Transfers from Full-Time to Part-time Position. (a) A regular full-time nurse who immediately prior to transferring to a regular part-time position has used advance vacation credits shall have the option to repay the Employer in full or to make arrangements for the recovery of the vacation overpayment.
(b) A regular full-time nurse who has accrued vacation not yet taken at the time of transfer to a regular part-time position shall either receive pay for such unused vacation or such vacation may be scheduled by the Employer after consultation with the nurse.
(c) A nurse who is transferred from regular full-time to regular part-time, or vice-versa, shall retain and carry with her, her length of service for vacation entitlement purposes.
Transfers from Full-Time to Part-time Position. A nurse who is transferred from regular full-time to regular part-time, or vice- versa, shall retain and carry with her, her length of service for vacation entitlement purposes.