Termination and Return to Former Status. The teacher on leave of absence desiring to return to regular service in the school should notify the Superintendent of schools of such intention. The teacher returning from a leave of absence is entitled to resume the contract status he/she held prior to such leave, but not necessarily the right to reoccupy the position which he/she held at the time the leave was granted. A teacher on an unpaid leave of absence shall have his/her name carried on the roster of teachers. A teacher returning from an unpaid leave of absence shall retain seniority rights and shall be placed on the appropriate step of the salary schedule in keeping with other provisions of this agreement and related Board policies. Leaves of absence do not increase years of experience or seniority. Upon return from unpaid leave for items one or two, the teacher shall provide a statement from a qualified physician saying they are able to return to work.
Termination and Return to Former Status. The employee on leave of absence desiring to return to regular service in the school should notify the Superintendent of schools of such intention. The individual returning from a leave of absence is entitled to resume the contract status he/she held prior to such leave, but not necessarily the right to reoccupy the position which he/she held at the time the leave was granted.