Schematic Design Phase definition

Schematic Design Phase means that Phase during which the Schematic Design Documents are being prepared by the Trade Contractor.
Schematic Design Phase has the meaning set out in Section 4.2(b)(1) of Schedule 2 [Design and Construction Protocols];
Schematic Design Phase means the first of three phases of the Scope of Work. The scope of the Schematic Design Phase is further defined in the RFP.

Examples of Schematic Design Phase in a sentence

  • The Design Professional shall obtain the written approval of the Owner of the Schematic Design Phase before proceeding with the next phase.

  • Reconciled Construction Cost Estimates shall be prepared at the conclusion of the Schematic Design Phase, at the conclusion of the Design Development Phase, when Construction Documents are approximately 50% complete and prior to the submission of the Guaranteed Maximum Price Proposal.

  • Monthly payments for the percentage of all Services complete up to ninety-five percent (95%) of the fee for the Phase; one hundred percent (100%) payment upon acceptance and approval of the Schematic Design Phase by the District.

  • If the Owner decides to proceed with the Project beyond the Schematic Design Phase and when the project delivery method is decided (Design/Bid/Build or Construction Manager at Risk), the Contract will be amended accordingly.

  • If revisions to the Schematic Design Documents are required to comply with the Owner’s budget for the Cost of the Work at the conclusion of the Schematic Design Phase, the Architect shall incorporate the required revisions in the Design Development Phase.

More Definitions of Schematic Design Phase

Schematic Design Phase means that Phase in the development of the Design Documents during which Architect determines the scale and relationship of the Project components.
Schematic Design Phase. At the completion of schematic design of each major division of the Work, the CM shall prepare and submit to the Owner and the Designer a budget based on the CM’s best estimate of the Cost of the Work, without excessive or unnecessary contingencies or allowances. This budget shall take into account the Master Project Schedule, and the CM’s studies of market conditions in the vicinity of the Project. This budget shall be in a format reasonably required by the Owner and shall be compared and reconciled with the Designer's cost estimate.
Schematic Design Phase means the Services described in Section 7(x) below together with such Additional Services as directed by the Owner.
Schematic Design Phase. Ten percent (10%) Design Development Phase: Twenty percent (20%) Construction Documents Phase: Forty percent (40%) Bidding or Negotiation Phase: Five percent (5%) Construction Administration Phase: Twenty percent (20%) <or adjust percentages as necessary for the specific project to the negotiated amounts. Increase Schematic Design Phase to 15% if no Programming Phase is included> Payment to minor sub-consultants whose work proceeds or completes in substantially different timing than the remainder of the Consultants, may be made upon actual billing by other mutually agreed upon schedule.
Schematic Design Phase means that phase of the Project that follows the Project Definition Phase, generally precedes the preparation of Design Development Documents, and during which the basic floor plans showing all room locations, building elevations, and sections, are developed and systems and materials are selected.
Schematic Design Phase means that phase of a Project that follows the Conceptual Design Phase, culminating in the preparation of preliminary drawings and other documents including a site plan and preliminary building plans, sections and elevations, study models, perspective sketches, or digital modeling, alternative material selections, all as approved by Owner.
Schematic Design Phase means that phase of the Design Services required to fulfill the Project, that is managed by the Design-Build Firm, with continuous oversight, and performed by its DPOR, and that includes the DPOR s’ preliminary evaluation of approaches to designing the Project and culminates in the completion of the Design Deliverables required in the Contract Data Requirements List (Exhibit 10) for this phase, including a schematic design package based on the input from Owner and its representatives, including the Program Manager and the Architectural Representative, and based on the DCP, and consisting of preliminary drawings and other documents illustrating the scale and relationship of the Project components, including a site plan and preliminary building plans, sections and elevations, study models, perspective sketches and/or digital modeling, material selections and other Design Phase deliverables as described in the Contract Data Requirements List (Exhibit 10).