CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. The Owner AGREES that all construction access to the site shall only be from . The construction access route must be clearly signed to the satisfaction of the City. The construction access route must be maintained in good condition to avoid the transfer of dirt and debris from the subdivision development.
CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. Construction traffic access and egress for grading, public utility construction, and street construction is restricted to access to the subdivision via Xxxx Xxxx.
CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. Construction traffic access for grading, public utility construction, and street construction is restricted to access to the subdivision: 1) from County Roads 47 and 101 as may be permitted by Hennepin County; and 2) through the “Greenway North” development via Walnut Grove Lane and 61st Avenue.
CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. Developer shall take all reasonable measures requested by the City to reduce any dust created by trucks traveling to and from the construction site, which measures may include, when requested by the City, as well as deploying a water truck on site when dust conditions create a nuisance during the site development stage of construction, the expense of which shall be born exclusively by the Developer. The Developer furthermore agrees not to use the existing streets in Heritage Pointe as construction access.
CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. Permittees must abide by the procedures for access to the Licensed Area as specified in this Exhibit E during construction of the System. For correctional facilities, refer to Section 6.5 Gate Clearance below for additional guidelines.
CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. A. Construction Access: Contractor will be allowed to access the work sites twenty-four hours prior to commencement of the dredging. Contractor may not access the site more than twenty-four hours prior to the start if dredging without prior written authorization by the Port. B. The Port will provide a berthing location for Contractor's equipment and parking for Contractor's vehicles at an available location at no additional cost to contractor, provided the Contractor request such accommodations at least five (5) calendar days prior to commencing dredging. Port will provide berthing and parking as close as possible to the dredging location, based on availability. Contractor shall note that berthing and parking may not be available at the dredging site. C. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Port at least five (5) days prior to mobilization to be assured that berthing and dredging operations at a given site does not conflict with other scheduled activities or cause unnecessary security concerns.
CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. Although construction by truck haul is not being considered for this project, the construction contractor will still be required to access the beach with equipment including pipeline segments, trucks, and equipment for grading. HDR will coordinate with the City of Galveston (City), GPB, and Galveston County (County) on construction access. Up to two virtual meetings are included in this scope for this coordination. Access restrictions will be outlined in the Construction Proposal Package for prospective contractors.
CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. Buyer shall not have the right to inspect the Property prior to receiving the notice of Substantial Completion, except as expressly set forth herein. Buyer hereby acknowledges that construction sites are very dangerous and that Seller asks Buyer not to enter the Property or the surrounding construction site until after Closing, except for scheduled inspections when Buyer is accompanied by Seller’s representative or construction site manager. There are three inspection times where Buyer can preview the building during construction. The first inspection is at 4-way, the second inspection is after completion of interior paint, and the third inspection will be after certificate of occupancy is issued. Whenever Buyer visits the Property and related construction site, Buyer shall exercise extreme caution and shall refrain from allowing Buyer’s or other children to accompany Buyer. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Buyer hereby waives, releases, and agrees to indemnify Seller and Seller Affiliates against any and all claims, including but not limited to costs and attorneys’ fees, arising by reason of the death, accident, injury, or other occurrence to Buyer and all third parties resulting from or related to the entry on the Property by Buyer or Buyer’s relatives, guests, representatives, agents, or invitees, including but not limited to any entry accompanied by Seller for a scheduled inspection, even if the same results from the negligence of Seller or Seller’s Affiliates.
CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. Construction traffic access and egress for grading, public utility construction, and street construction is restricted to access to the subdivision via County Road 101 and Xxxxxx Road. No construction traffic is permitted on the adjacent local streets.
CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. Access into/out of the construction site shall be coordinated with the University. Xxxxx Xxxx and Architecture Hall are the primary facilities for the College of Architecture and Urban Planning.