Valid Reference Email addresses are REQUIRED on the spreadsheet Sample Clauses

Valid Reference Email addresses are REQUIRED on the spreadsheet. The vendor must download the References spreadsheet from the attachment tab, fill in the requested information and upload the completed spreadsheet. DO NOT UPLOAD encrypted or password protected files.
Valid Reference Email addresses are REQUIRED on the spreadsheet. The vendor must download the References spreadsheet from the attachment tab, fill in the requested information and upload the completed spreadsheet. DO NOT UPLOAD encrypted or password protected files. Please upload one or more documents or sheets describing your offerings, line cards, catalogs, links to offerings OR list links to your offerings that illustrate the catalog of proposed lines of goods and or services you carry and offer under this proposal. I does not have to be exhaustive but should, at a minimum tell us what you are offering. It could be as simple as a sheet with your link to your online catalog of goods and services. D/M/WBE Certification documentation may be scanned and uploaded if you desire to claim your status as one of the identified enterprises. (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, Minority Business Enterprise and/or Woman Business Enterprise) If vendor has more than one certification scan into one document. (PDF Format ONLY) DO NOT UPLOAD encrypted or password protected files. Completion of the HUB Subcontracting Plan Form is OPTIONAL. THE FORM INFORMATION HAS NO EFFECT ON YOUR EVALUATION SCORE. IT IS INFORMATIONAL ONLY. Some Texas State agencies and Universities require it be a part of the file when determining if they can use a TIPS contract. If you choose to complete one, it is not project specific but the general plan the vendor would use. Complete it as best you can. Vendor can download the HUB Subcontracting Plan Form from the "Attachments" tab and upload their HUB Subcontracting Plan Form. Warranty information (if applicable) must be scanned and uploaded. (PDF Format ONLY) DO NOT UPLOAD encrypted or password protected files. Supplementary information can be scanned and uploaded. (Company information, brochures, catalogs, etc.) (PDF Format ONLY) DO NOT UPLOAD encrypted or password protected files. All Other Certificates (if applicable) must be scanned and uploaded. If vendor has more than one other certification scan into one document. (PDF Format ONLY) DO NOT UPLOAD encrypted or password protected files. Please upload your company logo to be added to your individual profile page on the TIPS website. If any particular specifications are required for use of your company logo, please upload that information under the "Logo and Other Company Marks" section under the “Response Attachment” tab. Preferred Logo Format: 350 x 350 pixel - .png, .eps, .jpg preferred. ONLY REQUIRED IF A CONFLICT EXISTS PER THE INSTRUCTIONS Conflict of In...

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  • Payment of Debt or Delinquency to the State Pursuant to §§2107.008 and 2252.903, Texas Government Code, Contractor agrees any payments owing to Contractor under this Agreement may be applied directly toward any debt or delinquency Contractor owes the State of Texas or any agency of the State of Texas, regardless of when it arises, until paid in full.

  • Mutual Fund Entity Name Reference ID Entity Type Virginia Tax-Free Bond Fund VAB Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Summit Funds, Inc. SIF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Summit Cash Reserves Fund SCR Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Summit Municipal Funds, Inc. SMF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Summit Municipal Income Fund SMI Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Summit Municipal Intermediate Fund SMT Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Summit Municipal Money Market Fund SMM Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Tax-Efficient Funds, Inc. TEF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Tax-Efficient Equity Fund TMC Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Tax-Exempt Money Fund, Inc. TEM Mutual Fund X. Xxxx Price Tax-Free High Yield Fund, Inc. TFH Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Tax-Free Income Fund, Inc. TFI Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Tax-Free Short-Intermediate Fund, Inc. TFS Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Tax-Free Ultra Short-Term Bond Fund TUS Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price U.S. Bond Enhanced Index Fund, Inc. UBX Mutual Fund X. Xxxx Price U.S. Large-Cap Core Fund, Inc. LCF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price U.S. Treasury Funds, Inc. USTF Mutual Fund - Parent U.S. Treasury Intermediate Fund USI Mutual Fund - Series U.S. Treasury Long-Term Fund USL Mutual Fund - Series U.S. Treasury Money Fund UST Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Value Fund, Inc. VAL Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Retirement Funds, Inc. RDF Mutual Fund - Parent X. Xxxx Price Retirement 2005 Fund RPJ Mutual Fund - Series X. Xxxx Price Retirement 2010 Fund RPA Mutual Fund - Series

  • Access to List of Holders' Names and Addresses Each Holder and each Owner shall be deemed to have agreed not to hold the Depositor, the Property Trustee, the Delaware Trustee or the Administrative Trustees accountable by reason of the disclosure of its name and address, regardless of the source from which such information was derived.

  • Access to List of Holders (a) If the Trustee is not acting as Certificate Registrar, the Certificate Registrar will furnish or cause to be furnished to the Trustee, within fifteen days after receipt by the Certificate Registrar of a request by the Trustee in writing, a list, in such form as the Trustee may reasonably require, of the names and addresses of the Certificateholders of each Class as of the most recent Record Date. (b) If three or more Holders or Certificate Owners (hereinafter referred to as “Applicants”) apply in writing to the Certificate Registrar, and such application states that the Applicants desire to communicate with other Holders with respect to their rights under this Agreement or under the Certificates and is accompanied by a copy of the communication which such Applicants propose to transmit, then the Certificate Registrar shall, within five Business Days after the receipt of such application, afford such Applicants reasonable access during the normal business hours of the Certificate Registrar to the most recent list of Certificateholders held by the Certificate Registrar or shall, as an alternative, send, at the Applicants’ expense, the written communication proffered by the Applicants to all Certificateholders at their addresses as they appear in the Certificate Register. (c) Every Holder or Certificate Owner, if the Holder is a Clearing Agency, by receiving and holding a Certificate, agrees with the Depositor, the Master Servicer, the Securities Administrator, the Certificate Registrar and the Trustee that neither the Depositor, the Master Servicer, the Securities Administrator, the Certificate Registrar nor the Trustee shall be held accountable by reason of the disclosure of any such information as to the names and addresses of the Certificateholders hereunder, regardless of the source from which such information was derived.

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  • No Exhibit E without unaltered DPA including Texas Addendum Any alterations are only allowed in Exhibit “H”. Any terms under Exhibit “H” do not apply to Exhibit “E” and render Exhibit “E” null and void.

  • DOES THE SPR NEED TO BE UPDATED IF INFORMATION CHANGES Yes. It remains a continuing obligation of the principal or his/her authorized agent to update the SPR whenever any of the information provided on the initial form changes. The SPR needs to be filed with the County Department or County Division processing the application or matter. If and when an additional expenditure is incurred subsequent to the initial filing of the SPR, an amended SPR needs to be filed with the County Department or County Division where the original application, including the initial SPR, was filed. In most cases, the initial SPR needs to be filed with the other application forms. The SPR and any update must be filed with the appropriate County Department or County Division not less than seven (7) days prior to the BCC hearing date so that they may be incorporated into the BCC agenda packet. (See Section 2-354(b), Orange County Code.) When the matter is a discussion agenda item or is the subject of a public hearing, and any additional expenditure occurs less than 7 days prior to BCC meeting date or updated information is not included in the BCC agenda packet, the principal or his/her authorized agent is obligated to verbally present the updated information to the BCC when the agenda item is heard or the public hearing is held. When the matter is a consent agenda item and an update has not been made at least 7 days prior to the BCC meeting or the update is not included in the BCC agenda packet, the item will be pulled from the consent agenda to be considered at a future meeting.

  • Notification of Addresses, Lending Offices, Etc Each Bank shall notify the Agent in writing of any changes in the address to which notices to the Bank should be directed, of addresses of any Lending Office, of payment instructions in respect of all payments to be made to it hereunder and of such other administrative information as the Agent shall reasonably request.