ATTENDANCE POLICY AND PROCEDURES. The Governing Authority will adopt an attendance policy that includes dismissal procedures and procedures for automatically withdrawing a student from the school if the student, without a legitimate excuse, fails to participate in one hundred and five consecutive hours of the learning opportunities afforded to the student, or as otherwise required by law. The policy and procedures shall be summited annually to the CMSD according to instructions and is incorporated into this Contract.
ATTENDANCE POLICY AND PROCEDURES. Excused Absences When a student returns to school after an absence, the parent/guardian must provide a written note stating the reason for the absence. Under Ohio State Law (ORC 3301.51.13) the student will be excused for the following reasons: 1. Illness of the student. A student will be excused for personal illness for up to 6 days per year based on the parent’s written excuse. Any days in excess of these 6 will require a physician’s note to be considered excused. 2. Quarantine of the home 3. Death of a Relative 4. Observance of religious holidays 5. Prospective school visits for eighth graders (must provide a note from the prospective school) 6. Emergency or set of circumstances which, in the judgment of the Principal, constitutes a good and sufficient cause for absence. Absences for all other reasons (including vacation and suspension) are unexcused. Under ORC section 3314.03(A)(6)(b) the School must automatically withdraw a student from school if the student without a legitimate excuse fails to participate in 105 consecutive instructional hours of learning opportunities offered to the student Ohio State law mandates that it is the parent’s responsibility to be sure their child receives an education. “Habitual truancy” is defined in law as being absent without an allowable excuse for 5 or more consecutive days, 7 or more school days in one month, or 12 school days in one school year. “Chronic truancy” is defined in law as being absent without an allowable excuse for 7 or more consecutive days, 10 or more school days in one month, or 15 school days in one school year.
ATTENDANCE POLICY AND PROCEDURES. Forest Hills Central High School has a 12-day maximum attendance policy. We do not differentiate between “Non-Counted” and “Counted” days for policy (please see chart below). For any non-verified absences, students may not be allowed to make up school work. Students who exceed 12 “counted” days and are failing the course may be dropped from that class. Students will be dropped with a grade of “E” and be assigned to the Alternate Learning Environment room during that hour. Students who exceed the 12 “counted” day and are passing will be required to make up any hours over 12 prior to receiving credit for the course. If the time is not made up prior to the issuance of a report card, a grade of “NC” will show up for that course. The “NC” may be changed to the appropriate grade when the student has made up the time. All exceptions to this policy (serious health problems and 504 plans) will be subject to review by the building principal and /or assistant principal. Extended absences may require a medical doctor’s verification.


  • Policy and Procedures If the resident leaves the facility due to hospitalization or a therapeutic leave, the facility shall not be obligated to hold the resident’s bed available until his or her return, unless prior arrangements have been made for a bed hold pursuant to the facility’s “Bed Reservation Policy and Procedure” and pursuant to applicable law. In the absence of a bed hold, the resident is not guaranteed readmission unless the resident is eligible for Medicaid and requires the services provided by the facility. However, the resident may be placed in any appropriate bed in a semi-private room in the facility at the time of his or her return from hospitalization or therapeutic leave provided a bed is available and the resident’s admission is appropriate and meets the readmission requirements of the facility.

  • Violence Policies and Procedures The Employer agrees to have in place explicit policies and procedures to deal with violence. The policy will address the prevention of violence, the management of violent situations, provision of legal counsel and support to employees who have faced violence. The policies and procedures shall be part of the employee's health and safety policy and written copies shall be provided to each employee. Prior to implementing any changes to these policies, the employer agrees to consult with the Association.

  • Compliance Policies and Procedures To assist the Fund in complying with Rule 38a-1 of the 1940 Act, BBH&Co. represents that it has adopted written policies and procedures reasonably designed to prevent violation of the federal securities laws in fulfilling its obligations under the Agreement and that it has in place a compliance program to monitor its compliance with those policies and procedures. BBH&Co will upon request provide the Fund with information about our compliance program as mutually agreed.

  • Policies and Procedures i) The policies and procedures of the designated employer apply to the employee while working at both sites. ii) Only the designated employer shall have exclusive authority over the employee in regard to discipline, reporting to the College of Nurses of Ontario and/or investigations of family/resident complaints. iii) The designated employer will ensure that the employee is covered by WSIB at all times, regardless of worksite, while in the employ of either home. iv) The designated employer will ensure that the employee is covered by liability insurance at all times, regardless of worksite, while in the employ of either home. v) The designated employer shall have exclusive authority over the employee’s personnel files and health records. These files will be maintained on the site of the designated employer.

  • Company Policies and Procedures 7.1.1 The Company will ensure that Employees are able to readily access Company policies and procedures that apply to the Employees. 7.1.2 The Employees will observe and act in accordance with Company policies and procedures that apply to the Employees, as implemented and amended from time to time.

  • Sub-Advisor Compliance Policies and Procedures The Sub-Advisor shall promptly provide the Trust CCO with copies of: (i) the Sub-Advisor’s policies and procedures for compliance by the Sub-Advisor with the Federal Securities Laws (together, the “Sub-Advisor Compliance Procedures”), and (ii) any material changes to the Sub-Advisor Compliance Procedures. The Sub-Advisor shall cooperate fully with the Trust CCO so as to facilitate the Trust CCO’s performance of the Trust CCO’s responsibilities under Rule 38a-1 to review, evaluate and report to the Trust’s Board of Trustees on the operation of the Sub-Advisor Compliance Procedures, and shall promptly report to the Trust CCO any Material Compliance Matter arising under the Sub-Advisor Compliance Procedures involving the Sub-Advisor Assets. The Sub-Advisor shall provide to the Trust CCO: (i) quarterly reports confirming the Sub-Advisor’s compliance with the Sub-Advisor Compliance Procedures in managing the Sub-Advisor Assets, and (ii) certifications that there were no Material Compliance Matters involving the Sub-Advisor that arose under the Sub-Advisor Compliance Procedures that affected the Sub-Advisor Assets. At least annually, the Sub-Advisor shall provide a certification to the Trust CCO to the effect that the Sub-Advisor has in place and has implemented policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure compliance by the Sub-Advisor with the Federal Securities Laws.

  • Attendance Policy ‌ Existing policy requires that an employee notify management in advance of the scheduled shift start when said employee is absent from work. This policy also requires an employee to notify management in advance of the scheduled start of the work shift when this employee will be late in reporting to work. Generally, these provisions are most relevant to unscheduled absences. There are two situations which occur relative to tardiness. The first, involves an employee who has not called in before the start of the work shift as is required by existing policy. The second applies to an employee who calls in before the start of his or her work shift: Section 1. Employee Fails to Call in Before Start of Work Shift: An employee who is tardy and has not called in before the start of his or her scheduled work shift will be considered to be in an unauthorized leave status. The first occurrence of this type tardiness will result in the employee receiving a verbal reprimand and being docked pay as below. A second occurrence within a twelve (12) month period will result in the employee not being permitted to go to work thereby forfeiting eight hours pay, and also, it will result in the employee receiving a written reprimand from the Supervisor. A third occurrence within a twelve (12) month period will result in an automatic three- day suspension without pay. A fourth occurrence within the twelve (12) month period will result in the scheduling of a pre-disciplinary conference with the employee being recommended for dismissal from service with the City of Xxxxxxxx. Section 2. Employee Calls in Before Start of Work Shift as required When an employee is tardy and has notified management in advance of the start of the scheduled work shift, a different set of circumstances will initially occur. The first occurrence of such tardiness will be considered to be an excused absence; however, the employee will be docked an appropriate amount of pay in accordance with the length of time he or she is tardy. If the crew is still at the garage, the employee will be docked for lost time in increments as follows: Period Late Time Docked 16 - 30 minutes ½ hour 30 - 60 minutes 1 hour In the event the crew has left for the job site and the employee must be transported by a Supervisor to the site, the employee’s time for pay purposes will be started when he or she reaches the job site. Again, the amount of pay which will be docked will be figured in time increments as above. In the event an employee has a second occurrence of tardiness within a thirty-day period, even though he or she has called in, the employee will receive a verbal reprimand from the Supervisor. Appropriate loss of time policy will be in effect as described above. In the event an employee has a third occurrence of tardiness in this manner within a ninety-day period, the employee will be issued a written reprimand concerning the violation of Departmental attendance policies. In the event the employee has a fourth occurrence of tardiness within a six-month period, the employee will be considered for disciplinary action involving a minimum three-day suspension without pay. In this particular situation, such disciplinary action will be meted out after a pre-disciplinary conference is scheduled by management. If additional tardiness occurs within a one (1) year period, the employee will again be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment with the City. Such disciplinary action will be meted out after a pre-disciplinary conference is scheduled. Section 3. An employee will not be disciplined under Section 2 of this Policy if the employee has six (6) or fewer unscheduled absences for any time off, including, but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, compensatory leave, holiday leave, and funeral leave within a Section 4. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness results in disruption to the scheduled activities, an excessive waste of supervisor and management time in transporting employees to job sites, and further results in a hardship on other employees who are available for work at the start of their work shift as required.‌

  • Safety Procedures The Contractor shall: (a) comply with all applicable safety regulations according to Attachment H; (b) take care for the safety of all persons entitled to be on the Site; (c) use reasonable efforts to keep the Site and Works clear of unnecessary obstruction so as to avoid danger to these persons; (d) provide fencing, lighting, guarding and watching of the Works until completion and taking over under clause 10 [Employer's Taking Over]; and (e) provide any Temporary Works (including roadways, footways, guards and fences) which may be necessary, because of the execution of the Works, for the use and protection of the public and of owners and occupiers of adjacent land.

  • Grievance Policy The Board recognizes that in the interest of effective personnel management, a procedure is necessary whereby its employees can be assured of a prompt, impartial and fair hearing on their grievances. Such procedures shall be available to all employees and no reprisals of any kind shall be taken against any employee initiating or participating in the grievance procedure.

  • SPAM POLICY You are strictly prohibited from using the Website or any of the Company's Services for illegal spam activities, including gathering email addresses and personal information from others or sending any mass commercial emails.