Subsidies Sample Clauses
Subsidies. 1. A Party which considers that it is adversely affected by a subsidy of another Party may request ad hoc consultations with that Party on such matters. The requested Party shall enter into such consultations.
2. The Parties shall review any disciplines agreed under Article XV of the GATS with a view to incorporating them into this Chapter.
Subsidies. 1. Except where provided in this Article, this Agreement shall not apply to subsidies or grants provided by a Party, or to any conditions attached to the receipt or continued receipt of such subsidies or grants, whether or not such subsidies or grants are offered exclusively to domestic services, service consumers or service suppliers. If such subsidies or grants significantly affect trade in services committed under this Agreement, any Party may request for consultations with a view to an amicable resolution of this matter.
2. Pursuant to this Agreement, the Parties shall:
(a) on request, provide information on subsidies related to trade in services committed under this Agreement to any requesting Party; and
(b) review the treatment of subsidies when relevant disciplines are developed by the WTO.
Subsidies. The rights and obligations of the Parties in respect of subsidies shall be governed by Articles VI and XVI of the GATT 1994, the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and the WTO Agreement on Agriculture.
Subsidies. 1. Members recognize that, in certain circumstances, subsidies may have distortive effects on trade in services. Members shall enter into negotiations with a view to developing the necessary multilateral disciplines to avoid such trade-distortive effects.7 The negotiations shall also address the appropriateness of countervailing procedures. Such negotiations shall recognize the role of subsidies in relation to the development programmes of developing countries and take into account the needs of Members, particularly developing country Members, for flexibility in this area. For the purpose of such negotiations, Members shall exchange information concerning all subsidies related to trade in services that they provide to their domestic service suppliers.
2. Any Member which considers that it is adversely affected by a subsidy of another Member may request consultations with that Member on such matters. Such requests shall be accorded sympathetic consideration.
Subsidies. 1. Notwithstanding Article 1.4(b) (Scope and Coverage), the Parties shall review the issue of disciplines on subsidies related to trade in services in light of any disciplines agreed under Article XV of GATS.
2. Parties recognise that, in certain circumstances, subsidies may have distortive effects on trade in services. Any Party which considers that it is adversely affected by a subsidy of another Party may request consultations with that Party on such matters. Such request shall be accorded sympathetic consideration.
Subsidies. 1. Each Party shall review the treatment of subsidies related to trade in services taking into account the development of the multilateral disciplines pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article XV of the GATS.
2. In the event that either Party considers that its interests have been adversely affected by a subsidy of the other Party, the Parties shall, upon request by the former Party, enter into consultations with a view to resolving the matter.
3. During the consultations referred to in paragraph 2, the Party granting a subsidy shall, if it deems fit, consider a request of the other Party for information relating to the subsidy programme such as:
(a) domestic laws and regulations under which the subsidy is granted;
(b) form of the subsidy (x.x. xxxxx, loan, tax concession);
(c) policy objective and/or purpose of the subsidy;
(d) dates and duration of the subsidy and any other time limits attached to it; and
(e) eligibility requirements of the subsidy including those with respect to potential beneficiaries.
4. The dispute settlement procedures provided for in Chapter 14 shall not apply to this Article.
Subsidies. The Parties shall review the issue of disciplines on subsidies related to trade in services in the light of any disciplines agreed under Article XV of GATS with a view to their incorporation into this Agreement.
Subsidies. With regard to claims incurred after the Implementation Date, the New VEBA shall be entitled to receive any Medicare Part D subsidies and other health care related subsidies regarding benefits actually paid by the New VEBA which may result from future legislative changes, and Ford shall not be entitled to receive any such subsidies related to prescription drug benefits and other health care related benefits provided to the Class and the Covered Group by the New Plan and New VEBA.
Subsidies. The Parties reaffirm their commitment to abide by the provisions of the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.
Subsidies. 1 Except as provided for in this Article, subsidies related to trade in services shall not be covered under this Part. 2 The Parties shall review the issue of disciplines on subsidies related to trade in services in the context of the reviews of this Agreement provided for in Article 68. They shall pay particular attention to any disciplines agreed under Article XV of GATS with a view to their incorporation into this Agreement. 3 The Parties shall consult on appropriate steps in regard to subsidies related to trade in services where any subsidies issues arise in bilateral services trade under this Agreement.