PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS. A. DSH reserves the right to use and reproduce all publications, reports, and data produced or delivered pursuant to this Agreement. DSH further reserves the right to authorize others to use or reproduce such materials, provided the author of the report is acknowledged in any such use or reproduction.
B. If the publication and/or report are prepared by non-employees of DSH, and the total cost for such preparation exceeds $5,000, the publication and/or report shall contain the numbers and dollar amounts of all agreements and subcontracts relating to the preparation of the publication and report in a separate section of the report (Government Code section 7550).
PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS. Grantee and all its PIs shall acknowledge the Grant received from KSTC in all publications (peer reviewed or non-peer reviewed) and presentations arising out of the work conducted under this Grant Agreement. The acknowledgement of the Grant shall also be made in all internal and external reports or other reports of any kind. A copy of each such publication or report shall be provided to the KSTC Technical Representative. The acknowledgement shall state: “This technology was supported in part by an award from the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, Office of Commercialization and Innovation, under the Grant Agreement KSTC-184-512-12-140 with the Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation.”
PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS. A. Unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, Contractor shall:
1) Incorporate any comments or revisions required by HCD into any publication or report and shall not publish any material until it receives final written HCD approval from the Contract Manager.
2) Furnish one copy of each publication and report required plus one reproducible original. Any publication or report produced in PDF must be supplied to HCD in an unlocked, Word or Excel format.
B. Illustrations, maps and graphs in summaries and publications and reports shall be developed in a manner which allows the complete illustration to be contained on a single 8-1/2 by 11 page unless specific written approval is given to the contrary.
C. Graphs, illustrations and printed materials shall be printed in a single color throughout each publication unless prior written HCD approval is granted.
D. Contractor’s name shall appear only on the cover and title page of publications and reports and summaries. Covers and title pages will read as follows:
E. HCD retains ownership of and reserves the right to use and reproduce all publications and reports and data produced and delivered pursuant to this Agreement.
F. If the publication and/or report are prepared by nonemployees of HCD, it shall contain the numbers and dollar amounts of all contracts and subcontracts relating to the preparation of the report in a separate section of the report (Government Code Section 7550).
PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS. The Principal Investigator will submit a final report to Sponsor within ninety (90) days of the Completion Date. The report will summarize the Research accomplishments and significant research findings. Sponsor shall have the right to use results of Research disclosed to Sponsor in records and reports for any reasonable purpose. Sponsor shall need to obtain a license to use Research results from PSU if such use would infringe any copyright or any claim of a patent application or issued patent owned by PSU. PSU and the Principal Investigator hereby grant Sponsor a royalty-free, nontransferable, non-exclusive right to copy, reproduce and distribute any Research reports furnished to Sponsor under this Agreement. Sponsor may not charge fees for said Research reports, use said Research reports for advertising or promotional activities, or alter or modify said Research reports without the prior written permission of PSU. PSU will be free to publish the results of the Research after providing the Sponsor with a thirty (30) day period in which to review each publication to identify patentable subject matter and to identify any inadvertent disclosure of the Sponsor's proprietary information. If necessary to permit the preparation and filing of U.S. patent applications, PSU may agree to an additional review period not to exceed sixty (60) days.
PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS. A. If a publication and/or report is required under this Contract, Contractor shall:
i. Incorporate any comments or revisions required by the State into any publication or report and shall not publish any material until it receives final State approval.
ii. Furnish two copies of each publication and report required plus one reproducible original.
iii. Prepare all illustrations, maps and graphs in a manner which allows the complete illustration to be contained on a single 8-1/2 by 11 page unless specific written approval is given to the contrary.
iv. Print all graphs, illustrations and printed materials in a single color throughout each publication unless prior State approval is granted.
v. Place the Contractor’s name only on the cover and title page of publications and reports and summaries. Covers and title pages shall read as follows:
B. The State reserves the right to use and reproduce all publications, reports, and data produced and delivered pursuant to this Contract. State further reserves the right to authorize others to use or reproduce such materials, provided the author of the report is acknowledged in any such use or reproduction.
C. If the publication and/or report are prepared by non-employees of the State, and the total cost for such preparation exceeds $5,000, the publication and/or report shall contain the numbers and dollar amounts of all contracts and subcontracts relating to the preparation of the publication and report in a separate section of the report (Government Code Section 7550).
PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS. TPL shall be free to distribute and publish research results and other products of its research in works such as academic journals, books, online publications, unpublished working papers, and reports, materials and information included in presentations for academic seminars and conferences derived from (“Publications”), based on or using the Data, but only after the Data Owner has had an opportunity to review as described in this Section VI.
PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS. A. Unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, Contractor shall:
1) Incorporate any comments or revisions required by the State into any publication or report and shall not publish any material until it receives final written State approval.
2) Furnish one copy of each publication and report required plus one reproducible original. Any publication or report produced in PDF must be supplied to the State in and unlocked, Word or Excel format.
B. Illustrations, maps and graphs in summaries and publications and reports shall be developed in a manner which allows the complete illustration to be contained on a single 8-1/2 by 11 page unless specific written approval is given to the contrary.
C. Graphs, illustrations and printed materials shall be printed in a single color throughout each publication unless prior written State approval is granted.
D. Contractor’s name shall appear only on the cover and title page of publications and reports and summaries. Covers and title pages will read as follows:
E. The State retains ownership of and reserves the right to use and reproduce all publications and reports and data produced and delivered pursuant to this Agreement.
F. If the publication and/or report are prepared by nonemployees of HCD, it shall contain the numbers and dollar amounts of all contracts and subcontracts relating to the preparation of the report in a separate section of the report (Government Code Section 7550).
PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS. The Principal Investigators are encouraged to jointly publish the results of their research. KFSH&RC and support of the research should be acknowledged, and Reprints should be furnished to the investigators at both institutions as well as to the KFSH&RC Office of Research Affairs. Unless otherwise requested by the Institutional Review Committees, Progress reports are due 12 months after the effective date of the project, and on each anniversary date thereafter. Final reports are due thirty (30) days after termination of the project. All reports must be submitted to the KFSH&RC Research Advisory Council for review, comments and continued approval by the appropriate committee(s).
PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS. A. Unless otherwise provided for in the Agreement, Contractor shall:
1) Incorporate any comments or revisions required by the State into any publication or report and shall not publish any material until it receives final State approval.
2) Furnish two copies of each publication and report required plus one reproducible original.
B. Illustrations, maps and graphs in summaries and publications and reports shall be developed in a manner which allows the complete illustration to be contained on a single 8-1/2 by 11 page unless specific written approval is given to the contrary.
C. Graphs, illustrations and printed materials shall be printed in a single color throughout each publication unless prior State approval is granted.
D. Contractor’s name shall appear only on the cover and title page of publications and reports and summaries. Covers and title pages will read as follows:
E. The State reserves the right to use and reproduce all publications and reports and data produced and delivered pursuant to this Agreement.
F. If the publication and/or report are prepared by nonemployees of HCD, it shall contain the numbers and dollar amounts of all contracts and subcontracts relating to the preparation of the report in a separate section of the report (Government Code Section 7550).
PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS. The State reserves the right to use and reproduce all publications and reports and data produced and delivered pursuant to the Contract. If the publication and/or report are prepared by nonemployees of HCD, it shall contain the numbers and dollar amounts of all contracts and subcontracts relating to the preparation of the report in a separate section of the report (Government Code section 7550).