TEMPORARY FENCING AND UTILITIES FOR EXPANSION OPTIONS. In a similar fashion as the SIMOPS description for Train 2, future options on expansion steps, such as the construction of a third tank, a second jetty, the LNG truck-loading bays, and Train 3, followed by further masterplan components of the Expanded Facility, shall always be accompanied by a detailed plan to: Regulate construction access and temporary facilities segregation from operating units; Contain extra safety precautions and readiness to stop work and evacuate on demand; Provide laydown areas and access routes to support expansion steps; Arrange for metering to segregate utilities used for construction from Owners operations usage; and Embed in the design of various disciplines space and tie-in provisions for expansion steps, to avoid Facility shutdowns.
TEMPORARY FENCING AND UTILITIES FOR EXPANSION OPTIONS. In a similar fashion as the SIMOPS description for future options on expansion steps, such as the construction of the LNG truck-loading bays and fourth LNG storage tank, followed by further masterplan components of the Expanded Facility, shall always be accompanied by a detailed plan to: Regulate construction access and temporary facilities segregation from operating units; Contain extra safety precautions and readiness to stop work and evacuate on demand; Provide laydown areas and access routes to support expansion steps; Arrange for metering to segregate utilities used for construction from Owner’s operations usage; and Embed in the design of various disciplines space and tie-in provisions for expansion steps, to avoid Facility shutdowns.