STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR. 18.1 Nothing in the Contract shall be construed as creating a partnership, a contract of employment or a relationship of principal and agent between the Authority and the Contractor.
18.2 The Contractor will be treated as an independent contractor and will be responsible for all taxation, National Insurance contributions and similar liabilities arising in relation to the fees payable for the work.
18.3 The Contractor shall not place or cause to be placed any orders with suppliers or otherwise incur liabilities in the name of the Authority or any representative of the Authority.
STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR. The Contractor represents that it is in business for itself and that it is an independent Consultant for the purposes of the Income Tax Act.
STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR. The Contractor and its agents and employees are independent contractors performing professional services for NMHIX and are not employees of NMHIX. The Contractor and its agents and employees shall not accrue leave, retirement, insurance, bonding, use of state vehicles, or any other benefits afforded to employees of the NMHIX as a result of this Agreement. The Contractor acknowledges that all sums received hereunder are reportable by the Contractor for tax purposes, including without limitation, self- employment and business income tax. The Contractor agrees not to purport to bind NMHIX unless the Contractor has express written authority to do so, and then only within the strict limits of that authority.
STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR. 8.8.1 In providing its services pursuant to this Contract for Services, the Contractor shall be an independent contractor and not the servant or employee of HKUST.
8.8.2 In such capacity the Contractor shall bear exclusive responsibility for the discharge of any tax and other liability arising out of remuneration for its work performed by it under this Contract for Services.
8.8.3 The Contractor shall not be subject to directions from HKUST as to the manner in which it shall perform its work.
STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR. Notwithstanding any other clauses in this Contract, the Contractor expressly acknowledges and agree that:
a. it has agreed under the terms of this Contract to provide the Works in its capacity as an independent contractor;
b. it is not an exclusive contractor for the Principal and that other contractors may be engaged to provide services similar to those being provided by the Contractor;
c. nothing in this Contract shall be construed or have effect as constituting any relationship of employer and employee, agency, joint venturer or partnership for any purpose whatsoever as between the Principal and:
i. the Contractor; or
ii. the Contractor’s Personnel for any purpose;
d. except as is expressly provided for in this Contract, neither party is the agent of, nor has the power or authority to bind the other party;
e. at all material times during the Term of this Contract it has and will exercise full control over its employees, agents, subcontractors, representatives or any other party employed or engaged by it to perform the Works;
f. in respect of its employees, it will comply with and/or fulfill all its obligations as an employer whether statutory (eg. without limitation, payroll tax, superannuation guarantee, occupational health safety and welfare) or otherwise;
g. it has the opportunity to seek its own independent legal advice before entering into this Contract and enters into this Contract out of its own volition and free from any inducement, coercion, oppression, representation or otherwise by the Principal.
STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR. 4.1 The Contractor shall be an independent Contractor and nothing in this contract shall be construed as creating a partnership, a contract of employment or a relationship of principal and agent between the Authority and the Contractor
4.2 The Contractor shall bear exclusive responsibility for notifying Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) of any payments received from the Authority in connection with the service being provided.
4.3 The Contractor shall bear exclusive responsibility for the stamping of its National Insurance card as a self-employed person and for the discharge of any Income Tax and VAT liability arising out of remuneration for work performed by the Contractor under this Agreement.
4.4 The Contractor shall not, nor shall the Contractor procure that his agents and or servants, say or do anything that might lead any other person to believe that the Contractor is acting as the agent of the Authority; and
4.5 Nothing in the Contract shall impose any liability on the Authority in respect of any liability incurred by the Contractor to any other person but this shall not be taken to exclude or limit any liability of the Authority to the Contractor that may arise by virtue of either a breach of the Contract or any negligence on the part of the Authority, his staff or agents.
STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR. The University and Contractor intend that the relationship established between them pursuant to this Agreement shall be that of client and Contractor. No agent, employee, or servant of Contractor shall be or shall be deemed to be an employee, agent or servant of the University. The University is interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement consistent with paragraph 8 below. The manner and means of conducting the work are under the sole control of the Contractor. None of the benefits provided by the University to its employees, including, but not limited to, worker's compensation insurance and unemployment insurance, is available from the University to the employees, agents or servants of Contractor. Contractor will be solely and entirely responsible for his acts and for the acts of his agents, employees, servants and subcontractors during the performance of this contract. By law, individuals who are paid as Contractors are responsible for reporting all additional income earned and paying appropriate federal and state taxes. Contractors who are paid $600 or more during a calendar year through Regent University are issued a Miscellaneous Income Form (1099 Form).
STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR a) The Contractor represents that it is in business for itself and that it is an independent Consultant for the purposes of the Income Tax Act.
b) The Contractor’s relationship with Carrier is that of an independent contractor, and nothing in this Owner-Operator Agreement is intended as creating, or should be construed as creating any employment relationship;
c) The Contractor represents and warrants that it operates an independent business performing services of the nature to be performed hereunder, and holds itself out to the public as such, including for the purposes of the Income Tax Act. As such, Contractor acknowledges that it is not an employee of Carrier for tax purposes, for Employment Insurance, for Canada Pension Plan, workers' compensation or other labour law or statute purposes, or for any other purpose;
STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR. 7.1 The Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee of Xxxx.
7.2 The Contractor does not have authority to make representations, statements, warranties or enter into any agreement on behalf of Xxxx.
STATUS OF THE CONTRACTOR. In the interpretation of the Agreement and the relationship between the Contractor and the District, the Contractor shall be construed as being an independent contractor engaged to provide transportation services only. Neither the Contractor nor any of its employees shall be held or deemed in any way to be an agent, employee or official of the District. The Contractor shall be responsible for, and hold the District harmless from, any liability for unemployment taxes or contributions, payroll taxes or other federal or state employment taxes.