Unsatisfactory Progress. If KSTC, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines that Grantee or PI has failed to make satisfactory progress in conducting the work of the Project or otherwise is not in compliance with the requirements and provisions of this Grant Agreement, KSTC may terminate this Grant Agreement immediately upon written notice to Grantee. Any remaining unexpended and uncommitted funds shall be returned to KSTC.
Unsatisfactory Progress. Grantee fails, in KSTC’s sole discretion, to make satisfactory progress on the Work described in Section 2.0 or fails to timely submit, without KSTC’s approval in advance, two consecutive progress and/or financial reports, final report or does not comply with any other material requirement or provision of this Grant Agreement.
Unsatisfactory Progress. Unsatisfactory progress will be defined as:
a) Being more than one month late in turning in a tool list. (It is the responsibility of each trainee to have his tools checked by his supervisor.) OR
b) Failing a session as per the Ministry guidelines.
Unsatisfactory Progress. While DISTRICT intends to use CONTRACTOR for the WORK set forth in this CONTRACT, should the WORK not progress satisfactorily to DISTRICT or should additional WORK be required which, in the opinion of DISTRICT, CONTRACTOR cannot perform, DISTRICT reserves the right to hire additional personnel or consultants at CONTRACTOR’s expense at the sole discretion of DISTRICT.
Unsatisfactory Progress. Unsatisfactory progress in the Training Program shall be defined as:
Unsatisfactory Progress. Unsatisfactory progress includes but is not limited to: non-attendance, class participation, completed homework, exams taken on time, not progressing satisfactorily at a rate that will permit graduation within an approved length for the program, etc. If I am reported by an instructor as making unsatisfactory progress in a course, I may be administratively withdrawn (AW) from the course by the University and have my time adjusted and reported to VA. When it becomes evident that my degree objective cannot be completed in the approved length of time, VA will be notified that I am not progressing satisfactorily. If my class attendance is in question, I will grant permission for the SCO to communicate with my instructors concerning my attendance and class status.
Unsatisfactory Progress. If the Cabinet, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines that Beneficiary has failed to make satisfactory progress on the Project; or
Unsatisfactory Progress. Failure of PGV to comply with the instructions of HELCO may be grounds for determination by HELCO that PGV is not prosecuting its work with such diligence as will assure completion within the times specified. Upon such determination, HELCO may suspend or terminate PGV's right to proceed with the performance of the work, or any separable part thereof.
Unsatisfactory Progress. If the Cabinet, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines that Grantee has failed to make satisfactory progress on the Project; or
Unsatisfactory Progress. Unsatisfactory progress includes but is not limited to: non-attendance, class participation, completed homework, exams taken on time, not progressing satisfactorily at a rate that will permit graduation within an approved length for the program, etc.
a) If I am reported by an instructor as making unsatisfactory progress in a course, I may be administratively withdrawn (AW) from the course by the University and have my time adjusted and reported to VA.
b) When it becomes evident that my degree objective cannot be completed in the approved length of time, VA will be notified that I am not progressing satisfactorily.
c) If my class attendance is in question, I will grant permission for the SCO to communicate with my instructors concerning my attendance and class status.