Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx Sample Clauses

Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx. X. Xxxxx, Individually and as Officers of Said Corporation Order requiring bakers in B xxxxxx - N.Y., to cease representing falsely ® newspaper advertising, by radio r e c a s t s and otherw ise, th a t th e ir new SLIM-ETTE W H ITE BREAD” fn8 *! l calori? food, substantially dif- Wa/i m . o ro tic value from ordinary lrJr*1’ cause th e consum er to ^ w e i g h t and prevent him from follows,<>r<*er cease desist is as T h a t respondent Spaulc K S e^ es’i nc” and its officers, an Xxxxxxx ^ i t u s , J r - an x X xxxxxx i said cr>^fdl+^ldually and 85 officers < as a S n ? ratl<^ ’ and Xxx xxx X. Xxxx; and of said corporatioi ^ e m S l ^ tsl rep xxxxx xx tiv es> corporal xxx^v directly or th ro u g h a r with the off °.tlleredevice, in connectio trihution 3 ' for sale>sale an d dii as " S lim - e tt^ food Product designate (b) S u b stitu tin g said b read fo r o th er com m ercial breads in th e n orm al d iet will cause a loss of w eight o r prevent a gain in w eight, or th a t said bread is useful in a reducing or w eight control diet, unless i t is clearly an d affirm atively disclosed in im m ediate conjunction therew ith th a t said bread h as no less calories th a n o th e r com m ercial breads an d its only usefulness in a reducing or w eight control diet derives from th e fa c t th a t its th in n e r slices enable th e con sum er to conveniently serve and consum e xx xxxxx individual portions.
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Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx. Glory in the Land of Tender; e-book ISBN 9781649590237; REGULAR PRICE: [Text deleted] [Text deleted] [Text deleted] [Text deleted] [Text deleted] [Text deleted] [Text deleted] [Text deleted] VOL. 88: Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Selected Letters, 1523–1546: A Bilingual Edition; e-book ISBN 9781649590299; REGULAR PRICE: [Text deleted]
Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx. Research Forest, and master planning for The Woodlands Waterway. Additional Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx projects which I have worked on are The Austonian in Austin, currently the tallest building in Austin and the tallest residential building in Texas; Memorial Hills luxury apartments, ZT Business Center One in Pearland, 000 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx in Downtown Houston, and Sonoma at Rice Village in Houston. I currently am employed with the Architectural Studio at Xxxx Design Group in Houston, Texas, which primarily does commercial architecture, and was recently awarded the built-out of the new corporate headquarters of Waste Connections, Inc. at 0 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx in the Town Center. Additionally, I am a LEED Green Associate, which I was awarded from the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a suite of rating systems for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings, homes and neighborhoods; LEED Professional Credentials demonstrate current knowledge of green building technologies and best practices. LEED certification is applicable to both new construction and renovation of current buildings and residences, as exemplified by the accelerating number of LEED projects in The Woodlands and Houston. I am an Eagle Scout and former Senior Patrol Leader in Troop 777, chartered at Trinity Episcopial Church, and am also a member of The Woodlands Community Presbyterian Church. I am professionally active in the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and the Texas Society of Architects, which is our State’s chapter of The American Institute of Architects. Finally, I have previously served the community as a Panel Member of the Governance Transition Forum. Please explain your view of The Woodlands Covenants? The Woodlands Covenants, along with the Residential Development Standards and the Commercial Planning and Design Standards, are a set of guidelines that provide for orderly, long-term, high quality development that property owners must abide by in The Woodlands. I believe that strong covenants and deed restrictions are essential to ensure today, tomorrow, and for generations to come that architectural harmony is maintained and that property values appreciate. There is a saying in the architectural and planning community that, “covenants are property value insurance,” and I strongly agree. The current covenants in our community do just that, however, it is important that they be updated over time as the nee...
Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx. Members of the committee had visited children's hospitals at Minneapolis, St. Louis, Detroit and Xxx Arbor. The in-hospital living quarters for staff, common at the other institutions were eliminated from Wisconsin's plan to reduce size and cost. On April 23, 1930 the regents approved the plans presented by the office of state architect Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx. Bids were opened on May 24, 1930, and the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, X. X. Xxxxx of Madison for $205,700. With subcontracts and miscellaneous cost the total cost of the hospi- tal was $300,000. By the fall of 1930, several houses and small buildings occupying the site were removed, and the xxxxx xxx xx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx was closed. The cornerstone ceremony was held on November 8, 1930, with speeches by governor Kohler and president Xxxxx. The hospital was opened on June 5, 1931.1 The finished buff brick building had a three story eighty foot square center section at the corner, with two story wings projecting 92 feet to the west and south and a full basement. The center section has a red tile hipped roof, while the wings have flat roofs. The parts of the basement above ground are sheathed in Missouri marble, while the rest of the trim on the building is Indiana lime- stone. The court yard between the wings was intended as an outdoor exercise yard. There are reliefs of children's heads on the upper portion of the center section. The capacity of the hospital was 113 patients, with a two bedroom suite for staff. The kitchen, laundry and swimming pool were in the basement. Operating rooms and an x-ray facility were located in the center section third floor. For thirty years the hospital served it's intended purpose very well, including the terrible polio epidemic in the early 1950s. In May 1961 the regents announced a gift of $225,000 from the Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxx, Xx. foundation (named for Xxxxxx Xx. and Xxxx Xxxxxxx'x eldest son) for the support of the research program in mental retardation.
Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx. (Written Grievance) The Shop Xxxxxxx shall take up the grievance with the immediate xxxxxxx or supervisor who will attempt to adjust the grievance and the COMPANY will render a decision in writing within two (2) working days from the time of its presentation to him. When an unsatisfactory answer is received, the grievance may be referred to Step 3 in writing.
Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx. XXXXX ) being a person who, in accordance with the laws ) DIRECTOR of the territory of its incorporation, is acting ) under the authority of the company ) XXXXXX XXXXX ASSOCIATE EXECUTED and DELIVERED as a DEED ) by DEUTSCHE BANK AG LONDON a ) XXXXX XXXXX company incorporated under the laws of ) Germany, acting by XXXXX XXXXX ) and XXXXX XXXX XXX ) being persons who, in accordance with the ) XXXXX XXXX XXX of that territory, are acting under the ) laws authority of the company ) EXECUTED and DELIVERED as a DEED ) by THE BANK OF NEW YORK, a ) XXXXX XXXXXXX company incorporated under the laws of New ) York, acting by ) VICE PRESIDENT XXXXX XXXXXXX ) being a person who, in accordance with the laws ) of that territory, is acting under the ) authority of the company ) EXECUTED and DELIVERED as a DEED ) by WACHOVIA CAPITAL FINANCE ) XXXXX XXXXX CORPORATION (CENTRAL), acting by ) XXXXX XXXXX ) VICE PRESIDENT being a person who, in accordance with the laws ) of the territory of its incorporation, is acting ) under the authority of the company ) EXECUTED and DELIVERED as a DEED ) by THE CIT GROUP/BUSINESS ) XXXXXX XXXXXX CREDIT, INC., acting by ) XXXXXX XXXXXX ) VICE PRESIDENT being a person who, in accordance with the laws ) of the territory of its incorporation, is acting ) under the authority of the company ) THE MASTER PURCHASER AND THE ISSUER SIGNED, SEALED and DELIVERED as a ) XXXX XXXXX DEED by VISTEON FINANCIAL ) CENTRE P.L.C. a company incorporated in ) Ireland, acting by ) XXXX XXXXX ) being a person who, in accordance with the laws ) of that territory, is acting under the authority ) of the company ) Witness: ANNEKATRIN XXXXXXXX Name: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Address: 00 XXXXX XX., XXXXXX XX0X 0XX THE FUNDING AGENT EXECUTED and DELIVERED as a DEED ) XXXXX XXXXXXXX by ) XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX ) as duly authorised attorney for and on behalf ) of CITIBANK INTERNATIONAL PLC ) in the presence of ) Witness: ANNEKATRIN XXXXXXXX Name: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Address: 00 XXXXX XX., XXXXXX XX0X 0XX THE COLLATERAL MONITORING AGENT EXECUTED and DELIVERED as a DEED by CITICORP ) XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX USA, INC., a company incorporated under the laws ) of the State of Delaware, acting by ) XXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX ) being a person who, in accordance with the laws ) of that territory, is acting under the authority ) of the company ) Witness: ANNEKATRIN XXXXXXXX Name: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Address: 00 XXXXX XX., XXXXXX XX0X 0XX THE SECURITY TRUSTEE EXECUTED and DELIVERED...
Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx. Xxxxx Xxxxx as of May 10, 1996 pursuant to the Eagle Stock Agreement as in effect on May 10, 1996, provided that the aggregate purchase price for such shares does not exceed (x) $575,000 for the calendar year ending December 31, 1996, and (y) the lesser of (1) the purchase price per share of such common stock multiplied by 157,000 shares, or (2) $1,000,000, for each calendar year ending December 31, 1997 and December 31, 1998."
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Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx. X. XxXxxx shall no longer be active in the day-to-day management of the Issuer or a change in the ownership or management of the Issuer shall occur without the prior written consent of the Holder (which consent may be withheld by the Holder in its sole discretion).
Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx. No work was undertaken during the quarter.

Related to Xxxxxxx and Xxxxxx

  • Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act There is and has been no failure on the part of the Company or any of the Company’s directors or officers, in their capacities as such, to comply with any provision of the Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act of 2002 and the rules and regulations promulgated in connection therewith (the “Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act”), including Section 402 related to loans and Sections 302 and 906 related to certifications.

  • Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Purchase Order and Sales Contact Email Please enter a valid email address that will definitely reach the Purchase Order and Sales Contact. 2 2 Purchase Order and Sales Contact Phone Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). 2 3 3152473177 Company Website Company Website (Format - 4 Entity D/B/A's and Assumed Names You must confirm that you are responding to this solicitation under your legal entity name. Go now to your Supplier Profile in this eBid System and confirm that your profile reflects your "Legal Name" as it is listed on your W9. In this question, please identify all of your entity's assumed names and D/B/A's. Please note that you will be identified publicly by the Legal Name under which you respond to this solicitation unless you organize otherwise with TIPS after award. NGU Sports LIghting, LLC Primary Address Primary Address 6 0000 XXX Xxxx, Xxxxx 000 Primary Address City Primary Address City 2 7 Palm Beach Gardens Primary Address State Primary Address State (2 Digit Abbreviation) 2 8 FL Primary Address Zip Primary Address Zip 9 33410 Search Words Identifying Vendor Please list all search words and phrases to be included in the TIPS database related to your entity. Do not list words which are not associated with the bid category/scope (See bid title for general scope). This will help users find you through the TIPS website search function. You may include product names, manufacturers, specialized services, and other words associated with the scope of this solicitation. LED lighting, LED Sports Lighting, LED Indoor lighting, LED Field lighting, Sports lighting, Field lighting, Colored lighting, Convention Center Lighting Certification of Vendor Residency (Required by the State of Texas) Does Vendor's parent company or majority owner:

  • Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Admin Fee Contact Email Admin Fee Contact Email 1 9 Admin Fee Contact Phone Enter 10 digit phone number. (No dashes or extensions) Example: 8668398477 0 4098423737 Purchase Order Contact Name Purchase Order Contact Name. This person is responsible for receiving Purchase Orders from TIPS. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Purchase Order Contact Email Purchase Order Contact Email 2 Purchase Order Contact Phone Enter 10 digit phone number. (No dashes or extensions) Example: 8668398477 3 4098423737 Company Website Company Website (Format - 4 Entity D/B/A's and Assumed Names Please identify all of your entity's assumed names and D/B/A's. Please note that you will be identified publicly by the legal name under which you responded to this solicitation unless you organize otherwise with TIPS after award. 5 Industrial & Commercial Mechanical, LLC Primary Address Primary Address 2 6 0000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Primary Address City Primary Address City 7 Beaumont Primary Address State Primary Address State (2 Digit Abbreviation) 2 8 TX Primary Address Zip Primary Address Zip 9 77705 Search Words: Please list search words to be posted in the TIPS database about your company that TIPS website users might search. Words may be product names, manufacturers, or other words associated with the category of award. YOU MAY NOT LIST NON-CATEGORY ITEMS. (Limit 500 words) (Format: product, paper, construction, manufacturer name, etc.) 3 A/C, Air conditioning, heating, ductwork, sheet metal, refrigeration, cooler, freezer, ventilation, HVAC, HVAC/R Do you want TIPS Members to be able to spend Federal grant funds with you if awarded? Is it your intent to be able to sell to our members regardless of the fund source, whether it be local, state or federal? Most of our members receive Federal Government grants or other funding and they make up a significant portion of their budgets. The Members need to know if your company is willing to sell to them when they spend federal budget funds on their purchase. There are attributes that follow that include provisions from the federal regulations in 2 CFR part 200, etc. Your answers will determine if your award will be designated as eligible for TIPS Members to utilize federal funds with your company. Do you want TIPS Members to be able to spend Federal funds, at the Member's discretion, with you? Yes Yes - No Certification of Residency - The vendor's ultimate parent company or majority owner:

  • Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx The Company is in compliance, in all material respects, with all applicable provisions of the Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxx Act of 2002 and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

  • Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx LIMITED (a company registered in England and Wales with registered number 2104188), whose registered office is at 00 Xxx Xxxxxx, London EC4M 7EN (“Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx”);

  • Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Purchase Order and Sales Contact Email Please enter a valid email address that will definitely reach the Purchase Order and Sales Contact. 2 2 Purchase Order and Sales Contact Phone Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). 2 3 9728241762 Company Website Company Website (Format - 2 4 Entity D/B/A's and Assumed Names You must confirm that you are responding to this solicitation under your legal entity name. Go now to your Supplier Profile in this eBid System and confirm that your profile reflects your "Legal Name" as it is listed on your W9. In this question, please identify all of your entity's assumed names and D/B/A's. Please note that you will be identified publicly by the Legal Name under which you respond to this solicitation unless you organize otherwise with TIPS after award. 5 Connect Technology Group Primary Address Primary Address 6 0000 XxxXxxxxx Xx. Xxxxx 000 Primary Address City Primary Address City 7 Carrollton Primary Address State Primary Address State (2 Digit Abbreviation) 2 8 TX Primary Address Zip Primary Address Zip 9 75007 Search Words Identifying Vendor Please list all search words and phrases to be included in the TIPS database related to your entity. Do not list words which are not associated with the bid category/scope (See bid title for general scope). This will help users find you through the TIPS website search function. You may include product names, manufacturers, specialized services, and other words associated with the scope of this solicitation.

  • Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Purchase Order and Sales Contact Email Please enter a valid email address that will definitely reach the Purchase Order and Sales Contact. 2 2 Purchase Order and Sales Contact Phone Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). 2 3 2105724900 Company Website Company Website (Format - 2 4 Entity D/B/A's and Assumed Names You must confirm that you are responding to this solicitation under your legal entity name. Go now to your Supplier Profile in this eBid System and confirm that your profile reflects your "Legal Name" as it is listed on your W9. In this question, please identify all of your entity's assumed names and D/B/A's. Please note that you will be identified publicly by the Legal Name under which you respond to this solicitation unless you organize otherwise with TIPS after award. 5 Triun, LLC Primary Address Primary Address 6 0000 X. XX-00, Xxxxx 000, Primary Address City Primary Address City 2 San Antonio, Primary Address State Primary Address State (2 Digit Abbreviation) 2 8 TX Primary Address Zip Primary Address Zip 9 78230 Search Words Identifying Vendor Please list all search words and phrases to be included in the TIPS database related to your entity. Do not list words which are not associated with the bid category/scope (See bid title for general scope). This will help users find you through the TIPS website search function. You may include product names, manufacturers, specialized services, and other words associated with the scope of this solicitation. Triun, LLC Certification of Vendor Residency (Required by the State of Texas) Does Vendor's parent company or majority owner:

  • Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Purchase Order and Sales Contact Email Please enter a valid email address that will definitely reach the Purchase Order and Sales Contact. 2 2 Purchase Order and Sales Contact Phone Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). 2 3 5013512221 Company Website Company Website (Format - 4 Entity D/B/A's and Assumed Names You must confirm that you are responding to this solicitation under your legal entity name. Go now to your Supplier Profile in this eBid System and confirm that your profile reflects your "Legal Name" as it is listed on your W9. In this question, please identify all of your entity's assumed names and D/B/A's. Please note that you will be identified publicly by the Legal Name under which you respond to this solicitation unless you organize otherwise with TIPS after award. 5 Arkansas Service One HVAC, Inc. Primary Address Primary Address 2 0000 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xx Primary Address City Primary Address City 7 Bryant Primary Address State Primary Address State (2 Digit Abbreviation) 2 8 Arkansas Primary Address Zip Primary Address Zip 9 72022 Search Words Identifying Vendor Please list all search words and phrases to be included in the TIPS database related to your entity. Do not list words which are not associated with the bid category/scope (See bid title for general scope). This will help users find you through the TIPS website search function. You may include product names, manufacturers, specialized services, and other words associated with the scope of this solicitation. 0

  • Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxx Xxx X. Hershey Date: Subject: [•], 20[•] Equity Distribution Agreement – Placement Notice Gentlemen: Pursuant to the terms and subject to the conditions contained in the Equity Distribution Agreement between Inhibikase Therapeutics, Inc. ( “Company”), and Xxxxx Xxxxxxx & Co. ( “Agent”) dated May 16, 2022 (the “Agreement”), the Company hereby requests that Agent sell up to [ ] shares of the Company’s common stock, par value $0.001 per share, at a minimum market price of $[ ] per share. Sales should begin on the date of this Placement Notice and shall continue until [ ] /[all shares are sold]. SCHEDULE 2 NOTICE PARTIES Inhibikase Therapeutics, Inc. Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx, Ph.D. Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx & Co. Xxxx X. Riley Xxxxxxx X. Bassett Connor X. Xxxxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxx Xxx X. Hershey SCHEDULE 3 FORM OF REPRESENTATION CERTIFICATE PURSUANT TO SECTION 3(q) OF THE AGREEMENT [Date] Xxxxx Xxxxxxx & Co. 000 Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000 Sir: The undersigned, the duly qualified and elected [ ], of Inhibikase Therapeutics, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), does hereby certify in such capacity and on behalf of the Company, pursuant to Section 3(q) of the Equity Distribution Agreement, dated May 16, 2022 (the “Equity Distribution Agreement”), between the Company and Xxxxx Xxxxxxx & Co., that to the best of the knowledge of the undersigned:

  • Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Purchase Order and Sales Contact Email Please enter a valid email address that will definitely reach the Purchase Order and Sales Contact. 2 Purchase Order and Sales Contact Phone Numbers only, no symbols or spaces (Ex. 8668398477). The system will auto-populate your entry with commas once submitted which is appropriate and expected (Ex. 8,668,398,477). 2 3 8168426066 Company Website Company Website (Format - 2 4 Entity D/B/A's and Assumed Names You must confirm that you are responding to this solicitation under your legal entity name. Go now to your Supplier Profile in this eBid System and confirm that your profile reflects your "Legal Name" as it is listed on your W9. In this question, please identify all of your entity's assumed names and D/B/A's. Please note that you will be identified publicly by the Legal Name under which you respond to this solicitation unless you organize otherwise with TIPS after award. 5 XxXxxxxxx and Associates Corp. Primary Address Primary Address 2 6 0000 Xxxx Xxxxxx Primary Address City Primary Address City 2 North Kansas City Primary Address State Primary Address State (2 Digit Abbreviation) 2 8 Missouri Primary Address Zip Primary Address Zip 9 64116 Search Words Identifying Vendor Please list all search words and phrases to be included in the TIPS database related to your entity. Do not list words which are not associated with the bid category/scope (See bid title for general scope). This will help users find you through the TIPS website search function. You may include product names, manufacturers, specialized services, and other words associated with the scope of this solicitation. asphalt, concrete, sealcoat, crack fill, tennis, running track, pickleball, pavement maintenance, Certification of Vendor Residency (Required by the State of Texas) Does Vendor's parent company or majority owner:

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