Student Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse. The Suring Board of Education recognizes the need to maintain a safe, healthy, drug-free educational environment for all students. It is recognized that the use/misuse of alcohol and other drugs, and the problems associated with alcohol/drug use are treatable illnesses. Please be aware that CBD products will not be permitted to be used, consumed, stored, shared or otherwise kept on campus by any individuals. (Board policy #5330) In order to maintain a drug-free educational environment students of the Suring Public School District shall not knowingly use, possess, distribute, sell, or be under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances, and other mind-altering chemicals (as defined by Wisconsin Statutes and local laws) while on school premises, in a school vehicle, or while engaged in or attending school- sponsored activities either at home or away. The use of any alcohol/drug substitute or replica will be treated in the same manner as any other alcoholic beverage. The use of a drug authorized in accordance with a medical prescription from a registered physician for use during school hours shall not be considered a violation of this policy. The greatest responsibility for dealing with chemical abuse rests with the student and his/her parent/guardian, but the school has a legitimate concern when school performance and/or behavior is affected.
Student Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse. The Suring Board of Education recognizes the need to maintain a safe, healthy, drug-free educational environment for all students. It is recognized that the use/misuse of alcohol and other drugs, and the problems associated with alcohol/drug use are treatable illnesses.