Wage Increases The wage rates in this Agreement will only be increased in accordance with any increases which may be awarded by the Australian Fair Pay Commission through wage reviews. The level of any increases will be such that the percentage wage increase as set out in Clause 15 of this agreement will be maintained. No additional increases in wage rates will apply to the rate of pay in Clause 15 of this Agreement while it is in operation.
Benefit Increases Benefit payments may be increased as provided in Section 2.1.3.
Wage Increase 1. The minimum hourly wage amounts in the salary table in column I (job grades 1 up to and includ- ing 3) concern the statutory minimum wage and are adjusted in the event of an increase in the statutory minimum wage. 2. Each calendar year, in principle before 1 July, the CLA parties shall conduct talks on the adjust- ment of the (other) amounts shown in the salary table (column I, job grades 4 up to and including 6, column II and III) in article 28(2) of the CLA from 1 July of that year. 3. If an adjustment of the salary table (column I, job grades 4 up to and including 6, columns II and III) is agreed pursuant to paragraph 2 of this article, this will be applied as follows: a. The salary table (column I, job grades 4 up to and including 6, columns II and III) will be increased by the agreed percentage and b. the actual wage of the temporary agency worker will be increased by the agreed percentage from the agreed date.
Salary Increases The Employer agrees to pay the negotiated salary increases to every employee not later than the month following the month in which this Agreement is signed and not later than the month following the month in which any subsequent salary increases become effective.
General Wage Increases Effective and retroactive to July 1, 2021, the annual base salary shall be increased by 2.5% for all active employees. 2.5% shall be extended and retroactive to employees who retired and terminated/separated in good standing with 10 years or more of state service on or after 07/01/2021. Effective 07/01/2022 the annual base salary shall be increased by 2.5% for all active employees. Effective 07/01/2023 the annual base salary shall be increased by 2.5% for all active employees. **Wage reopener for 2024 – 2025 (for effective date July 1, 2024).
Annual Increases On each anniversary of Employee's termination from employment, any remaining amounts to be paid during the next year pursuant to this Paragraph 9 shall be increased to an amount equal to one hundred ten percent (110%) of the amounts required to be paid by Employer hereunder under the provisions of this Paragraph 9 during the preceding year.
Recovery of Bonus and Incentive Compensation Any bonus and incentive compensation paid to you during a CPP Covered Period is subject to recovery or “clawback” by the Company if the payments were based on materially inaccurate financial statements or any other materially inaccurate performance metric criteria.
Cash and Incentive Compensation (a) All payments referenced in this Agreement are subject to applicable tax withholdings and authorized or required deductions.
Bonus and Incentive Compensation Executive shall be entitled to equitable participation in incentive compensation and bonuses in any plan or arrangement of the Bank or the Company in which Executive is eligible to participate. Nothing paid to Executive under any such plan or arrangement will be deemed to be in lieu of other compensation to which Executive is entitled under this Agreement.
Salary Increments The Employer may grant an increment for meritorious service after an Employee has served for a period of twelve (12) months following the day established in Article 25.07 or twelve (12) months following the date of a change in his rate of compensation as established in Articles 25.04, 25.05, or 25.06.