Regular Part Sample Clauses
Regular Part. Time employee - Regular part-time employee shall mean an employee hired to work on a partial day or partial week basis generally consisting of fewer hours than defined in the Regular or Modified Work Schedule in Article 18.
Regular Part. Time Employees who have made a commitment to work a regular recurring master line rotation, referred to herein as “RPT A employees”
Regular Part. Time Employee means an Employee appointed to a recurring part-time position who has successfully completed the requirements for being granted regular status in accordance with clause.
Regular Part time Employees Regular part-time employees are those who are regularly scheduled on a consecutive week to week basis, and who work less than 36 [37.5 effective September 1, 2013] hours per week. Regular part-time employees accumulate seniority and are entitled to all benefits of this Agreement, except the following benefits will be provided on a proportionate basis:
(a) Article 13: Severance Allowance,
(b) Article 17: Leave – Education,
(c) Article 19: Leave – Sick, 19.01: Accumulation,
Regular Part. Time employees (Part-Time Seasonal and Part- Time) shall be eligible to participate in the Qwest Pension Plan on a prorated basis, as provided by the terms of such plan.
Regular Part. Time Employees The County will pay forty-five percent (45%) towards the cost of the least expensive dental care alternative plan (insurance or HMO plans for either family or single coverage). Eligible employees will pay fifty-five percent (55%) of the cost of the least expensive plan and any additional cost if they select a more expensive plan. Regular part-time employees will pay their share to the County one month in advance.
Regular Part. Time Employees Regular part-time employees are those who work regularly an agreed upon number of days each month or week but less than forty (40) hours per week. Regular part-time employees shall be entitled to all fringe benefits under this Agreement on a pro rata basis in accordance with Section 5.5 of this Article. However, health and welfare benefits for regular part-time employees shall be provided as specified in Article 14, Health, Welfare and Retirement.
Regular Part. Time Employee is one who occupies a position within the bargaining unit designated to be on-going and who works less than the regular hours as prescribed in Article 9.01 (a) of this Agreement. The benefits of this Agreement shall apply to regular part-time employees on a pro rata basis, based on Regular Hours Paid not to exceed 1950 hours yearly.
(a) Casual is an employee hired to work on a day to day basis as required and is not scheduled by the Employer on the original schedule on a regular basis. A Casual Employee is not a Regular Employee, however, a Casual Employee may fill a Temporary Position.
(i) Casual employees shall have experience recognized and be placed on the increment scale as set out in Article. Upon hire, a year of service for Casual employees shall mean 1950 hours worked.
(ii) In lieu of benefits provided to employees under the collective agreement, Casual employees shall be compensated with a supplementary payment equal to eleven (11%) percent of their earnings in each bi-weekly period. This payment will represent four (4%) percent for vacation and seven (7%) for all other benefits.
(iii) Casual employees who have worked one thousand (1000) regular hours or more by their anniversary date shall be recognized for an additional year of service.
(iv) Casual employees who have worked less than one thousand (1000) regular hours by their anniversary date shall be recognized for an additional year of service when one thousand (1000) hours are achieved. This date shall become the employee’s new anniversary date.
(v) Casual employees shall confirm in writing their availability for shifts. In the event that a Casual employee does not work any shifts for a period of six (6) months, excluding approved periods of unavailability, such employee will be deemed terminated.
Regular Part time Employees Benefit Entitlement
(a) (b) Article 13: Article 17: Severance Allowance,Leave - Education, (c) Article 19: 19.01: 19.05: 19.11: Leave - Sick, Accumulation, Benefits Accrued, Specialist Appointments, (d) Article 20: Leave - Special,
Regular Part. Time Employees