Article XV definition

Article XV. Distance Education Tutor/Marker
Article XV. Distance Education Tutor/Marker 31 Article XVI: Position Posting and Offers of Employment 39 Article XVII: Conditional Upon Enrollment 40 Article XVIII: Employment Evaluation 40 Article XIX: Employment File 42 Article XX: Work Space and Facilities 43 Article XXI: Safety and Health 44 Article XXII: Labour-Management Committee 44 Article XXIII: Technological Change 45 Article XXIV: Discipline 46 Article XXV: Benefits and Leave 46 Article XXVI: Contracting Out 55 Article XXVII: Salaries and Scholarship 56 Article XXVIII: TSSU Child Care Bursary for Teaching Support Staff Union Members 64 Article XXIX: Term of Agreement 65 Article XXX: Definitions 66 Article XXXI: Singular and Plural 66 APPENDIX A Assignment of Wages 00 XXXXXXXX X Hours per Base Unit 68 APPENDIX C TA Time Use Guideline 69 APPENDIX D Continuing Language Instructors 00 XXXXXXXX X Evaluation 72 APPENDIX F TM Time Use Guideline 74 APPENDIX G MSP Premium Co-op 76 APPENDIX H TM Education 485 77 APPENDIX I Tuition Deduction 78 APPENDIX J Math Lab/Workshop 79 APPENDIX K Stats Workshop 81 APPENDIX L EI Hours 82 APPENDIX M Data Statement 83 APPENDIX N W Courses 84 APPENDIX O Childcare Bursary 86 INDEX 88 Common Clauses TSSU General/ELC/ITP Instructors Agreement 91 ELC/ITP Instructors Agreement 92 Preamble Both parties to this Agreement share a desire:
Article XV. 2 of the General Agreement provided that ‘[i]n all cases in which the CONTRACTING PARTIES are called upon to consider or deal with problems concerning monetary reserves, balances of payments or foreign exchange arrangements, they shall consult fully with the International Monetary Fund.’ The latest full consultation concerning Korea’s balance-of-payments situation in the Balance-of-Payments Committee had taken place in November 1987, the report of which had been adopted by the CONTRACTING PARTIES in February 1988. The next full consultation was scheduled for June 1989. The Panel considered that it should take into account the conclusions reached by the Balance-of-Payments Committee in 1987. “At the full consultation in the Balance-of-Payments Committee with Korea in November 1987, ‘[t]he prevailing view expressed in the Committee was that the current situation and outlook for the balance of payments was such that import restrictions could no longer be justified under Article XVIII:B’.39 Moreover, the full Balance-of-Payments Committee had ‘stressed the need to establish a clear timetable for the early, progressive removal of Korea’s restrictive trade measures maintained for balance-of-payments purposes’ and had expressed the expectation that ‘Korea would be able in the meantime to establish a timetable for the phasing-out of balance-of-payments restrictions, and that Korea would consider alternative GATT justification for any remaining measures, thus obviating the need for such consultations’.40 “The Panel noted that all available information, including figures published by the Korean authorities and advice provided to it in February 1989 by the International Monetary Fund, had shown that the reserve holdings of Korea had increased in 1988, that Korea’s balance-of-payments situation had continued to improve at a good pace since the November 1987 consultations, and that the current economic indicators of Korea were very favourable. According to information provided to the Panel by the International Monetary Fund, the Korean gross official reserves had increased by 9 billion dollars to 12 billion dollars (equivalent to three months of imports) by end 1988. The Panel concluded that in the light of the continued improvement of the Korean balance-of-payments situation, and having regard to the provisions of Article XVIII:11, there was a need for the prompt establishment of a timetable for the phasing-out of Korea’s balance-of-payments restrictions on beef, as c...

Examples of Article XV in a sentence

  • The effective recommendation regarding the candidate's performance shall be made by his/her Evaluation Committee, under the provisions of Article XV of this Agreement.

  • If the representations and warranties in Paragraphs I or J of this Article XV are found to be false, this Agreement is void ab initio and Contractor shall immediately repay to OhioMHAS any funds paid under this Agreement.

  • When employees are transported to the pickup point later than 10 minutes after the shift, then overtime pay shall apply as provided under Article XV.

  • If the representations and warranties in Paragraphs J or K of this Article XV are found to be false, this Agreement is void ab initio and Contractor shall immediately repay to OhioMHAS any funds paid under this Agreement.

  • CBT shall make available to CLEC for CLEC Customers directory listings in accordance with the provisions of Article XV.

More Definitions of Article XV

Article XV v : CORPORATE SEAL 34 , •!.. •."-f••,. lb....Vi: : .• ..--,..... APPENDIX I 3,,,x.Xx:,ft t NOirl - CODE OF ETHICS -•.' 3:lf‘,.„-‘-' APPENDIX II q vs' 4 C Wi'7...• 1 ft-e Ikh ,2 DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST STATEMENT APPENDIX III . ill„,i'•,. • PROCEDURE FOR VIOLATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST :: rAgir-. , • • fft,,,,F . 5 ;.,,,l ..:•1:. ..v.1,. 11.1114.41..' -.- a• eask•,- •:. ‘,• "..; 1"'‘ ...1
Article XV. PROFESSIONAL LEAVES (15.1-15.2.8) 28 Visitation Days (15.1) 28 Subject Area Conference (15.2) 28 TABLE OF CONTENTS Article XVI: EMPLOYEE PROTECTION (16.1-16.2.6) 29 Fair Dismissal (16.1) 29 Abolition of Positions (16.2) 30
Article XV. Rights With Respect to Quota Share Policies................................................11 Article XVI
Article XV. Entry Into Force and Termination of Treaty 15 Annex I: Panels (amended December 4, 2002) 15 Annex II: Fraser Panel Area 16 Annex III: Technical Dispute Settlement Board 17 Annex IV: (amended May 16, 2014) 18 Chapter 1: Transboundary Rivers 18 Chapter 2: Northern British Columbia and Southeastern Alaska 51 Chapter 3: Chinook Salmon 57 Chapter 4: Fraser River Sockeye and Pink Salmon 96 Chapter 5: Coho Salmon 108 Chapter 6: Southern British Columbia and Washington State Chum Salmon 125 Chapter 7: General Obligations 130 Attachments to the June 30, 1999 Agreement between the Parties 130 Chapter 8: Yukon River (added December 4, 2002) 142 Memorandum of Understanding, January 28, 1985 158 Diplomatic Note of August 13, 1985 regarding implementation of Article XV (paragraph 3) of the Pacific Salmon Treaty 164 Exchange of Diplomatic Notes (June 30, 1999) 172 Note from Canadian Ambassador (Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx) to U.S. Ambassador (Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx) 172 Note from U.S. Ambassador (Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx) to Canadian Ambassador (Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx) 176 Exchange of Diplomatic Notes (December 4, 2002) 179 Note from Canadian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (Xxx. Xxxxxx X. Thibault) to U.S. Secretary of State (Xxx. Xxxxx X. Powell) 179 Note from U.S. Secretary of State (Under Secretary Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx) to Ambassador of Canada (Xxxxxxx X. Kergin) 182 Exchange of Diplomatic Notes (December 23, 2008) 186 Note from Chargé d’Affaires ad interim (Guy Saint-Jacques) to Secretary of State of the United States of America (Hon. Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxx) 186 Note from the Department of State of the United States of America (Xxxxx Xxxxxx) to Chargé d’Affaires ad interim (Hon. Guy Saint-Jacques) 189 Exchange of Diplomatic Notes (6 and 16 May 2014) 190 Note from the Embassy of Canada in Washington to the Department of State of the United States of America 190 Note from the Department of State of the United States of America to the Embassy of Canada in Washington 000 Xxx Xxxxxxxxxx xx xxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx of America and the Government of Canada, Considering the interests of both Parties in the conservation and rational management of Pacific salmon stocks and in the promotion of optimum production of such stocks; Recognizing that States in whose waters salmon stocks originate have the primary interest in and responsibility for such stocks; Recognizing that salmon originating in the waters of each Party are intercepted in substantial numbers by the nationals and vessels of the other Party, and that the managem...
Article XV is amended to (i) delete the provisions of Section 15.07(c)(i) thereof in its entirety and substitute the following therefor: