Schematic Design Phase 1.2.1 Based on the mutually agreed upon Program of Requirements, Amount Available for the Construction Contract and the Project Schedule, the Architect/Engineer shall prepare sufficient alternative approaches utilizing BIM for design and construction of the Project to satisfy Owner’s project requirements and shall, at completion of this phase, submit Schematic Design Documents derived from the model in accordance with the BIM Execution Plan, “Facility Design Guidelines” and any additional requirements set forth in Article 15. The Architect/Engineer shall review alternative approaches to design and construction for the Project as they are being modeled at intervals appropriate to the progress of the Project with the Owner and Construction Manager at the Project site or other location specified by the Owner within the State of Texas. The Architect/Engineer shall utilize the model(s) to support the review process during Schematic Design. The Architect/Engineer shall provide the Construction Manager with a compact disc containing documents and data files derived from the model to assist the Construction Manager in fulfilling its responsibilities to the Owner. 1.2.2 Architect/Engineer shall provide all services necessary to perform the services of this phase (preparation of model(s), relevant data, decision support model views and Schematic Design Documents) including, without limitation, unless otherwise approved by Owner, the preparation and prompt delivery of all items specified in the BIM Execution Plan and “Facility Design Guidelines”. 1.2.3 Architect/Engineer shall work closely with Owner in preparation of schematic drawings and shall specifically conform to Owner’s requirements regarding aesthetic design issues. 1.2.4 The Architect/Engineer shall review the Estimated Construction Cost prepared by the Construction Manager, and shall provide written comments. 1.2.5 Before proceeding into the Design Development Phase, the Architect/Engineer shall obtain Owner’s written acceptance of the Schematic Design documents and approval of the Architect/Engineer’s preliminary Estimated Construction Cost and schedule. 1.2.6 The Architect/Engineer shall participate in a final review of the Schematic Design Documents and model(s) with the Owner and Construction Manager at the Project site or other location specified by Owner in the State of Texas. Prior to the Owner’s approval of the Schematic Design Documents, the Architect/Engineer shall incorporate such changes as are necessary to satisfy the Owner’s review comments, any of which may be appealed for good cause.
Installation, Maintenance, Testing and Repair Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties, to the extent required by Applicable Law, Interconnection provided by a Party shall be equal in quality to that provided by such Party to itself, any subsidiary, affiliates or third party. If either Party is unable to fulfill its obligations under this Section 14.2, it shall notify the other Party of its inability to do so and will negotiate alternative intervals in good faith. The Parties agree that to the extent required by Applicable Law, the standards to be used by a Party for isolating and clearing any disconnections and/or other outages or troubles shall be at parity with standards used by such Party with respect to itself, any subsidiary, affiliate or third party.
Work Load The professional obligation of academic employees comprises both scheduled and non-scheduled activities. The Guild and the District recognize that it is part of the professional responsibility of faculty to carry out their duties in an appropriate manner and place. As part of this responsibility faculty are expected to play an important role in the recruitment and retention of students, campus and departmental governance, program review, accreditation, planning and mentoring. Faculty commitment to retention will be demonstrated by informing students that they are to talk with the instructor prior to dropping the course. Faculty are encouraged to include a statement to this effect in their course syllabi. While it is understood that course syllabi content falls within the purview of the individual faculty member’s academic freedom, the parties also understand that items required to be part of syllabi in order to maintain college or continuing education accreditation must also be included. Tenured/tenure-track faculty who have less than a full-time contract are not eligible to work any additional assignments including long-term substitution (day-to-day substitution is allowed provided the limits specified in Section are not exceeded). Faculty assignments shall be made in the following priority order: Tenured/tenure-track, pro- rata, overload, Priority of Assignment (POA) adjunct faculty assignments, then non-POA adjunct faculty.
Network Interconnection Architecture Each Party will plan, design, construct and maintain the facilities within their respective systems as are necessary and proper for the provision of traffic covered by this Agreement. These facilities include but are not limited to, a sufficient number of trunks to the point of interconnection with the tandem company, and sufficient interoffice and interexchange facilities and trunks between its own central offices to adequately handle traffic between all central offices within the service areas at a P.01 grade of service or better. The provisioning and engineering of such services and facilities will comply with generally accepted industry methods and practices, and will observe the rules and regulations of the lawfully established tariffs applicable to the services provided.
Additional Work If changes in the work seem merited by Consultant or the City, and informal consultations with the other party indicate that a change is warranted, it shall be processed in the following manner: a letter outlining the changes shall be forwarded to the City by Consultant with a statement of estimated changes in fee or time schedule. An amendment to this Agreement shall be prepared by the City and executed by both Parties before performance of such services, or the City will not be required to pay for the changes in the scope of work. Such amendment shall not render ineffective or invalidate unaffected portions of this Agreement.
Design Development Phase 1.3.1 Based on the approved Schematic Design Documents, model(s) and any adjustments to the Program of Requirements, BIM Execution Plan or Amount Available for the Construction Contract authorized by the Owner, the Architect/Engineer shall prepare, for approval by the Owner and review by the Construction Manager, Design Development Documents derived from the model(s) in accordance with Owner’s written requirements to further define and finalize the size and character of the Project in accordance with the BIM Execution Plan, “Facility Design Guidelines” and any additional requirements set forth in Article 15. The Architect/Engineer shall review the Design Development documents as they are being modeled at intervals appropriate to the progress of the Project with the Owner and Construction Manager at the Project site or other location specified by Owner in the State of Texas. The Architect/Engineer shall utilize the model(s) to support the review process during Design Development. The Architect/Engineer shall allow the Construction Manager to utilize the information uploaded into Owner’s PMIS to assist the Construction Manager in fulfilling its responsibilities to the Owner. 1.3.2 As a part of Design Development Phase, Architect/Engineer shall accomplish model coordination, aggregation and “clash detection” to remove conflicts in design between systems, structures and components. Architect/Engineer shall utilize Owner’s PMIS to accomplish model coordination and collaborate with Construction Manager in the resolution of critical clashes identified by the Construction Manager. Architect/Engineer shall demonstrate and provide written assurance to Owner that conflicts/collisions between models have been resolved. 1.3.3 The Architect/Engineer shall review the Estimated Construction Cost prepared by the Construction Manager, and shall provide written comments. 1.3.4 Before proceeding into the Construction Document Phase, the Architect/Engineer shall obtain Owner’s written acceptance of the Design Development documents and approval of the mutually established Amount Available for the Construction Contract and schedule. 1.3.5 The Architect/Engineer shall prepare presentation materials including an animation derived from the model(s) as defined in “Facility Design Guidelines” at completion of Design Development and if so requested shall present same to the Board of Regents at a regular meeting where scheduled within the state. 1.3.6 The Architect/Engineer shall prepare preliminary recommended furniture layouts for all spaces where it is deemed important to substantiate the fulfillment of program space requirements, or to coordinate with specific architectural, mechanical and electrical elements. 1.3.7 Architect/Engineer shall assist the Owner, if requested, with seeking approval of the Project by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). Such assistance shall include (i) the preparation of a listing of the rooms and square footages in the Project, and (ii) the preparation of project cost information, in accordance with THECB Guidelines. This information shall be provided at the completion of the Design Development Phase when requested by the Owner. The listing of rooms and square footages shall then be updated to reflect any changes occurring during construction and provided to the Owner at Substantial Completion. 1.3.8 At the completion of the Design Development Phase, or such other time as Owner may specify to Architect/Engineer, at Owner’s sole option and discretion, Owner will furnish Architect/Engineer with a Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal prepared by Construction Manager based upon the Design Development documents prepared by the Architect/Engineer and approved by the Owner. The Architect/Engineer shall assist the Owner and endeavor to further and advocate the Owner’s interests in Owner’s communications with the Construction Manager in an effort to develop a Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal acceptable to Owner, in Owner’s sole option and discretion. If the Owner does not accept the Construction Manager’s Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal, the Architect/Engineer shall participate with the Owner and Construction Manager in constructability reviews and shall revise the documents as necessary in order to reach an agreement. If the Construction Manager’s Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal exceeds the Schematic Design Phase Estimated Construction Cost prepared by, or otherwise accepted by the Construction Manager due to an increase in the scope of the Project caused by further development of the design documents by the Architect/Engineer to the extent that such could not be reasonably inferred by the Construction Manager from the Schematic Design documents, and Owner directs Architect/Engineer to revise the documents, the Architect/Engineer shall revise the documents at its own expense so that the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal for constructing the Project shall not exceed the Owner’s Amount Available for the Construction Contract and any previously approved Estimated Construction Costs. If it is determined to be in the Owner’s best interest, instead of requiring the Architect/Engineer to revise the Drawings and Specifications, the Owner reserves the right to accept a Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal that exceeds the stipulated Amount Available for the Construction Contract. The Architect/Engineer shall analyze the final Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal document, together with its supporting assumptions, clarifications, and contingencies, and shall submit a detailed written analysis of the document to the Owner. Such analysis shall include, without limitation, reference to and explanation of any inaccurate or improper assumptions and clarifications. The A/E will not be required to make revisions to the documents at its own expense under the provisions of this paragraph if the Owner’s rejection of the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal is not due to a failure of the A/E to provide the services otherwise required herein. 1.3.9 After the Guaranteed Maximum Price has been accepted, the Architect/Engineer shall incorporate necessary revisions into the Design Development documents. The A/E will not be required to make revisions to the documents at its own expense under the provisions of this paragraph if the revisions are required as the result of inaccurate assumptions and clarifications made in the development of the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal that are not due to a failure of the A/E to provide the services otherwise required herein.
Maintenance Repairs Utility Installations Trade Fixtures and Alterations (a) Subject to the provisions of Paragraphs 2.2 (Lessor’s warranty as to condition), 2.3 (Lessor’s warranty as to compliance with covenants, etc.), 7.2 (Lessor’s obligations to repair), 9 (damage and destruction), and 14 (condemnation), Lessee shall, at Lessee’s sole cost and expense and at all times, keep the Premises and every part thereof in good order, condition and repair, structural and non-structural (whether or not such portion of the Premises requiring repair, or the means of repairing the same, are reasonably or readily accessible to Lessee, and whether or not the need for such repairs occurs as a result of Lessee’s use, any prior use, the elements or the age of such portion of the Premises), including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing all equipment or facilities serving the Premises, such as plumbing, heating, air conditioning, ventilating, electrical, lighting facilities, boilers, fired or unfired pressure vessels, fire sprinkler and/or standpipe and hose or other automatic fire extinguishing system, including fire alarm and/or smoke detection systems and equipment, fire hydrants, fixtures, walls (interior and exterior), foundations, ceilings, roofs, floors, windows, doors, plate glass, skylights, landscaping, driveways, parking lots, fences, retaining walls, signs, sidewalks and parkways located in, on, about, or adjacent to the Premises. Lessee shall not cause or permit any Hazardous Substance to be spilled or released in, on, under or about the Premises (including through the plumbing or sanitary sewer system) and shall promptly, at Lessee’s expense, take all investigatory and/ore remedial action reasonably recommended, whether or not formally ordered or required, for the cleanup of any contamination of, and for the maintenance, security and/or monitoring of, the Premises, the elements surrounding same, or neighboring properties that was caused or materially contributed to by Lessee, or pertaining to or involving any Hazardous Substance and/or storage tank brought onto the premises by or for lessee or under its control. Lessee, in keeping the Premises in good order, condition and repair, shall exercise and perform good maintenance practices. Lessee’s obligations shall include restorations, replacements or renewals when necessary to keep the Promises and all improvements thereon or a part thereof in good order, condition and state of repair. If Lessee occupies the Premises for seven (7) years or more, lessor may require Lessee to repaint the exterior of the buildings on the Premises as reasonably required, but not more frequently than once every seven (7) years. (b) Lessee shall, at Lessee’s sole cost and expense, procure and maintain contracts, with copies to Lessor, in customary form and substance for, and with contractors specializing and experienced in, the inspection, maintenance and service of the following equipment and improvements, if any, located on the Premises: (i) heating, air conditioning and ventilation equipment, (ii) boiler, fired or unfired pressure vessels, (iii) fire sprinkler and/or standpipe and hose or other automatic fire extinguishing systems, including fire alarm and/or smoke detection. (iv) landscaping and irrigation systems, (v) roof covering and drain maintenance and (vi) asphalt and parking lot maintenance.
Construction Phase Services 3.1.1 – Basic Construction Services
Power Factor Design Criteria (Reactive Power A wind generating plant shall maintain a power factor within the range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging, measured at the Point of Interconnection as defined in this LGIA, if the ISO’s System Reliability Impact Study shows that such a requirement is necessary to ensure safety or reliability. The power factor range standards can be met using, for example without limitation, power electronics designed to supply this level of reactive capability (taking into account any limitations due to voltage level, real power output, etc.) or fixed and switched capacitors if agreed to by the Connecting Transmission Owner for the Transmission District to which the wind generating plant will be interconnected, or a combination of the two. The Developer shall not disable power factor equipment while the wind plant is in operation. Wind plants shall also be able to provide sufficient dynamic voltage support in lieu of the power system stabilizer and automatic voltage regulation at the generator excitation system if the System Reliability Impact Study shows this to be required for system safety or reliability.
Construction Services 3.1.1 Basic Construction Services. 3.1.2 Meetings and Schedule Updates.