Insurance Vzorová ustanovení

Insurance. The supplier shall be obliged to be insured for the whole period of existence of the contract for the coverage of all damages, which could arise in connection with the realization of the delivery both to the client and to third parties. At request of the client, the supplier shall be obliged to present the insurance policy covering the risks related to the realization of the delivery. In case that the supplier is not insured duly or its insurance contract has been terminated, the right of the client to withdraw from the contract shall be established.
Insurance. 10.1 Společnost PPD prohlašuje, že existuje pojistná smlouva pokrývající provádění klinického hodnocení v souladu s platnými vnitrostátními předpisy. Zmíněná pojistná smlouva musí zůstat v platnosti a být aktualizována po celou dobu trvání klinického hodnocení. 10.1 PPD declares that an insurance policy to cover the conduct of the Clinical Trial, in pursuance of current national laws, is in place. Said policy shall be maintained and updated throughout the duration of the Clinical Trial.
Insurance. The sending and receiving institutions will provide assistance in obtaining insurance for incoming and outbound mobile participants, according to the requirements of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. Costs for insurance can be covered with the organizational support (overheads). The receiving institution will inform mobile participants of cases in which insurance cover is not automatically provided. Information and assistance can be provided by the following contact points and information sources: SK BRATISL 01 (STU) Administrative contact: Xxx. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx@stub x.xx xxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/xxxxxxx/xxxx/xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx- package/general-information-for- students/insurance.html?page_id=5457 Belgrade (Singidu num) Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, bprodanovic@singidunum .xx.xx xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/
Insurance. 9.1. The Seller undertakes to contract, no later than by taking over the Site, an insurance policy covering any damage caused by performance of his professional activities during delivery of the Equipment to the Buyer or to third persons, in the amount of at least 5 000 000 EUR, to be effective for the entire period of contract performance. Failure to obtain such insurance policy shall be deemed to constitute a serious breach hereof. 10.
Insurance. Sponsor represents and warrants, that in
Insurance. Institution agrees to maintain a policy or policies of insurance or self-insurance sufficient to satisfy its duties and obligations under this Agreement in accordance with applicable law. Consistent with this requirement, Institution claims it has concluded liability insurance covering damage which occurs while providing health care services in accordance with Act No. 372/2011 Coll., on health care services. The insurance shall be maintained for the entire time Institution provides health care services, including during the duration of the Study, in accordance with Act No. 372/2011 Coll., on health care services. CRO shall ensure that Sponsor, pursuant to the provisions of Section 52(3)(f) of Act No. 378/2007 Coll., as amended, has taken out comprehensive liability insurance for the Study, which includes coverage in the event of the death of a Study subject or in the event of injury to a Study subject resulting directly from the conduct of the Study. Sponsor’s insurance document as of the date of execution of this Agreement shall form an annex to this Agreement and is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit D. Each of the contracting parties shall undertake, upon request, to provide the other party with insurance certificates giving evidence of the required insurance coverage within seven (7) business days following receipt of the written request from Institution, CRO or Sponsor, as applicable.
Insurance. 15.1. The Contractor undertakes to adequately insure the liability risks in connection with the performance of the Services by means of suitable insurance policies at its own expense and to provide BSH with evidence thereof upon request. The Contractor's liability shall not be limited by the conclusion of insurance policies.
Insurance. 18.1. The Supplier shall take out, maintain and pay for a liability insurance policy covering any damage incurred in connection with their activities, to an insured amount corresponding to the value of the subject of performance under the contract concluded with the Buyer. The policy must be maintained in force and effect from the day of signature of the contract with the Buyer until thelapse of the warranty term. If an insured event occurs, the Supplier shall promptly complete all the necessary steps with regard to the insurer. Violation of the present provision constitutes a material breach of the contract by the Supplier.
Insurance. 1. The Parties agree that the Subtenant shall arrange, through the Tenant, household and liability insurance for the Subtenant, on the terms and conditions agreed between the Parties at the signing of this Agreement.
Insurance. 9.1 Bayer shall be responsible for the clinical trials insurance of the Study in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. For this purpose Bayer affirms to have ensured insurance of liability of the Sponsor and the Investigator for damage (including the non-property damage, with exception of the non-property damage caused by breach of the right to protection of personal rights or name, by defamation, slander, bullying, harassment, unequal treatment or by other manners of discrimination), including indemnification in case of death of a trial subject or damage to health to a trial subject due to the Study conduct pursuant to § 52 sect. 3 letter f) of the Act No. 378/2007 Coll., on Medicines, as amended.