Common use of WORK OVERTIME Clause in Contracts

WORK OVERTIME. The normal work shall consist of forty-three (43) hours per week Monday through Friday exclusive of an unpaid meal period. The daily schedule of hours will vary depending upon the trip selection and weather conditions. The day will commence with the scheduled reporting time, and end with the return to the plant or the motel check-in, subject to reasonable expectations of driving time. It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this Article are intended only to provide a basis for calculating time worked and shall not be considered a guarantee as to the hours of work per day or the days of work per week. However, the will endeavour to provide a normal work week to as many employees as possible, as business conditions permit. Authorized hours worked in excess of the normal work week as outlined in shall be accumulated on a basis, and paid at time and one-half the employee's regular hourly rate. Hours paid but not worked will be carried forward to the following period as owing to the Company. There shall be no duplication or pyramiding of overtime payment nor shall the same hours worked be counted as part of the normal work week and also as hours for which an overtime premium is payable. Consistent with efficiency operations, there shall be a one-half hour unpaid meal period and two (2) ten (10) minute paid rest periods in each work day. All hours worked on Saturday shall be credited at the rate of one and one-half times the hours worked. All hours worked on Sunday shall be credited at double (2) the hours worked. The parties recognize that the needs of the business may require the performance of overtime work from time to time, and employees will co-operate in the performance of such work. If an employee is missed under Article and/or he will be offered an equivalent number of hours at the next available opportunity within thirty (30) calendar days. The trip sheet will be posted daily two days in advance, and the trips will be distributed as fairly as possible to maintain the hours and mix of runs. Such distribution will depend upon and be affected by licencing and drone limitations. Wherever possible, an extra run during the week will be offered to an available driver providing such run will not unduly extend his hours of work for the day. For or Holiday runs, these runs will be offered to regular drivers on a rotation basis by seniority starting with the most senior driver.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

WORK OVERTIME. The normal work shall consist of forty-three (43) hours per week Monday through Friday exclusive of an unpaid meal period. The daily schedule of hours will vary depending upon the trip selection and weather conditions. The day will commence with the scheduled reporting time, and end with the return to the plant or the motel check-in, subject to reasonable expectations of driving time. It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this Article are intended only to provide a basis for calculating time worked and shall not be considered a guarantee as to the hours of work per day or the days of work per week. However, the will endeavour to provide a normal work week to as many employees as possible, as business conditions permit. Authorized hours worked in excess of the normal work week as outlined in shall be accumulated on a basis, and paid at time forty-two and one-half the employee's regular hourly rate(42-112) hours per week, Monday to Friday inclusive for all areas of this Agreement. Hours paid but not worked will be carried forward to the following period as owing to the Company. There The standard working day for employees shall be no duplication or pyramiding of overtime payment nor shall the same hours worked be counted as part of the normal work week not more than eight and also as hours for which an overtime premium is payable. Consistent with efficiency operations, there shall be a one-half hours per day, between a.m. and The starting time may vary up to one (1) hour unpaid meal period and two (2) ten (10) minute paid rest periods by mutual agreement of the parties operating under this Appendix. Any work performed outside or in each work day. All addition to the standard hours worked on Saturday outlined above shall be credited deemed overtime and premium shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half times for the first two (2) hours in excess of the normal day and double for all additional hours worked. All hours worked work performed on Saturday, Sunday and holidays shall be credited paid at double time the regular rate. This overtime provision shall apply to shift work on masonry only. Refractory overtime shall be paid in accordance with Sections and The regular hours per day shall be eight and one-half (28-112) the hours worked. The parties recognize that the needs of the business may require the performance of overtime work from time Monday to timeThursday inclusive, and employees will co-operate in six (6) hours on Friday (subject to variation as herein provided) and the performance of such work. If an employee is missed under Article and/or he will be offered an equivalent maximum number of hours per week shall be forty (40) and work outside these hours shall be overtime work; provided should inclement weather cause the employees on a project to lose time during the regular week, then the six (6) hours may be extended by mutual consent to eight and one-half (8-112) hours at the next available opportunity within thirty regular time rates providing that by doing so, forty (3040) calendar dayshours for that regular working week are not exceeded in which case, overtime rates will apply. The trip sheet will be posted daily two days Employer shall have the right, after notice to the Union, to vary the regular hours as set out in advanceabove, and the trips will be distributed as fairly as possible to maintain the provide for eight (8) hours and mix of runsper day, Monday to Friday inclusive. Such distribution will depend upon and be affected by licencing and drone limitations. Wherever possible, an extra run during the week will be offered to an available driver providing such run will not unduly extend his hours of Xxxxx tenders working in refractory work for the day. For or Holiday runs, these runs will be offered to regular drivers on a rotation basis by seniority starting shall comply with the most senior driver.following work schedules: Refractory Hours of Work Schedule for Local 247-Kingston, Local 5%-Toronto. Local 527-Ottawa, Local and Peterborough, Local 625-Windsor and Local 837-Xxxxxxxx, Local Local 1081-Cambridge. Meaning "Firebrick, Acid Resistant Structural Materials, Carbon, Graphite Materials, Acid Resistant Tar Impregnated Brick and all other Refractory Materials". Period Break Lunch Break York Break Work Break Work

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

WORK OVERTIME. For the purposes of this Article, "day' means a twenty-four (24) hour period commencing at hour; means a period of seven consecutive days beginning at hour Monday morning and ending at hours the following Sunday night. The normal hours of work shall consist of forty-three (43) hours be five consecutive days per week Monday through Friday exclusive of an unpaid meal period. The daily on a regular and non-rotating basis, the Employer shall schedule of hours will vary depending upon the trip selection and weather conditions. The day will commence with the scheduled reporting time, and end with the return to the plant or the motel check-in, subject to reasonable expectations of driving time. It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this Article are intended only to provide a basis for calculating time worked and shall not be considered a guarantee as to the hours of work so that these employees work forty (40) hours per day or week, eight hours per day, Monday through Friday inclusive between the days hours of and and with one hour for lunch. The hours of work per week. However, the will endeavour to provide a normal work week to as many employees as possible, as business conditions permit. Authorized hours worked in excess of the normal work week as outlined in shall be accumulated scheduled on a rotating basis from Sunday to Saturday between the hours of AM and excluding the supervisor who will work on a basis. This new shift will be subject to review on April The Employer will review with the local Alliance any change in hours of work which the Employer proposes to institute, when such change will affect the majority of the employees governed by the schedule. In all cases following such reviews, the Employer will, where practical, accommodate such employee representations as may have been conveyed by the Alliance representative during the meeting. By mutual agreement, in writing, the Employer and the local Alliance representative may waive the application of clause Schedules of hours of work shall be posted at least fifteen calendar days in advance of the starting date of the new schedule, and the Employer shall, where practical, arrange schedules which will remain in effect for a period of not less than twenty-eight calendar days. The Employer shall also endeavour, as a matter of policy, to give an employee at least two consecutive days of rest at a time. Such two consecutive days of rest may be separated by a designated paid holiday, and the consecutive days of rest may be in separate calendar weeks. not to schedule the commencement of a shift within sixteen (16) hours of the completion of the previous shift to avoid excessive fluctuation in hours of work. When an employee's scheduled shift does not commence and end on the same day, such shift shall be deemed for all purposes to have been entirely worked: on the day it commenced where half or more of the hours worked fall on that day, on the day it terminates where more than half of the hours worked fall on that day. Accordingly, the first day of rest will be deemed to start immediately after midnight of the calendar day on which the employee worked or is deemed to have worked his or her last scheduled shift; and the second day of rest will start immediately after midnight of the employee's first day of rest, or immediately after midnight of an intervening designated paid holiday if days of rest are separated thereby. An employee whose scheduled hours of work are changed without prior notice: shall be paid for at time straight time; shall retain his or her previously scheduled days of rest next following the change, or, if worked, such days of rest shall be compensated in accordance with clause At any location, the schedules of hours of work, and one-half attendant overtime provisions, may be varied by the Employer, following meaningful consultation with local Alliance representatives, to allow for summer and winter hours and/or flexible hours. Within five days of notification of consultation served by either party, the Alliance shall notify the Employer in writing of the representative authorized to act on behalf of the Alliance for consultation purposes. Provided sufficient advance notice is given and with the approval of the Employer, employees may exchange shifts if there is no increase in cost to the Employer. The daily overtime provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to an employee attending a training course on the instructions of the Employer, except that an employee who performs his or her normal duties during the employee's regular hourly rate. Hours paid but not worked will be carried forward to the following period as owing to the Company. There working hours shall be no duplication or pyramiding of paid at overtime payment nor shall rates for time spent after eight hours performing work, while the same hours worked be counted as part of the normal work week and also as hours for which an overtime premium is payable. Consistent with efficiency operations, there shall be a one-half hour unpaid meal period and two (2) ten (10) minute paid rest periods in each work day. All hours worked on Saturday shall be credited at the rate of one and one-half times the hours worked. All hours worked on Sunday shall be credited at double (2) the hours worked. The parties recognize that the needs of the business may require the performance of overtime work from time to time, and employees will co-operate in the performance of such work. If an employee is missed under Article and/or he will be offered an equivalent number of hours in attendance at the next available opportunity within thirty (30) calendar days. The trip sheet will be posted daily two days in advance, and the trips will be distributed as fairly as possible to maintain the hours and mix of runs. Such distribution will depend upon and be affected by licencing and drone limitations. Wherever possible, an extra run during the week will be offered to an available driver providing such run will not unduly extend his hours of work for the day. For or Holiday runs, these runs will be offered to regular drivers on a rotation basis by seniority starting with the most senior drivertraining sessions.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

WORK OVERTIME. The normal For the purposes of this Agreement, the work week shall commence at midnight Sunday and all work performed a shift or other similar work (including any extension shall be deemed to have been performed in the same day in which that shift or other similar work period commenced. For the of this Agreement, time worked shall be calculated in units of six (6) minutes and periods of work of less than six (6) minutes per day be disregarded. An employee in the of Highway Tractor-Trailer shall be deemed to be at work the time is necessarily in control of such tractor-trailer and acting in the course of employment, as well as during any time that is required by the Company to be present in the Company’s plant. For the purposes of this Agreement, the work periods of all employees shall consist of forty-three five (435) hours per week Monday through Friday exclusive of an unpaid meal period. The daily schedule of hours will vary depending upon the trip selection and weather conditions. The day will commence with the scheduled reporting time, and end with the return to the plant eight (8) hour days or the motel check-in, subject to reasonable expectations of driving time. It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this Article are intended only to provide a basis for calculating time worked and shall not be considered a guarantee as to the hours of work per day or the days of work per week. However, the will endeavour to provide a normal work week to as many employees as possible, as business conditions permit. Authorized hours worked in excess of the normal work week as outlined in shall be accumulated on a basis, and paid at time and one-half the employee's regular hourly rate. Hours paid but not worked will be carried forward to the following period as owing to the Company. There shall be no duplication or pyramiding of overtime payment nor shall the same hours worked be counted as part of the normal work week and also as hours for which an overtime premium is payable. Consistent with efficiency operations, there shall be a one-half hour unpaid meal period and two four (24) ten (10) minute hour days. Employees working four (4) ten (10) hour shifts will not be scheduled for Sunday work, except in cases if overtime. The Company does not guarantee, however, to provide work for any employee nor to maintain the work week or working hours presently in force. Every employee be paid rest periods in each work day. All hours worked on Saturday shall be credited at the rate of one and one-half times his rate for all work performed by him and required by the hours workedCompany in excess of his regular eight (8) hour or ten hour shift, as the case may be. All hours worked Every employee shall paid at the rate of one and times hourly for all work performed by and by the Company on Sunday a sixth shift in any for those employees who are scheduled to work a five day week, and on a fifth shift in any week for those employees who are scheduled to work a four day week. Every employee shall be credited paid at double the rate of (2) times hourly rate for all work performed by and by the Company on a seventh shift in any week for those employees who are scheduled to work a five day week. and on a sixth or seventh shift in any week for those employees who are scheduled to work a four day week. Notwithstanding the above, all work performed on Sunday, which is not a regularly scheduled shift, shall be paid at (2) times hourly rate. Every employee who is regularly required to work on a Saturday Sunday where such days are part of his regular work week shall, be paid a premium as shown below: Saturday Sunday for work performed by and required by the Company, unless is entitled under the other provisions of this Article to be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1-112) or two (2) times hourly rate, as the case may be, for work so performed by and required by the Company. For the purposes of this Agreement, such premiums shall not be considered as forming part of an employee's hourly rate. Every employee, other than those employed as Stationary Engineers, shall be paid at he of two times hourly rate for all work performed by and required by the Company on a day which is observed as a paid holiday under the provisions of Article hereof. A person employed as a Stationary Engineer shall be paid at the rate of two times hourly rate for all work performed by and required by the Company on a day on which one of the paid holidays named in Article hereof actually falls (as opposed to the day on which is observed by the Company). Where it is anticipated that any employee will perform additional work required by the Company for a period of one-half or more immediately following normal work period of eight hours, as the may be, shall be granted a rest period of fifteen minutes, with pay, before commencing such additional work. Where any period of additional work referred to in clause hereof will continue for more than (2) hours, the employee shall, after having worked for two hours, be given a break of one-half hour, without pay, to enable to have a meal. If shall not have had at least twenty-four (24) hours' notice that such additional work would be required, the Company shall provide the meal, up to a value of plus tax, without charge to the employee. If such additional work continues for more than two (2) consecutive hours workedfollowing resumption of work after the meal break, the employee shall be granted an additional rest period of fifteen minutes, with pay. Every employee will be allowed one paid rest period of fifteen (15) minutes during each one-half (112) shift. Rest periods will be arranged as near the mid-point of each one-half (112) shift as possible. The parties recognize Company will endeavour, in far as the requirements and efficiency of operations will permit, to assign planned overtime work overtime scheduled at least hours in advance, or on a Saturday Sunday) on the following basis: Such opportunity will first be made available on a seniority basis to those regular who perform the work on which such overtime is in that location, and in the event that the Company's cannot be entirely satisfied in that manner, the overtime opportunity will then be made available on a seniority basis to other hourly rated employees in the same location who are capable of satisfactonly performing the work required. It is further agreed that overtime will not normally he assigned to temporary or probationary employees while regular employees in the are willing io perform such overtime and are capable of satisfactorily performing the work required. In the case of unscheduled overtime, other overtime to be performed as a of work in the Company will endeavour, in far as the requirements and efficiency of operations will permit, to assign overtime on the following basis: Such opportunity will first be made available on a seniority basis to employees in the department who are available on the premises at the time such overtime is to commence and who are capable of satisfactorily performing the work required. In the event that the Company's needs cannot be entirely in that manner, the overtime opportunity will then be made available io senior employees who are available on the Company's premises at the time such overtime is to commence and who capable of satisfactorily the work required. It is further agreed that overtime will not normally be assigned temporary or probationary employees regular employees available on the premises at the time such overtime is to commence who are willing to perform such and are capable of satisfactorily performing the work required. It is understood that to facilitate the distribution of overtime work, employees may be required to indicate their desire for such assignments by signing an "employees available for overtime" list and that repeated refusal of overtime work after having indicated availability for such assignments may result in that employee being excluded from further consideration under these provisions. is further understood that in the event that all overtime requirements cannot be filled on a voluntary basis, such work may then be assigned (subject to applicable law) on a reverse-seniority basis to those employees in the appropriate department who are capable of satisfactorily performing the work required. It is further agreed that, for the purpose of assignment of overtime work, employees at at Ave. will be considered as though they were in two groups. For the purpose of this clause, seniority shall be recognized by Job Classification, within departmental groupings (as per hereof). Other than for situations arising because of Acts of God or in cases of emergency, the Company not offer opportunitiesfor overtime work if doing would result in an employee working a double shift without a complete shift off duty. an employee has the Plant on completion of day's work and is then called by the Company and requested to to work at a before the commencement of next schedule day's work, such request shall constitute a An employee reporting for work on a "call-out" be to be paid for work performed by outside scheduled working hours at the rate of one and one-haif times hourly rate or four (4) hours' work at hourly rate, whichever is greater. An employee who for work at scheduled time, not having been previously notified to the be to a minimum of four (4)hours pay at the rate of pay to which would have entitled for the work had been scheduled to perform on that day, but it is agreed that shall perform any suitable work for this four (4) hour period, if so required. However, it shall remain the responsibility of an employee who has been absent from work check with the Company to determine if work is available before returning, and failure to do so shall result in being considered as unavailable for work on that shift. If an employee is absent from work with approval on a Friday, it will be presumed that will be available for work on the following Monday, unless advises the Company to the contrary. Therefore, should such an employee be unable to report by Monday, must notify the Company to that effect prior to scheduled starting time. The system of "fixed" shifts (as contrasted with "rotating" or "alternating" shifts) which is currently in effect will not be discontinued during the life of this Agreement without prior consultation with the Union; provided, however, that discussions with a view to possible modification of the system to accommodate any specific problems which arise may be initiated by either party. Should such discussions fail to produce agreement between the parties, then the Company may initiate changes only to the extent they are necessary to satisfy the needs of the business may require the performance of overtime work from time to time, and employees will co-operate in the performance of such work. If an employee is missed under Article and/or he will be offered an equivalent number of hours at the next available opportunity within thirty (30) calendar days. The trip sheet will be posted daily two days in advance, and the trips will be distributed as fairly as possible to maintain the hours requirements and mix efficiency of runs. Such distribution will depend upon and be affected by licencing and drone limitations. Wherever possible, an extra run during the week will be offered to an available driver providing such run will not unduly extend his hours of work for the day. For or Holiday runs, these runs will be offered to regular drivers on a rotation basis by seniority starting with the most senior driveroperations.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

AutoNDA by SimpleDocs

WORK OVERTIME. The normal work shall consist of fortyCompany to guarantee every employee pay to thirty-three seven (4337) hours per week Monday through Friday exclusive of an unpaid meal period. The daily schedule of hours will vary depending upon the trip selection and weather conditions. The day will commence with the scheduled reporting time, and end with the return to the plant or the motel check-in, subject to reasonable expectations of driving time. It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this Article are intended only to provide a basis for calculating time worked and shall not be considered a guarantee as to the hours of work per at regular rates in each payroll week subject to the provisions: (a) The guarantee shall be reduced by the number of hours for which an employee is not eligible for payment of wages, will Include tardiness, or absence from work on any day or part of a day, quitting or hiring during the days week, being engaged in a stoppage of work, suspension or or being on lay-off. The Company shall gangs in proportion to the work per weekor expected, To provide employees with their guaranteed pay, Company shall be free to distribute work the and to transfer employees one area to another, reasonable consideration being given to extreme changes in temperature. HoweverThe (37) hour guarantee provisions are based on pay and not on hours worked. The Company complied this when an employee has been an amount equal to (37)hours at regular rate overtime, related to paid holidays, premium, premium, call-in pay, bereavement pay, jury duty and payments,daily guarantee payments under guarantee payments under Article and all made under Overtime be paid at the will endeavour to provide a normal work week to as many employees as possible, as business conditions permit. Authorized rate one and one-half an employee’s rate for: (a) all hours worked in excess of the normal work week as outlined in hours per all hours worked on a day. An employee shall be accumulated paid at double regular rate for hours worked in of thirteen continuous hours. Double the regular rate shall be paid for all hours worked a calendar Sunday except to those employees whose schedule calls for work on Sunday, If an employee’s regular day off, in place of Sunday, falls on a basisweek-day, and shall be paid at time and one-half double the employee's regular hourly rate. Hours paid but not rate for hours worked will be carried forward to the following period as owing to the Company. on such a There shall be no duplication or pyramiding accumulating of overtime payment nor premiums for the but the highest single shall apply. Because of fluctuating receipts and volume, it is recognized by both that employees may be required to work in of (8) hours any one day or forty (40) hours in any one.week, but no employee be required to work an unreasonable number of hours. The Company agreesto every reasonable to employees much notice of overtime as except in of emergency. The Company distribute overtime, equitably over the same hours worked be counted as part of the normal work week and also as hours for which an overtime premium is payable. Consistent with efficiency operations, there shall be a one-half hour unpaid meal period and two (2) ten (10) minute paid rest periods in each work day. All hours worked on Saturday shall be credited at the rate course of one and one-half times year, among those who normally perform the hours worked. All hours worked on Sunday shall be credited at double (2) the hours worked. The parties recognize that the needs of the business may require the performance of overtime work from time to time, and employees will co-operate in the performance of such work. If an employee is missed under Article and/or he will be offered an equivalent number of hours at the next available opportunity within thirty (30) calendar days. The trip sheet will be posted daily two days in advance, and the trips will be distributed as fairly as possible to maintain the hours and mix of runs. Such distribution will depend upon and be affected by licencing and drone limitations. Wherever possible, an extra run during the week will be offered to an available driver providing such run will not unduly extend his hours of work for the day. For or Holiday runs, these runs will be offered to regular drivers on a rotation basis by seniority starting with the most senior driver.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

WORK OVERTIME. The For the of this work shall commence at Saturday-Sunday and all work in a or other similar work period (including any extension thereof) shall be to have been in the same day in which shift or similar work period commenced. the purposes of this Agreement, worked shall units of six (6) minutes and periods of work of than six (6) minutes per day shall be disregarded. An employee in of Highway Driver shall be to be at work during the time is necessarily in control of such tractor-trailer and acting in the course of employment, as well as during any time that is by Company to be in the Company’s plant. For the purposes of this Agreement, normal work periods of all employees (other than those from time to time during the currency of this Agreement regularly scheduled to work on Saturday Sunday) shall consist of forty-three five (435) hours per week days, Monday through to Friday exclusive of an unpaid meal periodinclusive. The daily schedule of Company not however, lo provide work for any nor to work or working hours will vary depending upon the trip selection and weather conditionspresently in force. The Every having performed eight (8) hours work at hourly rate in any day will commence with the scheduled reporting time, and end with the return to the plant or the motel check-in, subject to reasonable expectations of driving time. It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this Article are intended only to provide a basis for calculating time worked and shall not be considered a guarantee as to the hours of work per day or the days of work per week. However, the will endeavour to provide a normal work week to as many employees as possible, as business conditions permit. Authorized hours worked in excess of the normal work week as outlined in shall be accumulated on a basis, and paid at time the of one and one-half limes hourly rate for all work performed by and required by Company in of the employee's regular hourly ratesaid eight (8) hours that day. Hours paid but not worked will be carried forward Every other those regularly scheduled to the following period as owing to the Company. There work on Saturday Sunday, shall be no duplication or pyramiding of overtime payment nor shall the same hours worked be counted as part of the normal work week and also as hours for which an overtime premium is payable. Consistent with efficiency operations, there shall be a one-half hour unpaid meal period and two (2) ten (10) minute paid rest periods in each work day. All hours worked on Saturday shall be credited at the rate of one and one-half (1-112) times hourly rate for all work by and by Company on a Saturday and at the hours worked. All hours worked on Sunday shall be credited at double rate of two (2) times hourly for all work performed by and required by the Company (a) Every employee, other than employed as Engineers, shallbe paid at the rate of two (2)times hidher hourly rate for all work performed by xxxxxxx and required by the Company on a day which is observed as a paid holiday under the provisions of Article hereof. A person employed as a Stationary Engineer shall be paid at the of two (2) times hidher hourly rate for work by himiher and required by the Company on a day on which one of paid holidays named in Article hereof actually falls (as opposed to the day on which it is observed by Where is anticipated that any employee will perform additional work by the Company for a period of one-haif hour or more immediately following hidher work period of eight (8)hours in any day, shall be a period of minutes, with pay, before commencing such additional work. Where any period of work to in clause hereof will continue for more than two (2) hours, the shall, after having worked for two be given a break of one-half hour, without pay, to to have a If shall not have had at least twenty-four (24) hours’ notice that such work would be required, the Company shall provide the up to a value of plus tax,without charge to the employee. If such additional work continues for more than two consecutive hours workedfollowing of work after the meal break, the employee be an additional rest period of fifteen (15) minutes, with pay. Every employee will be allowed one (1) paid rest period of (15) minutes during each one-half shift. Rest periods will be arranged as near the of each one-haif (112) shift as possible. The parties recognize Company will endeavour, in far as the requirements and efficiency of operations will to assign planned overtime work (i.e. overtime scheduled at least in advance, or on a Saturday Sunday) on the following basis: Such opportunity will first be made available on a seniority basis to those regular employees who normally perform the work on which such overtime is required, and in the that the Company's needs cannot be entirely satisfied in that manner, the overtime opportunity will then be made available on a seniority basis to other hourly rated employees in the same seniority who are capable of satisfactorily performing the work required. It is further agreed that overtime will not normally assigned to temporary or probationary employees while regular employees in the appropriate seniority group arc willing to perform such and are capable of satisfactorily performing the work required. In the case of unscheduled overtime, other than overtime to be performed a continuation of work in Company will endeavour, in so far as the requirements and efficiency of will to make such available on a seniority basis to in appropriate seniority group who are available on the Company's premises at such overtime is to commence and who are capable of performing the work required. It is agreed that will not normally assigned to temporary or probationary employees while regular in the appropriate seniority group are available on the Company's premises at the time such overtime is to commence who are willing to perform such overtime and are capable of satisfactorily performing the work required. It understood that to facilitate the distribution of overtime work, employees be required to indicate their desire for by signing an 'employees available for overtime' list and repealed refusal of overtime work after having indicated availability for such assignments may result in that employee being excluded from further consideration under these provisions. is understood that in the event that all overtime cannot be filled on a voluntary basis, such work may then be assigned (subject to applicable law) on a basis to those in the seniority group who are capable of satisfactorily performing work It is for of assignment of overtime work, employees at at Ave. and will though they in separate seniority groupa. Other than for situations arising because of Acts of God, the Company will not offer opportunities for overtime work if doing so may reasonably be to in an employee working for more sixteen (16) consecutive hours. in the event that an should work for more than hours (excluding unpaid breaks), not be considered available for any until hours have elapsed from the completion of the assignment. in such an event, the Company every effort to reschedule, by up to hours, the start time of the employee's next regularly scheduled shift that will still have the opportunity work a regular eight hour shift. an has Company's Plant on completion of day's work and is called by the Company and to to work at a time before of hidher next day's work, such shall constitute a "call-out'. An employee reporting for work on a shall be entitled to be paid for work by working hours at the rate of one and one-half (1-112) hourly rate or four (4) work ai hidher hourly rate, whichever is An employee who reports for work at hidher scheduled not having been previously notified to the contrary. shall be entitled to a minimum of four (4) pay at the of pay lo which would have been entitled for the work had been scheduled to on that day, but it is that shall any work for this four (4) hour if so required. However, it remain the responsibility of an employee who from work to check with the Company to determine if work is available before returning, and to do shall result in hidher being as unavailable for work on shift. If an employa: is absent from work with approval on a Friday, it will be presumed that will be available for work on the following Monday,unless advises the Company the contrary. should such an employa: unable to by Monday, notify Company to that effect prior to hidher scheduled starting time. IS The system of "fixed" shifts (as contrasted with or which is currently in effect will not be discontinued during the life of this without prior consultation with the Union; provided, however, that discussions with a view to possible modification of the system to accommodate any specific problems which may be initiated by either party. Should such discussions fail to produce agreement between parties, then the Company may initiate changes only to extent that are to satisfy the of the and and efficiency of It is and agreed that this with to the method of staffing (i.e. "fixed" does not in any way limit the Company's right establish or discontinue per se, or to the or time of in order to the of the business may require the performance of overtime work from time to time, and employees will co-operate in the performance of such work. If an employee is missed under Article and/or he will be offered an equivalent number of hours at the next available opportunity within thirty (30) calendar days. The trip sheet will be posted daily two days in advance, and the trips will be distributed as fairly as possible to maintain the hours and mix efficiency of runs. Such distribution will depend upon and be affected by licencing and drone limitations. Wherever possible, an extra run during the week will be offered to an available driver providing such run will not unduly extend his hours of work for the day. For or Holiday runs, these runs will be offered to regular drivers on a rotation basis by seniority starting with the most senior driveroperations.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

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