Фінансова звітність Sample Clauses

Фінансова звітність. A financial report in the form of copies of the balance sheet, profit and loss statement and cash flow statement submitted to the State authorities of Ukraine shall be sent to NEFCO, if requested by NEFCO, during Payback period of the Project. Фінансова звітність у формі копій балансу, звіту про фінансові результати та звіту про рух грошових коштів, які були надані до державних органів України, повинні бути направлені на адресу НЕФКО якщо цього вимагає НЕФКО, від надання протягом Терміну окупності Проекту. SIGNATURES / ПІДПИСИ For NORDIC ENVIRONMENT FINANCE CORPORATION (NEFCO) / від ПІВНІЧНОЇ ЕКОЛОГІЧНОЇ ФІНАНСОВОЇ КОРПОРАЦІЇ (НЕФКО) Magnus Rystedt / Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Managing Director / Керуючий директор For KREMINNA CITY COUNCIL / Від КРЕМІНСЬКОЇ МІСЬКОЇ РАДИ Amund Beitnes /Амунд Бейтнес Senior Investment Manager / Старший інвестиційний менеджер Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Oleksiiovych / Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Mayor of Kreminna city council / Кремінський міський голова ANNEX 2 / ДОДАТОК 2 FORM OF DISBURSEMENT REQUEST / ФОРМА ЗАПИТУ НА ВИПЛАТУ [BENEFICIARY’S LETTERHEAD]/ [На бланку Одержувача] Nordic Environment Finance Corporation/ Північна екологічна фінансова корпорація Attention: Project Administration /До уваги: Управління проектів P.O. Box/поштова скринька 241 Date/Дата [●] FI-00171 Helsinki/ Ґельсінкі Finland/ Фінляндія (telefax /телефакс +000 0 000 000) Re.: Disbursement Request under Grant Agreement, dated [●] 2016 Стосовно: Запит на виплату за Договором про грант від [●] 2016 року
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Related to Фінансова звітність

  • Union Dues Deduction The Company will deduct union dues from new employees who have worked a minimum of forty (40) hours.

  • Sick Leave Buyback The Board agrees to buy sick leave days back from those teachers who have more than one hundred (100) accumulated sick leave days at the end of a school year. The value of each unused day will be determined based on the formula in Section A above. The total amount calculated will be deposited into the teacher’s Section 401(a) account. If a teacher has in excess of 6 personal days, the days will be transferred to the total sick day accumulation for this calculation. The number of days will be figured using the above chart in this section.

  • Sick Leave Buy Back To encourage and reward employees who maintain good job attendance, the parties agree to the following incentive award: Employees who utilize two (2) sick leave days or less each assigned school calendar year and year-round employees who utilize three (3) sick leave days or less during each assigned school calendar year - upon request – shall receive payment for up to eight (8) days of sick leave, provided the employee worked the full assigned calendar year.* The following procedures apply to the payment of sick leave under this section.

  • Membership Dues Deduction Any unit member who is a member of the Teachers 20 Association of Long Beach, CTA-NEA, or who has applied for membership, may 21 pay a lump sum cash payment to the Association or sign and deliver to the District 22 an assignment authorizing deduction of unified membership dues, initiation fees and 23 general assessments in the Association. Pursuant to such authorization, the District 24 shall deduct one-tenth (1/10) of such dues from the regular salary warrant of the unit 26 authorization after the commencement of the school year shall have deducted one- 28 periods.

  • Union Dues Deductions It shall be a condition of employment for all Nurses in the Bargaining Unit, that dues be deducted from their bi-weekly salary in the amount determined by the Union. The deductions for newly employed Nurses shall be in the first pay period of employment. The dues shall be submitted monthly to the Union together with a list of the Nurses from whom the deductions were made.

  • Sick Leave Cash Out Eligible employees may elect to receive monetary compensation for accrued sick leave as follows: In January of each year an employee whose sick leave balance at the end of the previous year exceeds four hundred eighty (480) hours may elect to convert the sick leave hours earned in the previous calendar year, minus those hours used during the year, to monetary compensation. No sick leave hours may be converted which would reduce the calendar year end balance below four hundred eighty (480) hours. Monetary compensation shall be paid at the rate of twenty-five percent and shall be based on the employee’s current salary. All converted hours will be deducted from the sick leave balance. Employees who separate from University service due to retirement or death shall be compensated for the unused sick leave accumulation from the date of most recent hire in a leave eligible position with the State of Washington at the rate of 25%. Compensation shall be based upon the employee’s wage at the time of separation. For the purpose of this section, retirement shall not include vested out of service employees who leave funds on deposit with the retirement system. Former eligible employees who are re-employed within three (3) years of their separation from service shall be granted all unused sick leave credits, if any, to which they are entitled at time of separation.

  • Dues Deduction 6.2.1 The District shall deduct, in accordance with the CSEA dues and service fee schedule approved by the CSEA delegates, dues from the wages of all employees who are members of CSEA on the date of the execution of this Agreement, and who have submitted dues authorization forms to the District.

  • Association Dues Deduction ‌ When the Association provides written authorization to the Employer for deduction of membership dues, the Employer will deduct from the employee’s salary, an amount equal to the dues required to be a member of the Association, depending on their permanent or non-permanent dues rate. The Agency will provide payments for all said deductions to the Association each pay period.

  • Sick Leave Incentive Effective September 1, 1986, employees covered by this Agreement, hired on or after October 1, 1977, who are not entitled to disability leave under State Statute R.C.W. 41.26, shall be eligible for the following sick leave incentive program:

  • Sick Leave Usage A. Sick leave may be used for an employee or an employee's child, spouse or parent's illness or injury, hospitalization and appointment pertaining to health.

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