Promotions and Transfers Professional staff are eligible for a promotion which occurs when there is a vacancy at a higher level for which they are qualified. The announcement of the position vacancy will include a description of the position, a detailed outline of expected educational and professional requirements and the salary range for the position. Staff members may bid online on any open position for which they qualify provided those positions are not being reserved for staff members affected by a layoff or intradepartmental postings. All regular vacant negotiations unit positions will be posted on the University Hospital website. The announcement of the position vacancy will be posted daily online. Interested internal candidates are to apply online. Computer Kiosks for the purpose of accessing job vacancies will be available at each Human Resources Office. Beginning thirty (30) days after ratification of this agreement, each internal applicant within a department who applies during the first five (5) days of posting for a higher classification within the same department, as identified on the position posting, shall be interviewed. Each internal candidate will be notified in writing of the decision with respect to his or her candidacy on a timely basis. This decision will indicate: 1.) that the applicant has been offered the position, or 2.) that the applicant has not been offered the position, including a reason for such decision. The Hospital agrees that seniority and all other relevant criteria will be taken into consideration in the selection of internal applicants for a position. Any dispute regarding this paragraph shall be grievable to Step Two of the grievance procedure with the decision at Step Two being final and binding. Transfer in status or classification shall not delay the use of entitled benefits. At the time of promotion, a staff member shall be provided the opportunity to negotiate his/her salary increase and shall receive written notice of final salary offer. Acceptance of the position constitutes acceptance of the salary, and the amount of the promoted staff member’s salary shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. This provision shall not result in any promoted staff member being placed off guide. Voluntarily transferred and promoted staff members shall serve a ninety (90) calendar day probationary period, subject to a ninety (90) calendar day extension. Time spent on an authorized leave shall not count towards the probationary period. Reclassifications and Involuntary transfers within a Department do not serve a probationary period. Such staff member shall retain all benefits and rights pertaining to negotiations unit members, including access to the grievance procedure, except for the decision concerning the outcome and disposition of their probation period. At any time prior to the end of probation, the staff member may return to his/her former position, provided that it is still available. If an employee opts to return to his or her former position, the employee may not bid on another position for six months. Should the staff member fail probation, the Hospital shall return the staff member to his/her former position if it is still available. Should the staff member’s position not be available, the employee may be offered a vacant position to the classification of the former title held by the employee before the promotion, if one exists at University Hospital. If the vacant position is in a different department, the employee must serve a 90 calendar day probation period. If not, the employee will be placed on the recall list for one year.
VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS AND TRANSFERS A. Whenever a teacher is interested in being considered for assignment to any professional position in the district, he/she shall file written notice of his/her interest to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. The Board declares its intention to give full consideration to present staff members in all vacancies in which they have expressed an interest. 1. It is agreed that any vacancy occurring during the current school year shall only be filled on a temporary basis for the remainder of that school year. By May 1 of each year, a list of all vacancies shall be posted in a designated area in each administrative unit. Any teacher with proper qualifications may, within seven (7) calendar days of May 1 and all subsequent postings until August 1 of each year, apply for and shall be granted an interview before such vacancy is filled, with the exception of when reductions in grade levels/subject areas occur in a building allowing first right of refusal to displaced staff for any open positions in his/her individual building. Vacant positions will be posted for three (3) work days after August 1 and prior to the first reported student instructional day of each year. 2. Any teacher requesting transfer between administrative units shall notify the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources by April 30 for transfer in the subsequent year. Involuntary transfers within a building will occur prior to extending consideration to voluntary transfer requests. Before vacancies are filled, the qualifications of each teacher who has requested transfer shall be reviewed. 3. It is agreed that any teacher making written request to be assigned a position whose FTE is less than their current assignment has no guarantee of a future increase in FTE except as provided by the process defined elsewhere in this Article. 4. A vacancy shall be defined for purposes of this contract as a position presently unfilled, one to be open in the future or a new position, and which has no teacher on leave of absence or layoff status with the claim to the position. B. Since the frequent transfer of teachers from one school and/or grade level to another is disruptive to the educational process and interferes with optimum teacher performance, the parties agree that unrequested transfers of teachers are to be minimized.
Geographic Area and Sector Specific Allowances, Conditions and Exceptions The following allowances and conditions shall apply where relevant. Where the Employer does work which falls under the following headings, the Employer agrees to pay and observe the relevant respective conditions and/or exceptions set out below in each case.
Restrictions and Limitations (a) The Trust shall not lend assets of the Trust to any officer or Trustee of the Trust or to any officer, director, or stockholder (or partner of a stockholder) of, or person financially interested in, the investment adviser or any underwriter of the Trust, or to the investment adviser of the Trust or to any underwriter of the Trust. (b) The Trust shall not restrict the transferability or negotiability of the shares of the Trust, except in conformity with the statements with respect thereto contained in the Trust's Registration Statement, and not in contravention of such rules and regulations as the SEC may prescribe. (c) The Trust shall not permit any officer or Trustee of the Trust, or any officer, director, or stockholder (or partner of a stockholder) of the investment adviser or any underwriter of the Trust to deal for or on behalf of the Trust with himself as principal or agent, or with any partnership, association or trust in which he has a financial interest; provided that the foregoing provisions shall not prevent, to the extent consistent with applicable securities laws: (1) officers and Trustees of the Trust from buying, holding, redeeming, or selling shares in the Trust, or from being officers, directors, or stockholders (or partners of a stockholder) of or otherwise financially interested in the investment adviser or any underwriter of the Trust; (2) purchases or sales of securities or other property by the Trust from or to an affiliated person or to the investment adviser or any underwriter of the Trust, if such transactions are not prohibited by the 1940 Act or have been exempted by SEC order from the prohibitions of the 1940 Act; (3) purchases of investments for the portfolio of the Trust through a securities dealer who is, or one or more of whose partners, stockholders, officers, or directors is, an officer or Trustee of the Trust, if such transactions are handled in the capacity of broker only and commissions charged do not exceed customary brokerage charges for such services; (4) employment of legal counsel, registrar, transfer agent, dividend disbursing agent, or custodian who is, or has a partner, stockholder, officer, or director who is, an officer or Trustee of the Trust, if only customary fees are charged for services to the Trust; (5) sharing statistical research, legal and management expenses and office hire and expenses with any other investment company in which an officer or Trustee of the Trust is an officer, trustee, or director or otherwise financially interested.
Exceptions and Limitations For the avoidance of doubt, where Exceptions and Limitations apply to Your use, this Public License does not apply, and You do not need to comply with its terms and conditions.
Exceptions to Limitations These limitations of liability do not apply to breaches of confidentiality obligations, violations of a party’s Intellectual Property Rights by the other party, indemnification obligations, or Customer's payment obligations.
Limitations in Tariffs A Party may, in its sole discretion, provide in its tariffs and contracts with its End Users and third parties that relate to any service, product or function provided or contemplated under this Agreement, that to the maximum extent permitted by Applicable Law, such Party shall not be liable to the End User or third Party for (i) any loss relating to or arising out of this Agreement, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, that exceeds the amount such Party would have charged that applicable person for the service, product or function that gave rise to such loss and (ii)
Limitations and Restrictions Deduction of Rollovers and Transfers – A deduction is not allowed for rollover or transfer contributions.
DISCLAIMERS; EXCLUSIONS; LIMITATIONS Subject to §4, neither party makes any warranties (express, implied, or otherwise), including implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose, or title, related to its performance or anything else provided under this Agreement. Neither party will be liable for any special, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind for any reason whatsoever relating to this Agreement, even if such damages were reasonably foreseeable.
Limitations and Exclusions The limitation and exclusion in this Section 8 shall not apply: (i) to the extent that liability cannot be limited or excluded according to the Applicable Law; (ii) in cases of our willful misconduct and gross negligence; (iii) in cases of bodily injuries or death caused by our negligence; and (iv) in cases of our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.