Note 6 definition

Note 6. Client’s transit account means a bank account opened with the Bank in the name of the Client in the meaning defined by Federal Law No.156-FZ of November 29, 2001 On Investment Funds. The said account is intended for recording of funds transferred in payment for investment units of one unit investment fund.
Note 6. (This NOTE 6 is only applicable to the 17th Seniority District). At those home stations where, effective September 27, 1991, train crews consisting of one conductor and two assistant conductors are regularly set up, the total number of reducible assistant conductors' positions, as presently defined, occupied on a permanent basis will be counted; this will include reducible assistant conductors' positions awarded at the change of timetable, or when crews set-up or subsequently claimed by a protected freight employee under the freight crew consist rules then in effect but will exclude positions occupied pursuant to Article 3 of the Memorandum of Agreement dated July 19, 1990. Thereafter, non-essential assistant conductors' positions will not be discontinued until an equivalent number of protected freight employees have been removed from the active working list as prescribed herein. If, for example, at a particular home station, three such crews were regularly set up, no non-essential assistant conductor's position shall be discontinued when the first three protected freight employees are removed for the working list. The first non-essential assistant conductor's position will be discontinued only at the time the fourth protected freight employee is removed from the active working list.
Note 6 has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

Examples of Note 6 in a sentence

  • On an accrual basis, revenue from property taxes is recognized in the fiscal year for which the taxes are levied (See Note 6).

  • Revenue from property taxes is recognized in the year for which the taxes are levied (See Note 6).

  • On an accrual basis, revenue from property taxes is recognized in the fiscal year for which the taxes are levied (see Note 6).

  • Note 6 to the financial statements provides additional information for this entity.

  • The areas involving such judgements, estimates and assumptions are disclosed in Note 6 to the financial statements.

More Definitions of Note 6

Note 6. If the Employee’s meal time falls under the definition ofhours worked” in the Minimum Wage Ordinance (including the Employee being in attendance at a place of employment in accordance with the contract of employment or with the agreement or at the direction of the Employer, irrespective of whether the Employee is provided with work or not), or where the meal time is regarded as hours worked in this employment contract or pursuant to any agreement with the Employer, such time must be taken into account in computing the minimum wage.
Note 6. What a Monitor is and whether one is required
Note 6. The dimension and the positional tolerance of “DC” shall be specified by each vendor considering the recommended pattern layout described in Figure 3. Note 7: Denoting the dimension from the centerline of the datum “C” to the centerline of the datum “AA”.
Note 6. The clubhouse is a NON-SMOKING facility the renter will enforce. Also, no fires, lit candles or fireworks are permitted. Battery operated candles are permitted and recommended.
Note 6. E02 progression to AA specialist in accordance with Memorandums of Agreement dated June 2, 2003 and July 11, 2014 October 5, 2020.
Note 6. For Parcels 6, 7, and 8, the monthly rent for each is an amount previously agreed upon by the Parties, and is not calculated on any applicable current rate.
Note 6. STP port access must be ordered on a separate order. Note 7: Applies to CLEC Operator Service & DA with unbundled switching Options B & C. Note 8: Transport column: Dedicated, Common, shared, entrance facilities, all transmission rates.