Hourly Rates The following is a list of hourly billable rates that Contractor shall apply for additional services requested of the Contractor. Contractor shall be compensated based on the hourly rates set forth below, on a time and material basis for those services that are within the general scope of services of this Agreement, but beyond the description of services required under Exhibit A, and all services are reasonably necessary to complete the standards of performance required by this Agreement. Any changes and related fees shall be mutually agreed upon between the parties by a written amendment to this Agreement. Hourly Billable Rate Schedule Title Role on Project Hourly Billable Rates $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Rates of Pay (a) Employees shall be paid in accordance with the rates of pay negotiated by the Parties of this Agreement. For information purposes, the applicable rates of pay are recorded as Appendix A to this Agreement. (b) The distribution of paycheques shall be done in such a manner that the details of the paycheque shall be confidential.
CLASSIFICATIONS AND RATES OF PAY 4.1 The classifications of employees covered under this Agreement and the corresponding rates of pay are set forth within Appendix “A” which is attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. 4.2 Effective December 26, 2018,wages will be increased by .5% plus 100% of the annual average growth rate of the bi-monthly Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue Area Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) for the period June 2016 through June 2017 to the period June 2017 through June 2018, minimum 1.5% maximum 4%. 4.2.1 Effective December 25, 2019, wages will be increased by 1% plus 100% of the annual average growth rate of the bi-monthly Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue Area Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) for the period June 2017 through June 2018 to the period June 2018 through June 2019, minimum 1.5%, maximum 4%. 4.2.2 Effective January 6, 2021, wages will be increased by 1% plus 100% of the annual average growth rate of the bi-monthly Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue Area Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) for the period June 2018 through June 2019 to the period June 2019 through June 2020, minimum 1.5%, maximum 4%. 4.2.3 The base wage rates referenced above will be calculated by applying the appropriate percentage increase to base hourly rates or as otherwise provided for herein. The rates in each Appendix are understood to be illustrative of the increases provided in Articles
FARES AND TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE In lieu of the basic daily excess fares and travel pattern allowance prescribed by Clause 38.1.1 of the award, a payment per day shall be made for each day worked (including RDO’s). This payment shall in no way limit or be construed as a payment in substitution for any other entitlement arising under Clause 38 of the award. Payments shall be as follows: ⮚ 1/3/03 $22.50 per day ⮚ 1/3/04 $23.40 per day ⮚ 1/3/05 $24.55 per day The cost of Citylink tolls or similar will be reimbursed for those employees who are required by the company to use their own vehicle during working hours, but not for travel to and from work.
Transportation Allowance When an employee is required to travel to the Hospital or to return to her home as a result of reporting to or off work between the hours of hours, (other than reporting to or off work for her regular shift) or at any time while on standby, the Hospital will pay transportation costs either by taxi or by her own vehicle at the rate of thirty-five cents ($0.35) per mile (to a maximum of fourteen dollars ($14.00)) or such greater amount as the Hospital may in its discretion determine for each trip between the aforementioned hours. The employee will provide to the Hospital satisfactory proof of payment of such taxi fare.
Pay Rates Unit members must have been on an active status for a minimum of six
Business and Travel Expenses Upon presentation of reasonable substantiation and documentation as the Company may specify from time to time, the Employee shall be reimbursed in accordance with the Company’s expense reimbursement policy, for all reasonable out-of-pocket business and travel expenses incurred and paid by the Employee during the Employment Term and in connection with the performance of the Employee’s duties hereunder.
Sleeping Room Rate(s) A. The Contractor shall provide sleeping rooms to the Attendees at the following rate during the Program: i. For single occupancy room, $@@@.@@ per night per room. B. The Contractor agrees that it will waive all applicable taxes and surcharges for Attendees listed on the Master Account Approval List, pursuant to the Hotel/Motel Transient Occupancy Tax Waiver (Exemption Certificate for State Agencies) form signed by the Judicial Council and included in this Agreement in Exhibit H. C. The Contractor may xxxx tax and/or surcharges, and/or tourism fees, if any, in addition to as included in the sleeping room rate, as set forth in this provision. D. The Contractor shall extend the sleeping room rate to Attendees two (2) Days before the Program and two (2) Days after the Program based on availability.
Hourly Rate (A) The amounts shall be computed by multiplying the appropriate hourly rates prescribed in the Agreement by the number of direct labor hours (DLH) performed. Fractional parts of an hour shall be payable on a prorated basis. The hourly rates shall include wages, indirect costs, general and administrative expenses, and profit. (B) Hourly rate means the rate(s) specified in the Agreement for payment for labor that meets the labor category qualifications of a labor category specified in the Agreement that are performed by the Seller, performed by the subcontractors, or transferred between divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the Seller under a common control. (C) Labor hours incurred to perform tasks for which labor qualifications were specified in the Agreement will not be paid to the extent the work is performed by individuals that do not meet the specified qualification. (D) Seller shall substantiate invoices (including any subcontractor hours reimbursed at the hourly rate in the Agreement) by evidence of actual payment and by individual daily job timecards, records that verify the employees meet the qualifications for the labor categories specified in the Agreement, or other substantiation approved by Company. (E) Unless otherwise prescribed in this Agreement, Company may withhold five percent of the amounts due under this paragraph, with the total amount withheld not to exceed $50,000. The amounts withheld shall be retained until the execution and delivery of a release by Xxxxxx as provided below. (F) Unless this Agreement prescribes otherwise, hourly rates shall not be varied by virtue of Seller having performed work on an overtime basis. If overtime rates are provided, the premium portion will be reimbursable only to the extent the overtime is approved by Company.
Estimated Number of Participating Households Approximately 6,460. This figure is based on loans with unpaid principal balances ranging from $200,000 to $400,000 with an average funding of $5,000.00.