TARDINESS TO CLASS. A student is considered tardy if he/she is not in the classroom by the end of the bell. A parent/guardian phone call and/or note are necessary if a student is tardy to school. If a student misses 10 (ten) minutes of a class period they will be marked absent from that period. Invalid reasons for tardiness include oversleeping, excessive transportation problems, going to work with a parent, completing work for an academic class, or history of excessive unexcused tardies (6). Please note that a phone call from a parent or guardian for these reasons will not validate the absence/tardy for the student. 1st Tardy = Teacher Warning #1 2nd Tardy = Teacher Warning #2 3rd Tardy = Xxxx’x Consequence 4th Tardy = Xxxx’x Consequence, Xxxx/Parent Formal Communication 5th Tardy = Xxxx’x Consequence, Parent/Xxxx Conference 6th Tardy = Saturday In-School Suspension (Major Infraction), loss of potential exam exemptions, report to Xxxx’x Office 7th Tardy = Administrative Review, report to Xxxx’x Office, possible removal from class *All tardies should be posted on Plus Portals by instructor.


  • Notice to Class Members 8.4.1. No later than three (3) business days after receipt of the Class Data, the Administrator shall notify Class Counsel that the list has been received and state the number of Class Members and PAGA Members. 8.4.2. Using best efforts to perform as soon as possible, and in no event later than 14 days after receiving the Class Data, the Administrator will send to all Class Members identified in the Class Data, via first-class United States Postal Service (“USPS”) mail, the Class Notice in English with a Spanish translation in the form, without material variation, attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference into this Agreement. The first page of the Class Notice shall prominently estimate the dollar amounts of any Individual Class Payment and/or Individual PAGA Payment payable to the Class Member. Before mailing Class Notices, the Administrator shall update Class Member addresses using the National Change of Address database. 8.4.3. Not later than 3 business days after the Administrator’s receipt of any Class Notice returned by the USPS as undelivered, the Administrator shall re- mail the Class Notice using any forwarding address provided by the USPS. If the USPS does not provide a forwarding address, the Administrator shall conduct a Class Member Address Search, and re-mail the Class Notice to the most current address obtained. The Administrator has no obligation to make further attempts to locate or send Class Notice to Class Members whose Class Notice is returned by the USPS a second time. 8.4.4. The deadlines for Class Members’ written objections, Challenges, and Requests for Exclusion will be extended an additional 14 days beyond the 45 days otherwise provided in the Class Notice for all Class Members whose notice is re-mailed. The Administrator will inform the Class Member of the extended deadline with the re-mailed Class Notice. 8.4.5. If the Administrator, Defendant or Class Counsel is contacted by or otherwise discovers any persons who believe they should have been included in the Class Data and should have received Class Notice, the Parties will expeditiously meet and confer in person or by telephone, and in good faith, in an effort to agree on whether to include them as Class Members. If the Parties agree, such persons will be deemed Class Members entitled to the same rights as other Class Members, and the Administrator will send, via email or overnight delivery, a Class Notice requiring them to exercise options under this Agreement not later than 14 days after receipt of Class Notice, or the deadline dates in the Class Notice, whichever are later.

  • To Class Counsel A Class Counsel Fees Payment of not more than one- third, which is currently estimated to be $60,000.00 and a Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment of not more than $15,000.00. Defendant will not oppose requests for these payments provided that they do not exceed these amounts. Plaintiffs and/or Class Counsel will file a motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Litigation Expenses Payment no later than 16 court days prior to the Final Approval Hearing. If the Court approves a Class Counsel Fees Payment and/or a Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment less than the amounts requested, the Administrator will allocate the remainder to the Net Settlement Amount. Released Parties shall have no liability to Class Counsel or any other Plaintiffs’ Counsel arising from any claim to any portion any Class Counsel Fee Payment and/or Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment. The Administrator will pay the Class Counsel Fees Payment and Class Counsel Expenses Payment using one or more IRS 1099 Forms. Class Counsel assumes full responsibility and liability for taxes owed on the Class Counsel Fees Payment and the Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and holds Defendant harmless, and indemnifies Defendant, from any dispute or controversy regarding any division or sharing of any of these Payments.

  • Settlement Class Certification The Settling Parties agree, for purposes of this settlement only, to the certification of the Settlement Class. If the settlement set forth in this Settlement Agreement is not approved by the Court, or if the Settlement Agreement is terminated or cancelled pursuant to the terms of this Settlement Agreement, this Settlement Agreement, and the certification of the Settlement Class provided for herein, will be vacated and the Litigation shall proceed as though the Settlement Class had never been certified, without prejudice to any Person’s or Settling Party’s position on the issue of class certification or any other issue. The Settling Parties’ agreement to the certification of the Settlement Class is also without prejudice to any position asserted by the Settling Parties in any other proceeding, case or action, as to which all of their rights are specifically preserved.

  • Certification of the Settlement Class For purposes of this Settlement only, the Parties stipulate to the certification of the Settlement Class, which is contingent upon the Court entering the Final Approval Order and Judgment of this Settlement and the occurrence of the Effective Date.

  • Medical Certification (1) The University may require an employee to provide medical certification from a health care provider for FMLA leave without pay when taken for the serious health condition of the employee or the employee's family member. (2) Medical certification may be required to affirm the employee's ability to return to work and perform one or more of the essential functions of the job within the meaning of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), after being absent on FMLA leave.

  • Medical Examination Where the Employer requires an employee to submit to a medical examination or medical interview, it shall be at the Employer's expense and on the Employer's time.

  • Settlement Class The “Rule 23(b)(3) Settlement Class Releasing Parties” are the Class Plaintiffs, each and every member of the Rule 23(b)

  • Medical Examinations An employee may be required by the Employer, at the request of and at the expense of the Employer, to take a medical examination by a physician of the employee's choice. Employees may be required to take skin tests, x-ray examination, vaccination, inoculation and other immunization (with the exception of a rubella vaccination when the employee is of the opinion that a pregnancy is possible), unless the employee's physician has advised in writing that such a procedure may have an adverse affect on the employee's health.

  • Class Mail When mailed first class to the last address of the recipient known to the party giving notice, notice is effective three mail delivery days after deposit in a United States Postal Service office or mailbox.

  • SIMPLE Class The Manager will apply an equivalent waiver or reimbursement, in an equal number of basis points waived for Class A Shares.