Program Objectives Implement a rigorous constructability program following The University of Texas System, Office of Capital Projects Constructability Manual. Identify and document Project cost and schedule savings (targeted costs are 5% of construction costs). Clarification of Project goals, objectives.
Safety Objectives 55.1 The Parties recognise the potentially hazardous nature of the construction industry. To this end, the Parties to the Agreement are committed to continuous improvement in occupational health and safety standards through the implementation of an organisational framework which involves all Parties in protecting Employees’ health and safety. 55.2 In meeting these objectives, the Parties have agreed to consider a broad agenda through the consultative processes established by this Agreement. Such an agenda will include: (a) Measures designed to include the safe operation of plant and equipment; (b) Training issues including specific hazards, health and safety systems, and site induction; (c) Management of occupational health and safety through a comprehensive approach which aims to control hazards at their source, reduce the incidence and costs of occupational injuries and illnesses; and (d) Risk of fatigue (see clause 36.5). 55.3 The Employer will comply with all relevant work health and safety legislation, including the OHS Act, workers compensation legislation, regulations, codes of practice and relevant and appropriate Australian and Industry Standards as set out in Appendix F.
Goals & Objectives The purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that the proper elements and commitments are in place to provide consistent IT service support and delivery to the Customer by the Service Provider. The goal of this Agreement is to obtain mutual agreement for IT service provision between the Service Provider(s) and Customer(s). The objectives of this Agreement are to: • Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and/or responsibilities. • Present a clear, concise and measurable description of service provision to the customer. • Match perceptions of expected service provision with actual service support & delivery.
Project Objectives 1.1 (Type the Project objectives)
Goals Goals define availability, performance and other objectives of Service provisioning and delivery. Goals do not include remedies and failure to meet any Service Goal does not entitle Customer to a Service credit.
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES 4.1 The Performance Plan (Annexure A) sets out- 4.1.1 the performance objectives and targets that must be met by the Employee; and 4.1.2 the time frames within which those performance objectives and targets must be met. 4.2 The performance objectives and targets reflected in Annexure A are set by the Employer in consultation with the Employee and based on the Integrated Development Plan, Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) and the Budget of the Employer, and shall include key objectives; key performance indicators; target dates and weightings. 4.2.1 The key objectives describe the main tasks that need to be done. 4.2.2 The key performance indicators provide the details of the evidence that must be provided to show that a key objective has been achieved. 4.2.3 The target dates describe the timeframe in which the work must be achieved. 4.2.4 The weightings show the relative importance of the key objectives to each other. 4.3 The Employee’s performance will, in addition, be measured in terms of contributions to the goals and strategies set out in the Employer’s Integrated Development Plan.
Metrics Institutional Metrics System-Wide Metrics
Performance Targets Threshold, target and maximum performance levels for each performance measure of the performance period are contained in Appendix B.
Goals and Objectives The purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that the proper elements and commitments are in place to provide consistent service support and delivery to the customers by the Service Providers. The goal of this Agreement is to obtain mutual agreement for the provision of information and communication between the Service Provider and customer. The objective of this Agreement is to: • Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities. • Present clear, concise and measurable description of service provision to the customer. • Match perceptions of the expected service provision with actual service support and delivery.
Performance Measures The System Agency will monitor the Grantee’s performance of the requirements in Attachment A and compliance with the Contract’s terms and conditions.