File Management and Record Retention relating to CRF Eligible Persons or Households Grantee must maintain a separate file for every applicant, Eligible Person, or Household, regardless of whether the request was approved or denied. a. Contents of File: Each file must contain sufficient and legible documentation. Documents must be secured within the file and must be organized systematically.
Office Visits (other than Preventive Care Services) This plan covers office and clinic visits to diagnose or treat a sickness or injury. Office visit copayments differ depending on the type of provider you see. This plan covers physician visits in your home if you have an injury or illness that: • confines you to your home; or • requires special transportation; and • because of this injury or illness, you are physically unable to travel to the provider’s
Program Management 1.1.01 Implement and operate an Immunization Program as a Responsible Entity 1.1.02 Identify at least one individual to act as the program contact in the following areas: 1. Immunization Program Manager;
Professional Development and Training The Company shall pay for or reimburse the Executive for any reasonable professional development or training.
Coordinator 6.4.1 The Coordinator shall be the intermediary between the Parties and the Funding Authority and shall perform all tasks assigned to it as described in the Grant Agreement and in this Consortium Agreement. 6.4.2 In particular, the Coordinator shall be responsible for: - monitoring compliance by the Parties with their obligations - keeping the address list of Members and other contact persons updated and available - collecting, reviewing to verify consistency and submitting reports, other deliverables (including financial statements and related certifications) and specific requested documents to the Funding Authority - transmitting documents and information connected with the Project to any other Parties concerned - administering the financial contribution of the Funding Authority and fulfilling the financial tasks described in Section 7.3 - providing, upon request, the Parties with official copies or originals of documents which are in the sole possession of the Coordinator when such copies or originals are necessary for the Parties to present claims. If one or more of the Parties is late in submission of any project deliverable, the Coordinator may nevertheless submit the other parties’ project deliverables and all other documents required by the Grant Agreement to the Funding Authority in time. 6.4.3 If the Coordinator fails in its coordination tasks, the General Assembly may propose to the Funding Authority to change the Coordinator. 6.4.4 The Coordinator shall not be entitled to act or to make legally binding declarations on behalf of any other Party or of the consortium, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the Grant Agreement or this Consortium Agreement 6.4.5 The Coordinator shall not enlarge its role beyond the tasks specified in this Consortium Agreement and in the Grant Agreement. [Option: 6.5 Management Support Team (Optional, where foreseen in Grant Agreement or otherwise decided by the consortium) The Management Support Team shall be proposed by the Coordinator. It shall be appointed by the Executive Board and shall assist and facilitate the work of the Executive Board and the Coordinator for executing the decisions of the General Assembly as well as the day-to-day management of the Project.] [Option: 6.6 External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB) (Optional, where foreseen in the Grant Agreement or otherwise decided by the consortium) An External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB) will be appointed and steered by the Executive Board. The EEAB shall assist and facilitate the decisions made by the General Assembly. The Coordinator is authorised to execute with each member of the EEAB a non-disclosure agreement, which terms shall be not less stringent than those stipulated in this Consortium Agreement, no later than 30 calendar days after their nomination or before any confidential information will be exchanged, whichever date is earlier. The Coordinator shall write the minutes of the EEAB meetings and prepare the implementation of the EEAB's suggestions. The EEAB members shall be allowed to participate in General Assembly meetings upon invitation but have not any voting rights.]
MANAGEMENT OF EVALUATION OUTCOMES 12.1 Where the Employer is, any time during the Employee’s employment, not satisfied with the Employee’s performance with respect to any matter dealt with in this Agreement, the Employer will give notice to the Employee to attend a meeting; 12.2 The Employee will have the opportunity at the meeting to satisfy the Employer of the measures being taken to ensure that his performance becomes satisfactory and any programme, including any dates, for implementing these measures; 12.3 Where there is a dispute or difference as to the performance of the Employee under this Agreement, the Parties will confer with a view to resolving the dispute or difference; and 12.4 In the case of unacceptable performance, the Employer shall – 12.4.1 Provide systematic remedial or developmental support to assist the Employee to improve his performance; and 12.4.2 After appropriate performance counselling and having provided the necessary guidance and/or support as well as reasonable time for improvement in performance, the Employer may consider steps to terminate the contract of employment of the Employee on grounds of unfitness or incapacity to carry out his or her duties.
Alignment with Modernization Foundational Programs and Foundational Capabilities The activities and services that the LPHA has agreed to deliver under this Program Element align with Foundational Programs and Foundational Capabilities and the public health accountability metrics (if applicable), as follows (see Oregon’s Public Health Modernization Manual, (xxxx:// ual.pdf): a. Foundational Programs and Capabilities (As specified in Public Health Modernization Manual) b. The work in this Program Element helps Oregon’s governmental public health system achieve the following Public Health Accountability Metric, Health Outcome Measure: c. The work in this Program Element helps Oregon’s governmental public health system achieve the following Public Health Accountability Metric, Local Public Health Process Measure:
Mastectomy Services Inpatient
Program Manager Owner may designate a Program Manager to administer the Project and this Contract. In lieu of a Program Manager, Design Professional may be designated to perform the role of Program Manager. The Program Manager may also be designated as the Owner’s Representative, and if no Owner’s Representative is designated, the Program Manager shall be the Owner’s Representative.
Access to Personnel File Each employee shall have reasonable access to his/her personnel file for the purpose of reviewing any evaluations or formal disciplinary notations contained therein, in the presence of the Director of Personnel or designate. An employee has the right to request copies of any evaluations in this file.