USE AND UPKEEP OF PREMISES. 10 6.1 Use .............................................................. 10 6.2
USE AND UPKEEP OF PREMISES. 8 6.1 Use ........................................................... 8 6.2 Illegal and Prohibited Uses ................................... 8 6.3
USE AND UPKEEP OF PREMISES. 36.1 In Section 6.2, in the fourth line, after 'Landlord's' insert "reasonable; and in the last sentence, insert a period after 'Landlord' and delete the rest of the sentence. 36.2 In Subsection 6.4(a), at the beginning of the paragraph, insert "Except for cosmetic changes and decorations,"; and in the eleventh line, delete 'water cooler,'. 36.3 In Subsection 6.4(b), in the sixth line, after 'Premises' insert a period and delete the rest of the sentence; and in the eleventh line, change 'five (5)' to "ten (10)". 36.4 In Subsection 6.4(c), in both the third and sixth lines, after 'Premises' insert "after the Lease Commencement Date"; in the eighth line, after 'expense' insert "provided Landlord so advised Tenant when Tenant requested Landlord's consent thereto"; and delete the last two sentences entirely. 36.5 In Section 6.6, in the fifth line, after 'Landlord's' insert "reasonable"; and in the seventh line, after 'Landlord' insert a period and delete the rest of the sentence. 36.6 In Subsection 6.8(b), in the second line, after 'except' insert "in the freight elevators". 36.7 In Section 6.9, in the fifth line, after 'Landlord's' insert "reasonable"; delete the second sentence entirely; and at the end of the paragraph, insert "Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to equitably enforce all Rules and Regulations.".
USE AND UPKEEP OF PREMISES. In Subsection 6.4(c), in both the third and sixth lines, after 'Premises' insert "after the Lease Commencement Date"; in the eighth line, after 'expense' insert "; provided Landlord so advised Tenant when Tenant requested Landlord's consent thereto."; and delete the last two sentences in their entirety.
USE AND UPKEEP OF PREMISES. 35.1 In Subsection 6.4(a), in the first line, before 'Tenant' insert "Except for cosmetic changes and decorations,"; and in the third line, after 'Landlord' insert "which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed". 35.2 In Subsection 6.4(b), in the eleventh line, change 'five (5)' to "ten (10)". 35.3 In Subsection 6.4(c), in the eighth line, after 'expense' insert "provided Landlord so advised Tenant when Tenant requested Landlord's consent thereto"; and delete the last two sentences entirely.
USE AND UPKEEP OF PREMISES. 43.1 In Section 6.3, in the last line, after `act' insert "; provided, however, that Tenant shall be given written notice and reasonable opportunity to cure such actions or failures before any liability for such costs accrues".
USE AND UPKEEP OF PREMISES. 32 37. ACCESS......................................................................................32 38. LIABILITY...................................................................................33 39. FIRE OR CASUALTY DAMAGE.....................................................................34 40. CONDEMNATION................................................................................34 41.
USE AND UPKEEP OF PREMISES. 36.1 In Section 8.2, in the fourth line insert "reasonable" before "opinion'. 36.2 In Section 8.6, in the third line after "make" insert "and give notice thereof to Tenant". 36.3 In Section 8.6(c), in the second line after 'machinery' insert "(other than any permitted automated teller machine and night deposit drawer). 36.4 Section 8.6.(h) is deleted in its entirety. 36.5 In Section 8.6(I), in the second line after the first "service' insert "Other than any permitted automated teller machine and night deposit drawer)".