Transfer SIMPLE IRA. This SIMPLE IRA is a "transfer SIMPLE IRA" agreed to by the participant and custodian to complete the agreement. They may include, for example, definitions, investment powers, voting rights, exculpatory provisions, amendment and termination, removal of the custodian, Instead, keep it with your records. For more information on SIMPLE IRAs, including the required disclosures the custodian if it is not the original recipient of contributions under any SIMPLE IRA plan. The summary description requirements of section 408(l)(2) do beginning date of distributions, accepting only cash, treatment of excess contributions, prohibited transactions with the participant, etc. must give the participant, see Pub. 590-A, not apply to transfer SIMPLE IRAs. Attach additional pages if necessary. Right to Revoke Your SIMPLE IRA. With some exceptions, you have 4. Cash Contributions. SIMPLE IRA contributions must be in cash, the right to revoke this Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of which may include a check, money order or wire transfer. It is Small Employers (SIMPLE) individual retirement account (IRA) within seven days of receiving this Disclosure Statement. If you revoke your SIMPLE IRA, we will return your entire SIMPLE IRA contribution without any adjustment for items such as sales commissions, administrative expenses, or fluctuation in market value. However, you do not have the right to revoke upon amendment of this agreement. You may revoke your SIMPLE IRA by providing us with written notice. The revocation notice may be mailed by first-class mail, or hand delivered to us. If your notice is mailed by first-class, postage pre-paid mail, the revocation will be deemed mailed on the date of the postmark. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the revocation of your SIMPLE IRA, please call or write to us. Our telephone number, address and a contact name, to be used for communications, can be found on the application that accompanies this Disclosure Statement and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Forms 5305 series agreement.
Transfer SIMPLE IRA. This SIMPLE IRA is a “transfer SIMPLE IRA” if it is not the original recipient of contributions under any SIMPLE IRA plan. The summary description requirements of section 408(l)(2) do not apply to transfer SIMPLE IRAs.