School Suspension. In-School Suspension (ISS) is designed to provide academic and counseling services to middle/high school students (grades 6-12) who have been suspended with the exception of offenses for drugs, guns/weapons, arson, bodily harm, and indecent exposure. ISS allows students to remain under the school’s supervision during the suspension, to receive counseling related to specific behaviors, and to work on academic skills by completing assignments and/or general academic packets. After successfully completing the ISS, the student may return to the regular school/schedule and will be eligible to complete all missed assignments. The absence(s), according to state guidelines, is an excused absence. Students eligible for ISS are those students in grades 6-12 who are housed on regular middle/high school campuses. Students will be assigned to ISSP by the principal/designee.
School Suspension. An employee who is a parent or guardian of a child who has been suspended from school may take unpaid time off to attend to a portion of the school day to appear at the school in connection with that suspension. The employee must provide reasonable notice and may use accrued vacation for this purpose.
School Suspension. During an in-school suspension, the student will spend the entire day in supervised isolation from his or her class and will not be allowed to leave the area except for necessary restroom periods as the principal permits. The student must complete work assigned by the classroom teacher(s), and will receive credit for the work completed. On the morning of the in-school suspension, the student will report directly to the principal with his or her books and lunch. If the student desires a hot lunch, a lunch will be obtained and will be eaten in the assigned area. Any student who leaves the suspension during the day without permission or breaks any other rules during the suspension will be given additional suspensions pending a parent conference. When it is deemed that a student's behavior in school is having a negative effect on the quality of education available to the rest of the class, or when that behavior is potentially harmful to the student or to others, an out-of-school suspension may be issued. The primary purpose of this type of suspension is to give the student, parents, and the school the time needed for resolving the problem. All work will receive a grade of 50%. Parents will be responsible for the student during an out-of-school suspension.
School Suspension. In-school suspension may be issued for: • disrespectful behavior or attitude shown to teachers or any adult working in school. • repeated failure to respond to correction and direction of teachers or any other adult responsible for students. • disruptive behavior that impedes the work of the student, the rights of others, and/or the order of the classroom and school. The student will be removed from all classes and activities during the school day. Students are expected to complete all assignments given during the suspension and may receive partial credit for work completed during the suspension.
School Suspension. School expulsion.
School Suspension. The Director or designee shall implement suspension procedures that provide, at a minimum, for each of the following:
School Suspension. Students may be suspended from school attendance for specific violations of the Board of Trustee adopted Code of Conduct, a provision of the Education Code, the Penal Code, or the Health and Welfare Code. Suspensions range form 1 to 5 days at a time depending on the severity of the violation. Students may be suspended up to 20 days during a single school year. All suspensions are administered within the provisions outlined in the Education Code (EC 48000). Parents are always involved and informed when a suspension in administered. During the suspension, the student may be held accountable for homework and other assignments by individual classroom teachers. Teachers will give the student a reasonable amount of time to make up any missed assignments. Parents are required to attend a readmission conference before a student will be allowed to return to regular attendance.
School Suspension. A student attends school, but does not follow the daily routine. The student will work under the supervision of an administrator and/or Head of House to complete school assignments independently. Academic work including tests and in-class are due following the in-school suspension. The student is suspended from all extra- curricular activities including athletics. A student is not permitted to attend or represent the School. This means suspension from all Collingwood activities including academics, arts, athletics, and service. Academic work including tests and in-class assignments are due upon the student’s return to school. An alternate schedule to complete assessments will be arranged between the teacher and the student. The student is suspended from all extra-curricular activities including athletics. When a student is placed on a Behavioural Support Plan, students will be closely monitored and parents/guardians informed. Further misbehaviours could result in the student being asked to leave the School immediately, or re-enrolment not being offered for the following school year. When a student’s progress, work habit marks and/or grades are deemed unsatisfactory, meetings will be held with the student and clear expectations and goals are set. Students will be closely supported, monitored, and parents/guardians informed. Failure to improve and meet expectations could result in the School’s recommendation for alternate school placement. The student is asked to leave the School community immediately.
School Suspension. If a student is placed in In-School suspension (ISS), he /she will be counted present in his/her classes. The student will do all of their work assigned in their classes. They will come to school as they normally do. Any student placed in ISS will not be allowed to participate in any curricular or extra- curricular activity until the end of the school day on the last day they are assigned ISS. This includes practices, games, or extra-curricular school activity on the days they are assigned to ISS.
School Suspension. In-School Suspension is a formal disciplinary action that can only be assigned by a TMSA administrator and requires written correspondence to parents. In-school days of suspension may increase on successive occasions where it becomes necessary for the same student to be placed in in-school suspension. Students are to report to the ISS room with all the textbooks, supplies, and materials necessary to complete all assignments provided by their teachers. Assignments completed in ISS will be graded by the teacher who provides the assignment and students will receive credit for all work that is completed. All students under in-school suspension are prohibited from participating in after school activities and are therefore required to leave the school campus immediately upon dismissal. Out-of-School Suspension is a formal disciplinary action that can only be assigned by a TMSA administrator and requires written correspondence to parents. Out-of-school suspension may increase on successive occasions where it becomes necessary for the same student to be suspended from school. A meeting between a parent and an administrator is required prior to the return to TMSA of any student serving an out-of-school suspension. All students under out-of-school suspension are prohibited from participating in after school activities and therefore are not allowed to come on the school campus. Students who receive an out-of-school suspension will not be able to participate on any overnight field trips for the rest of the school year and any fees or deposits paid earlier are non-refundable.