USOC SOMEC XXXXX. Note: In addition to the OSS charges, applicable discounted service order and related discounted charges apply per the tariff.
USOC SOMEC XXXXX. Note: The OSS charges shall be paid in addition to and not in lieu of recurring and non-recurring charges applicable to the services ordered.
USOC SOMEC XXXXX. In addition to the OSS charges, applicable discounted service order and related discounted charges apply per the tariff. The Parties agree that US LEC will incur the mechanized rate for all LSRs, both mechanized and manual, if the percentage of mechanized LSRs to total LSRs exceeds the threshold percentages shown below: Year Ratio: Mechanized/Total LSRs 1999 70% 2000 80% 2001 90% The threshold plan will be discontinued in 2002. BellSouth will track the total LSR volume for each CLEC for each quarter. At the end of that time period, a Percent Electronic LSR calculation will be made for that quarter based on the LSR data tracked in the LCSC. If this percentage exceeds the threshold volume, all of that CLECs’ future manual LSRs will be billed at the mechanized LSR rate. To allow time for obtaining and analyzing the data and updating the billing system, this billing change will take place on the first day of the second month following the end of the quarter (e.g. May 1 for 1Q, Aug 1 for 2Q, etc.). There will be no adjustments to the amount billed for previously billed LSRs. The Parties agree that any charges BellSouth is unable to xxxx on April 15, 1999 will be trued up on or about July 1, 1999. . 1 Grandfathered Services (Note 1) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5 Lifeline/Link Up Services Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Note 4 Note 4 Yes Yes 6 911/E911 Services (See Note7) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 8 AdWatchSM Svc (See Note 6) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 10 Mobile Services Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 11 Federal Subscriber Line Charges Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 12 Non-Recurring Charges Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 13 End User Line Charge – Number Portability Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 1 Grandfathered Services (Note 1) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 Contract Service Arrangements Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 4 Promotions - < 90 Days (Note 2) Yes No Yes No Yes No No No 5 Lifeline/Link Up Services Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Note 4 7 N11 Services (See Note 7) No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 8 AdWatchSM Svc (See Note 6) Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 10 Mobile Services Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 11 Federal Subscriber Line Charges Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 12 Non-Recurring Charges Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 13 End User Line Charge – Number Portability Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 1 Grandfathered services can be resold only to existing subscribers of the grandfathered service.
USOC SOMEC XXXXX. Note: In addition to the electronic interface charges, applicable discounted service order and related discounted charges apply per the tariff.
USOC SOMEC XXXXX. Note: In addition to the OSS charges, applicable discounted service order and related discounted charges apply per the tariff. BellSouth shall assess the Secondary Service Charge in exactly the same manner and under exactly the same circumstances applicable when such charges are assessed upon its own customers. If BellSouth waives the charge for its own customers, BellSouth shall waive it for SouthEast. Moreover, the Secondary Service Charge shall not be assessed when SouthEast initiates service for a customer that moves from BellSouth or another service provider to SouthEast, as other service and/or installation charges are assessed. Specifically, BellSouth shall not apply the Secondary Service Charge when SouthEast initiates service for a customer served via resale of BellSouth retail services and the OSS Local Service Request charge or any other non-recurring charge is assessed by BellSouth on SouthEast (unless, at the same time, SouthEast orders other service changes for that customer for which the Secondary Service Charge would apply to BellSouth’s retail customers). Furthermore, the Secondary Service Charge shall not apply when South East initiates service for a customer and that customer is served by SouthEast using UNE-P or other unbundled network elements.


  • SHOP XXXXXXX (a) The Union may elect or appoint a Shop Xxxxxxx or Shop Stewards to represent the employees and the Union shall notify the Company as to the name or names of such Shop Xxxxxxx or Shop Stewards. The Company agrees that no Shop Xxxxxxx shall suffer any discrimination by reason of holding such office. (b) When the Company for any reason finds it necessary to layoff or terminate a Shop Xxxxxxx, the Business Representative of the Union shall be notified prior to such termination.

  • SOMEC XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX UNBUNDLED LOCAL SWITCHING, PORT USAGE End Office Switching (Port Usage) End Office Switching Function, Per MOU 0.0007025 End Office Trunk Port - Shared, Per MOU 0.0001638 Tandem Switching (Port Usage) (Local or Access Tandem) Tandem Switching Function Per MOU 0.000095 Tandem Trunk Port - Shared, Per MOU 0.0002015 Tandem Switching Function Per MOU (Melded) 0.000040993 Tandem Trunk Port - Shared, Per MOU (Melded) 0.000086947 Melded Factor: 43.15% of the Tandem Rate Common Transport Common Transport - Per Mile, Per MOU 0.0000023 Common Transport - Facilities Termination Per MOU 0.0003224