Work Load Sample Clauses
Work Load. The professional obligation of academic employees comprises both scheduled and non-scheduled activities. The Guild and the District recognize that it is part of the professional responsibility of faculty to carry out their duties in an appropriate manner and place. As part of this responsibility faculty are expected to play an important role in the recruitment and retention of students, campus and departmental governance, program review, accreditation, planning and mentoring. Faculty commitment to retention will be demonstrated by informing students that they are to talk with the instructor prior to dropping the course. Faculty are encouraged to include a statement to this effect in their course syllabi. While it is understood that course syllabi content falls within the purview of the individual faculty member’s academic freedom, the parties also understand that items required to be part of syllabi in order to maintain college or continuing education accreditation must also be included. Tenured/tenure-track faculty who have less than a full-time contract are not eligible to work any additional assignments including long-term substitution (day-to-day substitution is allowed provided the limits specified in Section are not exceeded). Faculty assignments shall be made in the following priority order: Tenured/tenure-track, pro- rata, overload, Priority of Assignment (POA) adjunct faculty assignments, then non-POA adjunct faculty.
Work Load. The work load for employees shall be based on what can reasonably be accomplished within their regular hours.
Work Load. The work load/schedule for a special education classroom teacher shall be consistent with the contractual provisions that apply to the same level (elementary, middle or high school) to which the special education program is assigned whenever possible.
Work Load. The purpose of this Section is to achieve an equitable work load distribution by providing an orderly procedure for individual unit member's work load complaints to be processed through an Equity Committee to the Superintendent for a final decision.
Work Load. The normal work load will consist of teaching assignments and professional responsibilities which typically include:
1. participation in appropriate committees and councils;
2. participation in faculty, curricular and department meetings;
3. participation in ceremonial exercises;
4. professional growth and development;
5. updating existing curricula, preparing new curricula, or altering delivery methods for the curricula and academic assessment;
6. academic mentoring and/or student advising;
7. public service; and
8. such other activities as are reasonably required for employees to remain current in the assigned area and for the discharge of their professional responsibilities. A required survey of faculty members shall be conducted annually by the deans of instruction to determine the effectiveness of these responsibilities. An employee’s failure to submit this required survey annually or failure to participate in any professional responsibilities in addition to those assignments which carry instructional units will result in disciplinary action.
Work Load. An employee who believes that her/his workload is excessive may bring the matter to the attention of her/his supervisor. The matter shall then be investigated and where found, the employer shall remedy the situation.
Work Load. The parties hereto have agreed to the following provisions to provide assistance to those with class sizes or caseloads which may be inequitably high, provided however, at the option of either party, the provisions of Section 8.07 will be suspended following a double levy failure. Notification of the option to suspend Section 8.07 must be provided in writing to the other party to this Agreement not later than June 15 prior to the following school year affected by said double levy failure. Either party may open Section 8.07 for negotiations following said notification of suspension of Section 8.07. Every effort will be made to inform employees by the end of a school day if they are to receive a new student the following work day. Additionally, every effort will be made to provide equipment and materials for the new student. To the greatest extent possible, administrators and employees shall make an effort to balance the needs of the students across classroom assignments.
Work Load. The normal work load will consist of:
a. A base teaching load of thirty (30) instructional units (I.U.) for the work year, provided that not more than eighteen and one-half (18 1/2) units will be scheduled for a semester except by mutual consent between the employee and the College. A substantially equal base teaching load of fourteen (14) to sixteen (16) I.U.'s for each semester of the work year may be assigned by the Employer. Base load must include a minimum of two (2) semesters with at least twelve (12) I.U.’s and two (2) face-to-face classes each semester (note: face-to-face includes blended classes). When summer is counted as one of the two semesters, a minimum of twelve (12) I.U.’s will be equally scheduled throughout both summer sessions. When summer is counted toward the base teaching load, the I.U. count for the Fall and/or Winter semesters will be adjusted accordingly. The initial work load assignment must be made not later than thirty (30) days before the beginning of the work year.
b. Posted and maintained weekly office/consultation hours at times appropriate for meeting student needs. Minimum posted hours shall be as follows: Lecture/discussion, Composition and Open Laboratory Each course I.U., each semester 4 Clinics and Standard Laboratory Each course I.U., each semester 2 Independent Study/ Prior Learning Evaluation Each student, each semester 2 Special Assignment Assignment As mutually Agreed Alternative Teaching/ Learning Options Each Course See Note Office hours shall be scheduled over the period and days the course(s) is(are) scheduled but in no event shall employees schedule less than one
(1) hour during each work week. If at least two (2) but less than six (6) hours are required during each work week such hours shall be scheduled on two (2) separate days. If six (6) or more hours during each work week are required, such hours shall be scheduled on three (3) separate days. Daytime office hours shall not be scheduled in less than one (1) hour blocks. Office hours after 5:00 p.m. shall not be scheduled in less than one-half (1/2) hour blocks. Note: Regarding Alternative Teaching/Learning Options, inquiries will typically be addressed within 24 hours of when a message is received. Inquiries that are received over the weekend and/or on a College holiday will typically be addressed by the next business day.
c. Various professional responsibilities which are in addition to those assignments which carry instructional units. These will typica...
Work Load. A job share arrangement is not intended as a means to increase or decrease workload. In establishing a job sharing arrangement, it is expected that the regular workload for the position will be maintained.
Work Load. The work load of Greater Xxxxxx Teachers shall not exceed three (3) different scope and sequences which can be construed to mean no more than three (3) distinctly different subject preparations. Teachers may be assigned "mixed classes" (ie., classes containing more than one (1) level of students at the same time); however, no teacher shall be required to teach more than one
(1) mixed class" per day. A "mixed class" of two (2) levels shall be considered as one (1) scope and sequence and a mixed class of three (3) levels shall be considered as two (2) scope and sequences. No academic "mixed class" shall consist of students taking more than one (1) course sequence (for example: Chemistry I and Chemistry II is a permissible mixed class; U.S. History and Human Behavior is not a permissible "mixed class"). No academic "mixed class" shall contain more than two (2) consecutive levels. Every effort will be made to keep "mixed classes" smaller than the class size which normally prevails in the Department. The foregoing limitation of this section shall not apply to Special Needs and other quasi- tutorial teachers.