Structure of this Agreement Sample Clauses

Structure of this Agreement. (1) This Agreement is structured as follows: (a) Part A sets out the background to this Agreement; (b) Part B sets out the general terms that apply in respect of all Services provided under this Agreement; (c) Part C sets out the terms that apply in respect of Nationally Consistent Services, and includes service specifications for those services; (d) Part D sets out the terms that apply in respect of Alliance Services, and includes service specifications for those services; (e) Part E sets out the terms that apply in respect of Local Services, and includes service specifications for those services; (f) Part F sets out the terms relating to funding paid by the DHB to the PHO and Contracted Providers in respect of the Services, and claims for Services provided; (g) Part G – Value and High Performance – sets out the terms relating to System Level Measures, through which the performance of the PHO and its Contracted Providers is monitored; and (h) Part H sets out definitions of words and phrases used in this Agreement.
Structure of this Agreement. 2.1 The Agreement sets out the terms on which Customers may request and the Supplier will provide Services to the Customer. 2.2 Where the Customer wishes to purchase Services from the Supplier, the parties shall enter into individual Statements of Work pursuant to the process set out in clause 4.
Structure of this Agreement. This Agreement is a master agreement which applies to all Transactions you subsequently enter into with us. The specific details of each individual Transaction will be agreed separately at such time as you book those Transactions; they will constitute separate agreements in their own right but will incorporate these terms and conditions.
Structure of this Agreement. Owner and Manager each acknowledge and agree that certain operating efficiencies and value will be achieved as a result of Owner’s engagement of Manager hereunder and the Other Owners’ engagement of the Other Managers pursuant to the applicable Affiliate Management Agreements to operate and manage the Managed Facilities and the Affiliate Managed Facilities that would not be possible to achieve if Owner and the Other Owners were to engage unrelated managers to operate each of the Managed Facilities and the Other Managed Facilities. The Parties hereto acknowledge and agree that Owner would not enter into this Agreement (and the Other Owners would not enter into the Affiliate Management Agreements) absent the understanding and agreement of the Parties that the entire management relationship, including (without limitation) the use of the Service Xxxx Rights and the use of the Total Rewards System, together with the other related intellectual property arrangements contemplated hereunder, form part of a single integrated transaction. Accordingly, it is the express intention of the Parties that each of the Transaction Agreement, the IP Assignment (as defined in the Transaction Agreement), this Agreement and the Affiliated Management Agreements form part of such single integrated transaction.
Structure of this Agreement. This Settlement Agreement and Release will be signed by each Settling Plaintiff and approved as to form and content by counsel for each Settling Plaintiff.
Structure of this Agreement eHealth Exchange supports the safe and secure exchange of health information among those organizations that have signed the DURSA (Participants). eHealth Exchange supports the legal and policy framework that supports the eHealth Exchange Coordinating Committee which governs eHealth Exchange. Participants must comply with the DURSA, eHealth Exchange Operating Policies and Procedures, eHealth Exchange Performance Specifications and the terms of this Participation Agreement, inclusive of all Addenda that reflect specific services that Participant uses. eHealth Exchange offers a variety of services to Participants to facilitate their compliance. The exact list of additional services will change over time and are listed in Attachment 1 to this Agreement. For each additional service that Participant chooses to purchase, an Addendum to this Participation Agreement will be added that includes specific terms and conditions for the additional service. The Addenda are part of this Agreement and whenever the word “Agreement” is used herein, it shall expressly include this main text and all Addenda.
Structure of this Agreement. 2.1 This Agreement covers the Services. It does not cover anything else you might buy from us.
Structure of this Agreement. Terms with a defined meaning are indicated by the use of capital initial letters and their specific meanings are given either in running text or under Section 12 below. This Agreement consists of this main document (the "Main Agreement") and the following annexes: Annex 1 (Price and Product Annex), in which information is provided on e.g. customer-specific product range, with associated unit prices for one or several selected carriage solutions (one annex per carriage solution); Annex 2 (a) (Fees) and 2 (b) (Optional Services), which are also available at and contains compilations of from time-to-time applicable Fees for amendments, cancellations and deviations, and selectable Optional Services together with Green Cargo's prices and any terms specific for such Optional Services; Annex 3 (Product Terms), which are also available at and contains Green Cargos from time-to-time applicable terms for the selected carriage solution (one annex per carriage solution, with terms that are continuously being updated by Green Cargo). The Main Agreement and the annexes apply including the references they contain. In the event of any conflict between any of the documents in Section 1.1 above, the Main Agreement and subsequently the annexes shall apply in the above numbered order. If several carriage solutions have been selected, the Price and Product Annex (Annex 1) and the Product Terms (Annex 3) are alternative, i.e., each respective version of such an annex applies to each respective carriage solution. The terms for an individual Carriage are set out in this Agreement (including all relevant annexes), and the related Orders and Order Confirmations (where applicable together, when applicable, with notes made in the Consignment Note in accordance with the Agreement).
Structure of this Agreement. (1) This Agreement is structured as follows: (a) Part A sets out the background to this Agreement; (b) Part B sets out the general terms that apply in respect of all Services provided under this Agreement; (c) Part C sets out the terms that apply in respect of Nationally Consistent Services, and includes service specifications for those services; (d) Part D sets out the terms that apply in respect of Alliance Services, and includes service specifications for those services; (e) Part E sets out the terms that apply in respect of Local Services, and includes service specifications for those services;
Structure of this Agreement. This Agreement consists of the following provisions: these clauses 1 – 9 (inclusive), which shall apply in every case; the EU Transfer Contract Clauses, which shall apply in respect of ex-EEA Transfers, and on the basis set out in clause 4 below; the UK Addendum, which shall apply only in respect of ex-UK Transfers, and on the basis set out in clause 4 below; the Bell Processing Terms, which shall apply in every case; if the Bell Customer for which Recipient will Process Personal Data operates in one of the countries listed in Schedule 4, the Country Specific Terms specified in Schedule 4 in respect of the given country shall be applicable for every Processing carried out under the Agreement; and each completed Processing Appendix. The Recipient shall complete a separate Processing Appendix for each Service that requires the Processing of Personal Data. The parties shall amend the respective Processing Appendix in the case of any change related to the details of the Processing (as stated in the given Processing Appendix) where agreed by the parties or otherwise permitted by this Agreement.