the responsibility of each teacher to notify the Board of any change in address. The teacher's address as it appears in the Board's records shall be conclusive when used in connection with layoff, recall or other notice to the teacher. If the teacher fails to respond within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the recall as to intent to report for work immediately or at the start of the next school year, such teacher shall be considered to be a voluntary quit and shall thereby terminate his individual employment contract and any other employment relationship he may have had with the Board.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

Staff Reduction. In the event of A. When there is a reduction in staffa specific classification, as defined in sub-paragraph B, employees to be laid off will be notified at least sixty (60) days currently serving in advance of implementation. In the event the Board decides to reduce the number of teachers through layoff, or reduce the number of teachers in a given subject area, field, or program, or eliminate or consolidate positions, the following procedure shall be followed: A. Probationary teachers that classification shall be laid off first commencing with the least senior employee. In the selection of employees for layoff, the school district shall retain those bargaining unit members with the greatest seniority provided there they are tenured teachers properly qualified and certified able to replace them. The order of reduction among probationary teachers shall be according to perform all the academic needs of needed duties for the district, competency, certification and seniorityposition. B. The order of reduction among tenure teachers shall be according to certificationClassifications are defined as: custodial, qualifications as established cafeteria, secretary, paraprofessional, computer/library instructional support technician and required by the Board for the position and senioritybus driver. C. Seniority Whenever a bargaining unit member is to be laid off, the school district shall be defined as the length of service in the Chassell Township School District measured by service in the Chassell Township School District as a member of notify the bargaining unit when under regular contract member and does not include any leaves the Association president by mailing notice within ten (10) working days of absence. A teacher's length the Board meeting in which the Board took layoff action, except in case of service emergency. X. Xxxx off bargaining unit members shall be determined based on rehired in accordance with classification seniority; that is, the teacher's first day on bargaining unit member with the job. Where the employment of teachers begins on the same date, greatest seniority in a teacher who has been employed on a full- time basis classification shall be considered rehired first, provided they have the ability and skills necessary to have greater seniority than one who has been employed on a part-time basis. D. Tenured teachers shall be recalled in order of seniority to perform the next available vacancy for which the teacher is certified and qualified according to the qualifications established and required for the position by the Board, which arises within five (5) years from the effective date duties of the tenured teacher's layoffjob that is open. Necessary skills will be determined by written job descriptions agreed upon by both parties. E. The provisions of this layoff procedure When rehiring laid off bargaining unit members, the school district will conform with the regulations of the State Tenure Commission. F. The Board shall give written notice of recall from layoff notify them by sending a registered letter to said teacher certified mail at the teacher's their last known address. It shall be the duty of the member on layoff to provide their current mailing address to the administration. If such bargaining unit member does not notify the school district within seven (7) working days from the mailing date of such notice that he/she will report for work on the date specified, or give a legitimate reason, as determined by the superintendent, for delay beyond such time, he/she will be considered as having quit and all seniority shall be terminated. Seniority bargaining unit members shall have recall rights up to twenty-four (24) months from the date of layoff. A. Bargaining unit members absent from duty on account of illness or disability as defined in this section shall accumulate paid sick leave days as follows: 1. School year bargaining unit members shall receive ten (10) sick days per calendar year. 2. Twelve month bargaining unit members shall receive twelve (12) sick days per calendar year. B. Bargaining unit members shall be credited with sick days at the beginning of each contract year (prorated if hired during the contract year). A sick day is equal to the normal workday hours of the bargaining unit member’s regular schedule. C. Each bargaining unit member shall be entitled to an unlimited accumulation of unused sick leave. D. The Board of Education may request a statement to verify the ability/inability to return to work after five (5) consecutive work days of illness or disability leave from a licensed and practicing physician in the State of Michigan. If, however, the bargaining unit member is disabled or becomes ill while out of the state, he/she will be required to contact the school system by the most expedient means and may subsequently be required to furnish a physician's statement. E. If a bargaining unit member uses twelve (12) or more sick days in a given school year, the Board may request a physician's statement for each day thereafter. F. The Board reserves the right at its expense to verify the findings or certification of the bargaining unit member's physician (licensed and practicing in Michigan). Bargaining unit members shall present themselves at reasonable times and places when requested by the Superintendent for purposes of such evaluation by the Board's physician. Should the finding of the Board's designated physician disagree with the member's physician, the member may elect to have a third opinion rendered by a physician chosen mutually by the Board and the Association. Such third opinion shall not be considered as binding on the parties. This sub-paragraph shall not be considered applicable to Workers’ Compensation issues. G. To qualify for sick leave allowance, bargaining unit members must notify the immediate supervisor as early as possible, but no later than one (1) hour before the scheduled work day begins - except in cases of emergency. H. A bargaining unit member who suffers injury or disease which is compensable under Michigan Workers’ Compensation shall continue to receive the amount of regular pay by having their sick leave reduced by the difference between his/her net pay for regular work hours and his/her Workers’ Compensation pay for the duration of his/her accumulated sick leave. I. Leaves of absence with pay chargeable against the bargaining unit member's allowance in addition to illness shall be granted for the following: 1. For illness in the immediate family (the immediate family is considered to be the spouse, child, stepchild, parent, grandparent, grandchild, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother or sister). A special allowance for a person of personal significance to the member as well as additional days may be used in unusual circumstances if granted by the superintendent. 2. Time necessary for attendance at the funeral service of a person whose relationship to the bargaining unit member warrants such attendance but not to exceed one (1) day may be granted by the Superintendent. X. Leaves of absence with pay not chargeable against the bargaining unit member's sick allowance shall be granted for the following reasons: 1. A maximum of five (5) days per death in the immediate family of the bargaining unit member or the member's spouse as defined in Section I, 1 above. 2. Absence when a bargaining unit member is called for jury service. The bargaining unit member shall receive the difference between his/her regular pay and jury pay. The bargaining unit member is expected to return to work when dismissed from jury duty to complete his/her shift. 3. Court appearance as a witness in any criminal case or in any case connected with the bargaining unit member's employment or the school, less any witness fee received by the bargaining unit member. The bargaining unit member is expected to return to work to complete his/her shift when dismissed from duty. 4. Two (2) days will be granted to take a military physical examination. 5. After the completion of nine (9) months in the system, a maximum of two (2) days personal leave shall be allowed per school year for performance of personal or business obligations. Such days may accumulate if unused from year to year to a maximum of five (5) such days. A maximum of three (3) personal leave days may be taken on consecutive school days. Except during the last ten (10) days of a semester and days immediately preceding or following scheduled school calendar holidays and vacations, personal leave days shall be freely granted upon written request to the immediate supervisor and the bargaining unit member's reason for such absence need not be stated. If taken during the last ten (10) days of a semester, before or after a holiday or vacation, the reason shall be stated. a. A written request must be made at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance, except in the case of emergencies. b. Days may not be used for working another job. c. Normally, no more than two (2) employees from each job classification (culinary, bus drivers, secretaries, custodians, computer/library instructional support technician and paraprofessionals) will be granted personal business days on any given day. K. Any bargaining unit member may voluntarily donate up to five (5) days per year of his/her accumulated sick days to another bargaining unit member facing personal long term illness or the long term illness or death of an immediate family member provided that the bargaining until member has exhausted his/her own sick/personal day allowance. It shall be the responsibility of each teacher the recipient member or his/her designee to notify the Board Business Office and Association President of any change in addresshis/her desire to seek sick day donations. The teacher's address as it appears in In turn, the Board's records Association President shall be conclusive when used in connection with layoffnotify members of such request and subsequently, recall or other notice to notify the teacher. If the teacher fails to respond within fifteen (15) days of receipt Business Office of the recall as names of bargaining unit members who may be interested in contributing from their own personal sick day allowance to intent requesting recipient bargaining until member. No donation of sick days may be given to report for work immediately another bargaining unit member after the donating member has announced that he/she is planning on resigning or at the start of the next school year, such teacher shall be considered to be a voluntary quit and shall thereby terminate his individual employment contract and any other employment relationship he may have had with the Boardretiring.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Contract

Staff Reduction. In the event of A. When there is a reduction in staffa specific classification, as defined in sub-paragraph B, employees to be laid off will be notified at least sixty (60) days currently serving in advance of implementation. In the event the Board decides to reduce the number of teachers through layoff, or reduce the number of teachers in a given subject area, field, or program, or eliminate or consolidate positions, the following procedure shall be followed: A. Probationary teachers that classification shall be laid off first commencing with the least senior employee. In the selection of employees for layoff, the school district shall retain those bargaining unit members with the greatest seniority provided there they are tenured teachers properly qualified and certified able to replace them. The order of reduction among probationary teachers shall be according to perform all the academic needs of needed duties for the district, competency, certification and seniorityposition. B. The order of reduction among tenure teachers shall be according to certificationClassifications are defined as: custodial, qualifications as established cafeteria, secretary, paraprofessional, computer/library instructional support technician and required by the Board for the position and senioritybus driver. C. Seniority Whenever a bargaining unit member is to be laid off, the school district shall be defined as the length of service in the Chassell Township School District measured by service in the Chassell Township School District as a member of notify the bargaining unit when under regular contract member and does not include any leaves the Association president by mailing notice within ten (10) working days of absence. A teacher's length the Board meeting in which the Board took layoff action, except in case of service shall be determined based on the teacher's first day on the job. Where the employment of teachers begins on the same date, a teacher who has been employed on a full- time basis shall be considered to have greater seniority than one who has been employed on a part-time basisemergency. D. Tenured teachers Laid off bargaining unit members shall be recalled rehired in order of accordance with classification seniority; that is, the bargaining unit member with the greatest seniority in a classification shall be rehired first, provided they have the ability and skills necessary to perform the next available vacancy for which the teacher is certified and qualified according to the qualifications established and required for the position by the Board, which arises within five (5) years from the effective date duties of the tenured teacher's layoffjob that is open. Necessary skills will be determined by written job descriptions agreed upon by both parties. E. The provisions of this layoff procedure When rehiring laid off bargaining unit members, the school district will conform with the regulations of the State Tenure Commission. F. The Board shall give written notice of recall from layoff notify them by sending a registered letter to said teacher certified mail at the teacher's their last known address. It shall be the duty of the member on layoff to provide their current mailing address to the administration. If such bargaining unit member does not notify the school district within seven (7) working days from the mailing date of such notice that he/she will report for work on the date specified, or give a legitimate reason, as determined by the superintendent, for delay beyond such time, he/she will be considered as having quit and all seniority shall be terminated. Seniority bargaining unit members shall have recall rights up to twenty-four (24) months from the date of layoff. PAID LEAVES‌ A. Bargaining unit members absent from duty on account of illness or disability as defined in this section shall accumulate paid sick leave days as follows: 1. School year bargaining unit members shall receive ten (10) sick days per calendar year. 2. Twelve month bargaining unit members shall receive twelve (12) sick days per calendar year. B. Bargaining unit members shall be credited with sick days at the beginning of each contract year (prorated if hired during the contract year). A sick day is equal to the normal workday hours of the bargaining unit member’s regular schedule. C. Each bargaining unit member shall be entitled to an unlimited accumulation of unused sick leave. D. The Board of Education may request a statement to verify the ability/inability to return to work after five (5) consecutive work days of illness or disability leave from a licensed and practicing physician in the State of Michigan. If, however, the bargaining unit member is disabled or becomes ill while out of the state, he/she will be required to contact the school system by the most expedient means and may subsequently be required to furnish a physician's statement. E. If a bargaining unit member uses twelve (12) or more sick days in a given school year, the Board may request a physician's statement for each day thereafter. F. The Board reserves the right at its expense to verify the findings or certification of the bargaining unit member's physician (licensed and practicing in Michigan). Bargaining unit members shall present themselves at reasonable times and places when requested by the Superintendent for purposes of such evaluation by the Board's physician. Should the finding of the Board's designated physician disagree with the member's physician, the member may elect to have a third opinion rendered by a physician chosen mutually by the Board and the Association. Such third opinion shall not be considered as binding on the parties. This sub-paragraph shall not be considered applicable to Workers’ Compensation issues. G. To qualify for sick leave allowance, bargaining unit members must notify the immediate supervisor as early as possible, but no later than one (1) hour before the scheduled work day begins - except in cases of emergency. H. A bargaining unit member who suffers injury or disease which is compensable under Michigan Workers’ Compensation shall continue to receive the amount of regular pay by having their sick leave reduced by the difference between his/her net pay for regular work hours and his/her Workers’ Compensation pay for the duration of his/her accumulated sick leave. I. Leaves of absence with pay chargeable against the bargaining unit member's allowance in addition to illness shall be granted for the following: 1. For illness in the immediate family (the immediate family is considered to be the spouse, child, stepchild, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother or sister). A special allowance for a person of personal significance to the member as well as additional days may be used in unusual circumstances if granted by the superintendent. 2. Time necessary for attendance at the funeral service of a person whose relationship to the bargaining unit member warrants such attendance but not to exceed one (1) day may be granted by the Superintendent. J. Leaves of absence with pay not chargeable against the bargaining unit member's sick allowance shall be granted for the following reasons: 1. A maximum of five (5) days per death in the immediate family of the bargaining unit member or the member's spouse as defined in Section I, 1 above. 2. Absence when a bargaining unit member is called for jury service. The bargaining unit member shall receive the difference between his/her regular pay and jury pay. The bargaining unit member is expected to return to work when dismissed from jury duty to complete his/her shift. 3. Court appearance as a witness in any criminal case or in any case connected with the bargaining unit member's employment or the school, less any witness fee received by the bargaining unit member. The bargaining unit member is expected to return to work to complete his/her shift when dismissed from duty. 4. Two (2) days will be granted to take a military physical examination. 5. After the completion of nine (9) months in the system, a maximum of two (2) days personal leave shall be allowed per school year for performance of personal or business obligations. Such days may accumulate if unused from year to year to a maximum of five (5) such days. A maximum of three (3) personal leave days may be taken on consecutive school days. Except during the last ten (10) days of a semester and days immediately preceding or following scheduled school calendar holidays and vacations, personal leave days shall be freely granted upon written request to the immediate supervisor and the bargaining unit member's reason for such absence need not be stated. If taken during the last ten (10) days of a semester, before or after a holiday or vacation, the reason shall be stated. a. A written request must be made at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance, except in the case of emergencies. b. Days may not be used for working another job. c. Normally, no more than two (2) employees from each job classification (culinary, bus drivers, secretaries, custodians, computer/library instructional support technician and paraprofessionals) will be granted personal business days on any given day. K. Any bargaining unit member may voluntarily donate up to five (5) days per year of his/her accumulated sick days to another bargaining unit member facing personal long term illness or the long term illness or death of an immediate family member provided that the bargaining until member has exhausted his/her own sick/personal day allowance. It shall be the responsibility of each teacher the recipient member or his/her designee to notify the Board Business Office and Association President of any change in addresshis/her desire to seek sick day donations. The teacher's address as it appears in In turn, the Board's records Association President shall be conclusive when used in connection with layoffnotify members of such request and subsequently, recall or other notice to notify the teacher. If the teacher fails to respond within fifteen (15) days of receipt Business Office of the recall as names of bargaining unit members who may be interested in contributing from their own personal sick day allowance to intent requesting recipient bargaining until member. No donation of sick days may be given to report for work immediately another bargaining unit member after the donating member has announced that he/she is planning on resigning or at the start of the next school year, such teacher shall be considered to be a voluntary quit and shall thereby terminate his individual employment contract and any other employment relationship he may have had with the Boardretiring.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Contract

Staff Reduction. In the event of a reduction in staff, employees to be laid off will be notified at least sixty (60) days in advance of implementation. In the event the Board decides it becomes necessary to reduce the number of teachers through layoff, or reduce the number of teachers in a given subject area, field, or program, or eliminate or consolidate positionsteaching staff, the following procedure shall procedures will be followedutilized: A. Probationary teachers shall be laid off first provided there are tenured teachers qualified and certified to replace them. The order of reduction among probationary teachers shall be according to the academic needs Persons in specific positions as of the districtstart of the 1982-83 school year for which they do not meet the standards described herein, competencyshall, certification and senioritynevertheless, be considered qualified for as long as they occupy said specific positions. B. The order of reduction among tenure teachers shall be according to certification, qualifications as established and required by the Board SENIORITY Seniority for the position and seniority. C. Seniority all purposes under this Agreement shall be defined as the length of unbroken service in the Chassell Township School District measured by service in the Chassell Township School District as a member of within the bargaining unit when since the last date of hire or transfer into the bargaining unit. Accumulation of seniority shall begin with the employee’s first working day in the bargaining unit (since last date of hire / transfer into the bargaining unit). All bargaining unit seniority shall be lost by an employee upon resignation, retirement, transfer to a non-bargaining unit position, and/or discharge for cause. Neither layoff nor the taking of a leave as provided under regular contract this Agreement shall constitute a break in service. Seniority shall continue to accumulate during a leave as provided under this Agreement. During a period of layoff, seniority shall continue to accumulate up to the total amount of time that the teacher was employed by the district at the time of the layoff, and does then shall be frozen. [Example: A teacher who is laid off at the end of the third year of employment shall continue to accumulate seniority while on layoff for up to three years, and will then be frozen at six years.] An employee who terminates employment in the bargaining unit and is later rehired or transfers back into the bargaining unit shall begin as a new hire from the most recent date of hire and shall not include retain any leaves of absenceseniority from previous bargaining unit employment. A teacher's length of service If two or more persons have equal seniority and both are eligible for a given position, their seniority shall be determined based on by the teacher's first day on highest last four digits of their social security numbers. C. Non-Certificated teachers with permits or approvals in the job. Where specific positions being reduced or eliminated will be laid off first, provided there are certified and qualified teachers remaining to replace and perform all of the employment teaching duties of teachers begins on the same date, a teacher who has been employed on a full- time basis shall be considered to have greater seniority than one who has been employed on a part-time basislaid off teachers. D. Tenured Probationary teachers shall in the specific positions being reduced or eliminated will be recalled laid off in inverse order of seniority, so long as there are more senior teachers who are certificated and qualified to replace and perform all of the teaching duties of the laid off teachers. E. If further reduction is required after using the steps outlined in paragraphs 9.10 C and 9.10 D, tenure teachers in the specific positions being reduced or eliminated will be laid off in inverse order of seniority provided there are certificated and qualified teachers remaining to replace and perform all of the next available vacancy teaching duties of the laid-off teachers. Teachers laid off under this procedure may displace the most junior teacher in the system in positions for which the laid-off teacher is certified certificated and qualified according to the qualifications established and required for the position by the Board, which arises within five (5) years from the effective date of the tenured teacher's layoff. E. The provisions of this layoff procedure will conform with the regulations of the State Tenure Commissionqualified. F. The Board shall give written maintain a current list of seniority. Not later than November 1 of each year, the District shall provide the Association president with a current seniority list. G. Written notice of recall layoff shall be given to affected teachers no later than July 1, prior to the school year in which the layoff is scheduled to take effect. H. All laid-off teachers shall be recalled, when conditions so allow, in the order of their seniority provided they are certificated and qualified to teach the available positions. 1. A person being recalled shall be notified by registered mail and shall have ten (10) days from layoff by sending a registered letter the time the notice is received to said teacher at reply and/or report to work, but may state his/her position in writing any time before the teacher's last known addressend of the ten day period. It shall be the responsibility of each the teacher to notify keep the Board District informed of any change in his/her current address. 2. The teacher's address as it appears A person being recalled to less than a full-time position may reject such a position without losing his/her right to recall. 3. A person being recalled to less than a full-time position may accept such a position and still retain the right to accept the first full-time position that he/she would otherwise be entitled to. 4. A person being recalled who is under a teaching contract of one year or less with another employer, which is a recognized educational institution (excluding home schooling), may reject a recall which would be effective during the term of the contract with the other employer without losing his/her future right to recall. At the conclusion of the current contract with the other employer, said teacher may displace a less senior teacher in the Board's records district provided he/she is certificated and qualified for such a position. a. When a teacher receives a recall notice at least sixty days before the beginning of the semester for which the teacher is being recalled, the teacher shall make a written request directed to his/her present employer to be conclusive when used in connection released from that contract with layoff, recall or other notice a copy of the written request and reply sent to the teacher. West Ottawa Superintendent. b. If the current employer timely agrees to release the teacher without penalty, the teacher shall return according to the terms of the recall notice at the beginning of the next semester. c. In the event the teacher fails to respond request the release as set forth in paragraph 4-a above, or if the teacher is released and fails to return to employment in West Ottawa in accordance with paragraph 4-b above, the teacher thereby waives all contractual rights to recall under the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement. 5. The District shall not be permitted to implement the provisions of Section 9.10 H 1-4 above unless all of the following have been done: a. The recall notice shall include a statement – in clear, unambiguous language – explaining: 1) that the teacher is required to make a written request to be released from his/her contract with the teacher’s present employer, and 2) that the teacher is required to send a copy of this written request to the WOPS Superintendent, and 3) that the teacher is required to send a copy of the reply to the WOPS Superintendent. b. The recall notice shall also include a statement – in clear, unambiguous language – explaining that if the teacher fails to request the release as set forth in paragraph 4a above, the teacher waives all contractual rights to recall. c. The recall notice shall also include a statement – in clear, unambiguous language – explaining that if the teacher fails to return to employment in West Ottawa in accordance with paragraph 4b above, the teacher waives all contractual rights to recall. d. If a teacher fails to comply with these requirements, the District shall notify the teacher by registered mail of this failure, and shall notify the teacher that if he/she does not comply with these requirements within fifteen two (152) week days of (excluding holidays) after receipt of the recall as letter, the teacher’s employment will be terminated. 6. Teachers on layoff from the employer who register to intent to report for work immediately or substitute will be placed in a priority position on the guest teacher calling list and will normally be called before other guest teachers. Such teachers will so register each school year and will be paid at the start guest teacher rate. I. Reduction of the next school year, such teacher a position from full-time to part-time shall be avoided whenever possible. Any reduction of a position from full-time to part-time shall be considered to be a voluntary quit and shall thereby terminate his individual employment contract and any other employment relationship he may have had with the Boardlayoff.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Agreement

Staff Reduction. In “Staff Reduction Guidelines for Certificated Personnel (Teacher Types)” dated December 1977 contained herein shall be amended by adding the event additional paragraphs to read: For the purposes of a staff reduction caused by drop in staffenrollment, employees returning leave teachers and/or other administrative actions requiring teachers to be laid off will be notified at least sixty (60) days moved from their schools in advance of implementation. In the event the Board decides to reduce the number of teachers through layoffcurrent or subsequent school years, or reduce the number of teachers in a given subject area, field, or program, or eliminate or consolidate positions, the following procedure shall be followed: A. Probationary teachers shall be laid off first provided there are tenured teachers qualified and certified ranked in their school, district office or other administrative unit by service time in the DOE in positions presently reflected by the definition of Bargaining Unit 5. Time as an educational officer shall not be counted toward service time. Each administrator, at the beginning of the school year, shall generate a seniority listing reflecting service time in the DOE and, upon request, shall show any member of the bargaining unit where he/she falls on the list. In secondary schools, the department to replace them. The order of reduction among probationary teachers which a teacher is assigned shall be according to designated on the academic needs of the district, competency, certification and seniority. B. The order of reduction among tenure teachers school’s seniority list. Teachers shall be according to certification, qualifications as established and required ranked in the departments by the Board for the position and seniority. C. Seniority shall be defined as the length of service in the Chassell Township School District measured by State of Hawaii. Should a staff reduction be neces- sary, the teacher in the department with the least number of years of service in the Chassell Township School District as State shall be reduced. Any teacher so reduced, if certified in another area, shall have priority of placement over the least senior teacher in that department; how- ever, a member of the bargaining unit when under regular contract and does shall not include any leaves displace another member of absence. A teacher's length of service shall be determined based on the teacher's first day on the job. Where the employment of teachers begins on the same date, a teacher bargaining unit who has been employed on more service time in the DOE.‌ Should there be a full- tie in the application of the above procedure, the tied teachers will be ranked by the service time basis shall in the school or administrative unit. Should there be considered to have greater seniority than one who has been employed on a part-time basis. D. Tenured further tie, the teachers shall be recalled ranked by service time within the district. Should a tie further continue, the principal shall use a neutral method to break the tie, such as a flip of a coin. Whenever there are staff reduced or district unassigned teachers, the District shall confer with them to explain the method of assigning such teachers. A teacher who is staff reduced or affected by other administrative action may submit, if he/she so desires, a preferred list of not more than three (3) schools, three (3) geographic areas within his/her district, or other districts, to his/her District Personnel Regional Officer within seven (7) calendar days. Every reasonable attempt shall be made by the Employer to place the teacher in order one of seniority his/her preferred areas. This teacher shall have priority for a vacant position in his/her area of certification over less senior tenured teachers in similar situations. The Employer shall develop the procedures to implement the aforementioned provisions. The Employer shall also provide to the next available vacancy Association the computer list reflecting service time in the DOE for which the teacher is certified and qualified according to the qualifications established and required for the position by the Board, which arises within five (5) years from the effective date members of the tenured teacher's layoffbargaining unit in each school or administrative unit and will provide updated lists as they are available. E. The provisions of this layoff procedure will conform with the regulations of the State Tenure Commission. F. The Board shall give written notice of recall from layoff by sending a registered letter to said teacher at the teacher's last known address. It shall be the responsibility of each teacher to notify the Board of any change in address. The teacher's address as it appears in the Board's records shall be conclusive when used in connection with layoff, recall or other notice to the teacher. If the teacher fails to respond within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the recall as to intent to report for work immediately or at the start of the next school year, such teacher shall be considered to be a voluntary quit and shall thereby terminate his individual employment contract and any other employment relationship he may have had with the Board.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

Staff Reduction. In When, by reason of decreased enrollment of pupils, finances, return to duty of regular employees after leaves of absence, or by reason of suspension of schools or territorial changes affecting the event of a reduction in staffdistrict, employees to be laid off will be notified at least sixty (60) days in advance of implementation. In the event the Board decides determines that it is necessary to reduce the number of employees, it may, pursuant to Section 3319.17, Revised Code, make a reasonable reduction. In making such reduction, the Board will suspend teachers' contracts in accordance with the recommendations of the Superintendent, who shall within each teaching field affected, give preference to teachers through layoffon continuing contract and then to teachers who have higher evaluation ratings and then greater seniority (if the ratings are comparable). For the purpose of this section, or reduce a teacher's seniority is computed to the total number of teachers years served in a given subject area, field, or program, or eliminate or consolidate positions, the following procedure shall be followed: A. Probationary teachers shall be laid off first provided there are tenured teachers qualified and certified to replace them. The order of reduction among probationary teachers shall be according to the academic needs of the district. For the purpose of this section, competency, certification and seniority. B. The order of reduction among tenure teachers shall be according to certification, qualifications as established and required by the Board for the position and seniority. C. Seniority comparable evaluations shall be defined as “like” ratings (accomplished with accomplished, skilled with skilled, developing with developing and ineffective with ineffective). For the length duration of this agreement, the district shall use only the teacher performance rating portion of the teacher evaluation when making employment decisions such as reduction in force. Employees whose continuing contracts are suspended will have the right of restoration to continuing service status in order of higher evaluation ratings and then greater seniority of service in the Chassell Township School District measured by district (if the ratings are comparable) if and when teaching positions become vacant or are created to which any of such employees are or become certified or licensed. Employees whose limited contracts are suspended will have the right of restoration to limited service status in the order of higher evaluation ratings and then greater seniority of service in the Chassell Township School District as district (if the ratings are comparable) if and when teaching positions become vacant or are created to which any of such employees are or become certified or licensed. The names of teachers whose contracts are suspended or non-renewed in a member reduction of force will be placed on a recall list for up to twenty-four (24) months from the bargaining unit when under regular date of reduction. Teachers on the recall list will have the following rights: A. No new teacher will be employed by the Board while there are teachers on the recall list who are certified/licensed for the vacancy. B. Teachers on the recall list will be recalled for vacancies in areas for which they are certified/licensed, with teachers on a continuing contract being recalled first, then based on higher summative evaluation ratings and does not include any leaves of absence. A teacher's length then seniority of service shall be determined based in the district if the ratings are comparable. C. If a vacancy occurs, the Board will send an announcement by certified U.S. mail to the first known address of all teachers on the recall list who are properly certified or licensed according to these provisions. It is the teacher's first day on responsibility to keep the jobBoard informed of his current address and certification/license status. Where All teachers are required to respond in writing to the employment district office within ten (10) calendar days. The most senior of teachers begins on those responding will be given the same date, a vacant position. Any teacher who has been employed on a full- time basis shall be considered fails to have greater seniority than one respond within ten (10) calendar days, or who has been employed on a part-time basisdeclines to accept the position, will forfeit all recall rights. D. Tenured teachers A teacher on the recall list will, upon acceptance of the notification to resume active employment status, return to active employment status with the same seniority, accumulation of sick leave, and salary schedule placement as s/he enjoyed at the time of layoff. E. A staff reduction policy agreed to herein does not supersede the Board’s right and responsibility to non-renew or terminate an employee in accordance to Section 3319.11 and 3319.16 of the Ohio Revised Code. Furthermore, when the Board has decided that a staff reduction is necessary but a specific teacher has demonstrated teaching deficiencies which warrant a non-renewal or termination, the staff reduction procedure of the Agreement shall not apply. F. If a full-time teaching position is reduced to part-time, it will be recalled in order of seniority reinstated to the next available vacancy for full-time if additional classes are added to which the teacher is certified and qualified according certified/licensed to the qualifications established and required for the position by the Board, which arises within five (5) years from the effective date of the tenured teacher's layoffteach. E. The provisions of this layoff procedure will conform with the regulations of the State Tenure Commission. F. The Board shall give written notice of recall from layoff by sending a registered letter to said teacher at the teacher's last known address. It shall be the responsibility of each teacher to notify the Board of any change in address. The teacher's address as it appears in the Board's records shall be conclusive when used in connection with layoff, recall or other notice to the teacher. If the teacher fails to respond within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the recall as to intent to report for work immediately or at the start of the next school year, such teacher shall be considered to be a voluntary quit and shall thereby terminate his individual employment contract and any other employment relationship he may have had with the Board.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

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Staff Reduction. In A. Whenever it is necessary to decrease the event size of a reduction in staffthe faculty due to but not limited to insufficient funds or substantial decrease of student population, employees the College, upon recommendation of the President, may cause the necessary number of faculty members to be laid off will placed on involuntary leave of absence, without pay. 1. The criteria for retention shall be notified at least sixty (60) days College seniority in advance accordance with the subject-matter qualifications as described in Article VI and Appendix E. 2. If a faculty member who is to be placed on an involuntary leave of implementation. In absence without pay is qualified to perform scheduled duties in another instructional area or the event the Board decides Enrollment Management and Student Success area that faculty member shall be reassigned to reduce the number of teachers through layoff, or reduce the number of teachers in a given subject area, field, or program, or eliminate or consolidate positions, the following procedure shall be followedduties in the following order: A. Probationary teachers shall be laid off first provided there are tenured teachers qualified and certified to replace them. The order of reduction among a. duties performed by part-time faculty; b. extra-contractual duties; c. teaching duties performed by professional administrative staff; x. teaching duties performed by administrators; e. duties performed by temporary full-time faculty; f. duties performed by probationary teachers shall be according to the academic needs of the district, competency, certification and faculty members; g. duties performed by continuing contract faculty members with less seniority. B. The order 3. If a question arises regarding whether or not a faculty member is qualified to perform scheduled duties in another instructional area or Enrollment Management and Student Success area, then the Vice President into whose area the faculty member desires to be transferred will issue a determination based on the provisions of reduction among tenure teachers Article VI and Appendix E of this Agreement. 4. When circumstances shall be according appropriate, each faculty member placed on involuntary leave of absence as aforementioned shall be offered re-employment. The criteria for re- employment shall be the same as in Article VIII, A. l. and A. 2. above, except that qualifications acquired after being placed on involuntary leave of absence may not be used to certificationbump a continuing contract faculty member not previously placed on involuntary leave. 5. Such re-employment shall not result in loss of status or credit for previous years of service at Monroe County Community College. B. No new appointments shall be made while there are available faculty members on involuntary leave of absence and who are qualified to fill the vacancies as described in Article VI unless such faculty members shall fail to advise, qualifications as established and required in writing, the President or his/her/their designee of their acceptance of employment within twenty-one (21) calendar days from date of notification by the Board for the position and seniorityPresident, or his/her/their designee, of positions available. C. Seniority Faculty members, and administrators on continuing contract status, shall be defined credited with all service within the College as administrators as well as with any teaching performed within the length College for determining the order of service in their seniority within the Chassell Township School District measured by service in the Chassell Township School District as a member of the bargaining unit when under regular contract and does not include any leaves of absence. A teacher's length of service shall be determined based on the teacher's first day on the job. Where the employment of teachers begins on the same date, a teacher who has been employed on a full- time basis shall be considered to have greater seniority than one who has been employed on a part-time basisCollege. D. Tenured teachers Faculty members on involuntary leaves of absence in excess of three (3) years shall be recalled in order of seniority to the next available vacancy for which the teacher is certified and qualified according to the qualifications established and required for the position by the Board, which arises within five (5) years excluded from the effective date of the tenured teacher's layoffprovision outlined in Section B, Article VIII, Staff Reduction. E. The provisions of this layoff procedure will conform with the regulations of the State Tenure Commission. F. The Board shall give written notice of recall from layoff by sending a registered letter to said teacher at the teacher's last known address. It shall be the responsibility of each teacher to notify the Board of any change in address. The teacher's address as it appears in the Board's records shall be conclusive when used in connection with layoff, recall or other notice to the teacher. If the teacher fails to respond within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the recall as to intent to report for work immediately or at the start of the next school year, such teacher shall be considered to be a voluntary quit and shall thereby terminate his individual employment contract and any other employment relationship he may have had with the Board.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Agreement

Staff Reduction. In When, by reason of decreased enrollment of pupils, return to duty of regular employees after leaves of absence, or by reason of suspension of schools or territorial changes affecting the event district, the elimination of a reduction in staffcurricular offering to students, employees to be laid off will be notified at least sixty (60) days in advance or lack of implementation. In the event funds, the Board decides determines that it is necessary to reduce the number of employees, the Board will use attrition to the extent possible. If attrition is not adequate, the Board may make a reasonable reduction. Prior to making such reduction, representative of the Board will meet with the Association and advise them of the reason for the reduction. In making such reduction, the Board will suspend teachers’ contracts in accordance with the recommendation of the Superintendent. If the contemplated reduction involves the elimination of a curricular program, the Superintendent shall solicit input from the Labor Relations Council referenced in Article II, Section 8 of this contract. The Superintendent shall, within each teaching field affected, give preference to teachers through layoffon continuing contracts and then to teachers who have greater seniority. For the purpose of this section, or reduce a teacher’s seniority is determined by “the number of teachers date” the employee has commenced work with the Board in a given subject areabargaining unit position and, fieldthereafter, or programserved continuously in a bargaining unit position. For the purpose of this section, or eliminate or consolidate positions, the following procedure shall be followed: A. Probationary teachers shall be laid off first provided there are tenured teachers qualified and certified to replace them. The order of reduction among probationary teachers shall be according to the academic needs of the district, competency, certification and seniority. B. The order of reduction among tenure teachers shall be according to certification, qualifications as established and required by the Board for the position and seniority. C. Seniority date” shall be defined as the length of service in the Chassell Township School District measured by service in the Chassell Township School District as a member first work day of the individual employee’s teaching contract. A teacher who resigns his or her employment with the Board and subsequently is reemployed by the Board in a bargaining unit when under regular contract and does not include any leaves of absence. A teacher's length of service shall be determined based on the teacher's first day on the job. Where the employment of teachers begins on the same date, a teacher who has been employed on a full- time basis shall be considered to have greater seniority than one who has been employed on a part-time basis. D. Tenured teachers shall be recalled in order of seniority to the next available vacancy for which the teacher is certified and qualified according to the qualifications established and required for the position by the Board, which arises within five (5) years of his/her resignation shall retain all seniority earned by him/her while previously employed by the Board once he/she has completed at least five (5) consecutive years of service with the Board in a bargaining unit position upon his/her return. Prior to completing five (5) consecutive years of service with the Board upon his/her return, the teacher shall accumulate seniority from the effective date of his/her most recent hire by the Board. Should it be necessary to suspend contracts to achieve the necessary reduction in staff, limited contract teachers shall be reduced first utilizing the following order: 1. Certification/Licensure within the affected teaching field; 2. Comparable evaluations as defined in this Agreement; (Article II; Section II-Evaluation) 3. When evaluations are comparable, seniority in the District shall prevail, with the contract of the least senior limited contract teacher in the affected teaching field the first to be suspended. If the necessary reduction of staff not be met through the suspension of limited contract teachers in the affected field through the above-mentioned method, only then shall continuing contract teachers be reduced by utilizing the following order: 1. Certification/Licensure within the affected teaching field; 2. Comparable evaluations as defined in this Agreement; (Article II; Section II-Evaluation) 3. When evaluations are comparable, seniority in the District shall prevail, with the contract of the least senior continuing contract teacher in the affected teaching field the first to be suspended. In the case of a tie, the following provisions will be used in order of presentation: 1. Total years of Greenville teaching service (non-continuous years) 2. Total teaching experience 3. Random Lottery drawing of those with seniority ties. The procedure will work as follows: The names will be printed on 5x7 index cards and folded in half. They will be placed in a container and mixed. The Superintendent will draw the first name. That person will then become the most senior member. This process will continue until all cards have been drawn and a seniority list for the current RIF is established. A separate lottery shall be conducted for any additional RIFs that occur after the aforementioned seniority list is established. This procedure shall be conducted in the presence of the Superintendent, an Association representative and the teachers affected (if they wish to be there). Employees whose limited contracts are suspended as a result of reduction in force shall be placed on a recall list for eighteen (18) months following the last contract day as defined in Article V; Section 1; Item B-Annual Salary Work Year. Continuing contract teachers whose contracts are suspended as a result of reduction in force shall be placed on a recall list in accordance with Section 3319.17 of the Ohio Revised Code, which provides that such teachers shall have the right of restoration to continuing contract status. Employees whose contracts are suspended will have the right of restoration to continuing service status in the order of seniority of service in the district, if and when teaching positions become vacant or are created, in which any such employees are qualified. Employees who are suspended shall be retained on the recall list for eighteen (18) months after the date of the tenured teacher's layoff.last contract day as defined in Article V; Section 1; Item B-Annual Salary Work Year. An employee may be removed from the recall list if he/she: E. The provisions of this layoff procedure will conform with the regulations of the State Tenure Commission.1. Xxxxxx his/her recall rights in writing F. The Board shall give written notice of 2. Resigns 3. Fails to accept recall from layoff by sending a registered letter to said teacher at the teacher's last known address. It shall be the responsibility of each teacher to notify the Board of any change in address. The teacher's address as it appears in the Board's records shall be conclusive when used in connection with layoff, recall position for which he/she is certificated or other notice to the teacher. If the teacher fails to respond licensed within fifteen five (155) days of notification 4. Fails to report to work within ten (10) working days after receipt of the recall notice of recall, unless sick or injured Whenever possible, employees whose contracts are suspended will be used as to intent to report for work immediately or substitutes. Employees whose contracts are suspended may maintain, at their expense, fringe benefits in effect at the start time of the next school yeartheir reduction at group rates then in effect for up to eighteen (18) months, such teacher shall or as otherwise may be considered to be a voluntary quit and shall thereby terminate his individual employment contract and any other employment relationship he may have had with the Boardprovided by COBRA.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Agreement

Staff Reduction. In When, by reason of decreased enrollment of pupils, return to duty of regular employees after leaves of absence, or by reason of suspension of schools or territorial changes affecting the event district, the elimination of a reduction in staffcurricular offering to students, employees to be laid off will be notified at least sixty (60) days in advance or lack of implementation. In the event funds, the Board decides determines that it is necessary to reduce the number of employees, the Board will use attrition to the extent possible. If attrition is not adequate, the Board may make a reasonable reduction. Prior to making such reduction, representative of the Board will meet with the Association and advise them of the reason for the reduction. In making such reduction, the Board will suspend teachers’ contracts in accordance with the recommendation of the Superintendent. If the contemplated reduction involves the elimination of a curricular program, the Superintendent shall solicit input from the Labor Relations Council referenced in Article II, Section 8 of this contract. The Superintendent shall, within each teaching field affected, give preference to teachers through layoffon continuing contracts and then to teachers who have greater seniority. For the purpose of this section, or reduce a teacher’s seniority is determined by “the number of teachers date” the employee has commenced work with the Board in a given subject areabargaining unit position and, fieldthereafter, or programserved continuously in a bargaining unit position. For the purpose of this section, or eliminate or consolidate positions, the following procedure shall be followed: A. Probationary teachers shall be laid off first provided there are tenured teachers qualified and certified to replace them. The order of reduction among probationary teachers shall be according to the academic needs of the district, competency, certification and seniority. B. The order of reduction among tenure teachers shall be according to certification, qualifications as established and required by the Board for the position and seniority. C. Seniority date” shall be defined as the length of service in the Chassell Township School District measured by service in the Chassell Township School District as a member first work day of the individual employee’s teaching contract. A teacher who resigns his or her employment with the Board and subsequently is reemployed by the Board in a bargaining unit when under regular contract and does not include any leaves of absence. A teacher's length of service shall be determined based on the teacher's first day on the job. Where the employment of teachers begins on the same date, a teacher who has been employed on a full- time basis shall be considered to have greater seniority than one who has been employed on a part-time basis. D. Tenured teachers shall be recalled in order of seniority to the next available vacancy for which the teacher is certified and qualified according to the qualifications established and required for the position by the Board, which arises within five (5) years of his/her resignation shall retain all seniority earned by him/her while previously employed by the Board once he/she has completed at least five (5) consecutive years of service with the Board in a bargaining unit position upon his/her return. Prior to completing five (5) consecutive years of service with the Board upon his/her return, the teacher shall accumulate seniority from the effective date of his/her most recent hire by the Board. Should it be necessary to suspend contracts to achieve the necessary reduction in staff, limited contract teachers shall be reduced first utilizing the following order: 1. Certification/Licensure within the affected teaching field; 2. Comparable evaluations as defined in this Agreement; (Article II; Section II-Evaluation) 3. When evaluations are comparable, seniority in the District shall prevail, with the contract of the least senior limited contract teacher in the affected teaching field the first to be suspended. If the necessary reduction of staff not be met through the suspension of limited contract teachers in the affected field through the above-mentioned method, only then shall continuing contract teachers be reduced by utilizing the following order: 1. Certification/Licensure within the affected teaching field; 2. Comparable evaluations as defined in this Agreement; (Article II; Section II-Evaluation) 3. When evaluations are comparable, seniority in the District shall prevail, with the contract of the least senior continuing contract teacher in the affected teaching field the first to be suspended. In the case of a tie, the following provisions will be used in order of presentation: 1. Total years of Greenville teaching service (non-continuous years) 2. Total teaching experience 3. Random Lottery drawing of those with seniority ties. The procedure will work as follows: The names will be printed on 5x7 index cards and folded in half. They will be placed in a container and mixed. The Superintendent will draw the first name. That person will then become the most senior member. This process will continue until all cards have been drawn and a seniority list for the current RIF is established. A separate lottery shall be conducted for any additional RIFs that occur after the aforementioned seniority list is established. This procedure shall be conducted in the presence of the Superintendent, an Association representative and the teachers affected (if they wish to be there). Employees whose limited contracts are suspended as a result of reduction in force shall be placed on a recall list for eighteen (18) months following the last contract day as defined in Article V; Section 1; Item B-Annual Salary Work Year. Continuing contract teachers whose contracts are suspended as a result of reduction in force shall be placed on a recall list in accordance with Section 3319.17 of the Ohio Revised Code, which provides that such teachers shall have the right of restoration to continuing contract status. Employees whose contracts are suspended will have the right of restoration to continuing service status in the order of seniority of service in the district, if and when teaching positions become vacant or are created, in which any such employees are qualified. Employees who are suspended shall be retained on the recall list for eighteen (18) months after the date of the tenured teacher's layoff.last contract day as defined in Article V; Section 1; Item B-Annual Salary Work Year. An employee may be removed from the recall list if he/she: E. The provisions of this layoff procedure will conform with the regulations of the State Tenure Commission.1. Waives his/her recall rights in writing F. The Board shall give written notice of 2. Resigns 3. Fails to accept recall from layoff by sending a registered letter to said teacher at the teacher's last known address. It shall be the responsibility of each teacher to notify the Board of any change in address. The teacher's address as it appears in the Board's records shall be conclusive when used in connection with layoff, recall position for which he/she is certificated or other notice to the teacher. If the teacher fails to respond licensed within fifteen five (155) days of notification 4. Fails to report to work within ten (10) working days after receipt of the recall notice of recall, unless sick or injured Whenever possible, employees whose contracts are suspended will be used as to intent to report for work immediately or substitutes. Employees whose contracts are suspended may maintain, at their expense, fringe benefits in effect at the start time of the next school yeartheir reduction at group rates then in effect for up to eighteen (18) months, such teacher shall or as otherwise may be considered to be a voluntary quit and shall thereby terminate his individual employment contract and any other employment relationship he may have had with the Boardprovided by COBRA.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Agreement

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