Acceptance Vzorová ustanovení

Acceptance. Xxxxx accepts the terms in Transaction Documents: (i) by signing them by hand or electronically, or (ii) unless otherwise required by law, by submitting a Purchase Order to Seller, accepting, using (or allowing others to use), or making any payment for Goods and/or Services. Any Goods and Services become subject to these Standard Terms when Seller accepts a Purchase Order by sending Buyer a Transaction Document, or shipping the Goods or providing Services to Buyer. All orders are subject to acceptance by Seller and no contract shall exist between Seller and Buyer unless and until Seller issues a written order confirmation.
Acceptance. Institution acknowledges and agrees that by clicking on the “Agree” or similar button or by checking a box, Institution, through its authorized representative, is accepting and agreeing to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Acceptance. The order is accepted if the Supplier confirms the acceptance of the order by word of mouth (including a telephone call) or in writing. Acceptance of this Order shall bind on the Supplier to adhere to these terms and conditions and no Goods shall be supplied by the Supplier, their employees, agents or representatives except in accordance therewith. Any alternations of this Order and General Conditions of Purchase must be agreed on in writing and executed by both contractual parties.
Acceptance. Acceptance will occur based upon the following: 2.5 Převzetí. Převzetí následujících pravidel: bude probíhat podle
Acceptance. De Gruyter Open shall provide notice to the Journal Owner when preparation o f the Site is complete and the System has become available for use by the Journal Editor and Users (the “Notice o f Com pletion”). Within thirty (30) calendar days o f De Gruyter O pen’s transmittal o f the Notice o f Completion to the Journal Owner, the Journal Owner shall either (a) provide De Gruyter Open with a list o f deficiencies in the System (the “ Deficiency List”), where said deficiencies correspond to material omissions from or failure o f the System to conform to the list o f features set forth in Attachment A hereto; or (b) indicate the Journal O wner’s acceptance o f the System for use (“Acceptance”). In the event that the Journal Owner provides De Gruyter Open with a Deficiency List, De Gruyter Open shall correct such items identified in the Deficiency List, and shall notify the Journal Owner when such corrections are complete (the “Notice o f Correction”). Provided that said corrections substantially address and resolve the items in the Deficiency List, the System shall be deemed accepted by the Journal Owner upon De Gruyter Open’s transmittal o f the Notice of Correction to the Journal Owner, and Acceptance shall be deemed complete. In the event that the Journal Owner fails to respond to the Notice o f Completion within thirty (30) days o f De Gruyter Open’s transmittal thereof to the Journal Owner, Acceptance shall be deemed complete. Notwithstanding the aforementioned provisions o f this Clause 5.2, Acceptance shall be deemed complete upon the Journal O w ner’s first use o f the System to accept and process submissions in other than a test mode o f operation o f the System. initial Journal Owner De Gruyter Open

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