Reactive Power and Primary Frequency Response 9.6.1 Power Factor Design Criteria
Dienste Und Materialien Von Drittanbietern (a) Die Apple-Software gewährt möglicherweise Zugang zu(m) iTunes Store, App Store, Apple Books, Game Center, iCloud, Karten von Apple und zu anderen Diensten und Websites von Apple und Drittanbietern (gemeinsam und einzeln als „Dienste“ bezeichnet). Solche Dienste sind möglicherweise nicht in xxxxx Sprachen oder in xxxxx Ländern verfügbar. Die Nutzung dieser Dienste erfordert Internetzugriff und die Nutzung bestimmter Dienste erfordert möglicherweise eine Apple-ID, setzt möglicherweise dein Einverständnis mit zusätzlichen Servicebedingungen voraus und unterliegt unter Umständen zusätzlichen Gebühren. Indem du diese Software zusammen mit einer Apple-ID oder einem anderen Apple-Dienst verwendest, erklärst du dein Einverständnis mit den anwendbaren Servicebedingungen für diesen Dienst, z. B. den neuesten Apple Media Services-Bedingungen für das Land, in dem du auf diese Services zugreifst, die du über die Webseite xxxxx:// internet-services/itunes/ anzeigen und nachlesen kannst
Primary Frequency Response Developer shall ensure the primary frequency response capability of its Large Generating Facility by installing, maintaining, and operating a functioning governor or equivalent controls. The term “functioning governor or equivalent controls” as used herein shall mean the required hardware and/or software that provides frequency responsive real power control with the ability to sense changes in system frequency and autonomously adjust the Large Generating Facility’s real power output in accordance with the droop and deadband parameters and in the direction needed to correct frequency deviations. Developer is required to install a governor or equivalent controls with the capability of operating: (1) with a maximum 5 percent droop ± 0.036 Hz deadband; or (2) in accordance with the relevant droop, deadband, and timely and sustained response settings from an approved Applicable Reliability Standard providing for equivalent or more stringent parameters. The droop characteristic shall be: (1) based on the nameplate capacity of the Large Generating Facility, and shall be linear in the range of frequencies between 59 and 61 Hz that are outside of the deadband parameter; or (2) based on an approved Applicable Reliability Standard providing for an equivalent or more stringent parameter. The deadband parameter shall be: the range of frequencies above and below nominal (60 Hz) in which the governor or equivalent controls is not expected to adjust the Large Generating Facility’s real power output in response to frequency deviations. The deadband shall be implemented: (1) without a step to the droop curve, that is, once the frequency deviation exceeds the deadband parameter, the expected change in the Large Generating Facility’s real power output in response to frequency deviations shall start from zero and then increase (for under-frequency deviations) or decrease (for over-frequency deviations) linearly in proportion to the magnitude of the frequency deviation; or (2) in accordance with an approved Applicable Reliability Standard providing for an equivalent or more stringent parameter. Developer shall notify NYISO that the primary frequency response capability of the Large Generating Facility has been tested and confirmed during commissioning. Once Developer has synchronized the Large Generating Facility with the New York State Transmission System, Developer shall operate the Large Generating Facility consistent with the provisions specified in Articles and of this Agreement. The primary frequency response requirements contained herein shall apply to both synchronous and non-synchronous Large Generating Facilities.
Staffing Levels to deal with Potential Violence The Employer agrees that, where there is a risk of violence, an adequate level of trained employees should be present. The Employer recognizes that workloads can lead to fatigue and a diminished ability both to identify and to subsequently deal with potentially violent situations.
Local Circuit Switching Capability, including Tandem Switching Capability 4.2.1 Local circuit switching capability is defined as: (A) line-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between a loop termination at a main distribution frame and a switch line card; (B) trunk-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between trunk termination at a trunk-side cross-connect panel and a switch trunk card; (C) switching provided by remote switching modules; and (D) all features, functions, and capabilities of the switch, which include, but are not limited to: (1) the basic switching function of connecting lines to lines, line to trunks, trunks to lines, and trunks to trunks, as well as the same basic capabilities made available to BellSouth’s customers, such as a telephone number, white page listings, and dial tone; and (2) all other features that the switch is capable of providing, including but not limited to customer calling, customer local area signaling service features, and Centrex, as well as any technically feasible customized routing functions provided by the switch. Any features that are not currently available but are technically feasible through the switch can be requested through the BFR/NBR process.
Training Delivery Type Code -- Code Short Description Long Description (If Applicable) 01 Traditional Classroom (no technology)
Drug-Free Workplace Policy Consultant shall provide a drug-free workplace by complying with all provisions set forth in City’s Council Policy 100-5, attached hereto as Exhibit “D” and incorporated herein by reference. Consultant’s failure to conform to the requirements set forth in Council Policy 100-5 shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement and shall be cause for immediate termination of this Agreement by City.
Act Identifier Title Shoulder note Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Xxx 0000 First Schedule Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Second Schedule First variation agreement Third Schedule Second variation agreement [s. 3B] Fourth Schedule Third variation agreement [s. 2] Fifth Schedule Fourth variation agreement Sixth Schedule Fifth variation agreement
Excellent Above Average Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory 5 4 3 2 1 5. The instructor demonstrates knowledge of the subject matter.
Flexible Work Hours Upon request of an authorized employee, the State may establish flexible work hours for a Xxxx 00 employee upon agreement between the employee and the employer. Any flexible work hour schedule shall not exceed thirty (30) days.