Personal data protection Vzorová ustanovení

Personal data protection. 7.1. The protection of personal data of the Client, who is a natural person, or the Client's representative - a legal entity, is provided in accordance with applicable law, in particular with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of personal data ("GDPR").
Personal data protection. 1. Provider processes Client’spersonal data in accordance with GDPR and Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on the processing of personal data, as amended and in force, while respecting the principles of legality, correctness, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, integrity and confidentiality.
Personal data protection. 9.1. The Partner acknowledges that Up ČR as an administrator processes personal data (in particular the identification data, contact details and information about the fulfillment of the Contract) of natural entities acting on the part of the Partner, or of the Partner itself, provid- ed that it is a natural entity, and also the data of other persons involved in the fulfillment of the Contract as the data subjects, for the following purposes:
Personal data protection. When required by the postal terms and conditions of the service provided under this Agreement and in accordance with these postal terms and conditions, the Sender will disclose to CP personal details of its Customers (addressees of consignments) to the following extent:
Personal data protection. 1. Poskytovatel zpracovává osobní údaje Klientů v souladu s GDPR a zák. č. 110/2019 Sb., o zpracování osobních údajů v platném a účinném znění, přitom respektuje zásadu zákonnosti, korektnosti, transparentnosti, omezení účelu, minimalizace údajů, přesnosti, omezení uložení, integrity a důvěrnosti.
Personal data protection. 7.1 Zmluvné strany berú na vedomie, že poskytovaním služieb autorizovaného servisu podľa článku III. bod 3.3 a nasl. tejto Zmluvy by mohlo dôjsť k sprístupneniu osobných údajov pacientov prenajímateľovi. Nájomca vyhlasuje, že spracúvané osobné údaje a spôsob ich získania nájomcom neporušuje práva pacientov ako dotknutých osôb, ako ani žiadne z ustanovení zákona č. 122/2013 Z. z. o ochrane osobných údajov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení neskorších predpisov (ďalej len „zákon o ochrane osobných údajov“) a zaväzuje sa zabezpečiť, aby ním spracúvané osobné údaje pacientov boli pre prípad poskytovania služieb autorizovaného servisu podľa tejto Zmluvy chránené, zabezpečené a ošetrené tak, aby takýmto poskytovaním služieb neboli ustanovenia zákona o ochrane osobných údajov nijakým spôsobom porušené. 7.1 The Parties take cognizance of the fact that the performance of authorized service under Article III. Section 3.3 of the Contract could be connected with the disclosure of patients´ personal data to the Lessor. The Lessee hereby declares that the method of procuration of personal data and the method of proceeding of personal data is in accordance with the patients´ rights and with the provisions of the Act 122/2013 Coll. on Personal Data Protection, and on the amendment of and supplementation to certain acts, as later amended (hereinafter referred to as “Act on Personal Data Protection”) and undertakes to ensure protection and securing of personal data of patients it processes in case of provision of services hereunder in order to prevent any violation of the Personal Data Protection Act thereby. 7.2 Prenajímateľ v zmysle ust. § 22 zákona o ochrane osobných údajov vyhlasuje, že jeho zamestnanci sú oboznámení o: 7.2 In line with Section 22 of the Act on Personal Data Protection, the Lessor hereby declares, that its employees have been instructed on: a) Povinnosti zachovávať mlčanlivosť o osobných údajoch spracovávaných v informačných systémoch nájomcu. Tieto údaje nesmú využiť pre osobnú potrebu a) The obligation to keep confidentiality of personal data processed in the information systems of the Lessor. The employees must not use these data for its private use and a bez písomného súhlasu dotknutej osoby/osôb a súhlasu štatutárneho zástupcu nájomcu ich nesmú zverejniť a nikomu mimo okruhu osôb oprávnených podľa citovaného zákona poskytnúť ani sprístupniť. disclose or provide them to unauthorized persons without prior written consent of the Lessor´s ...
Personal data protection. 9.1 Protection of your personal data is governed by the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.
Personal data protection. 16.1 Detailed information on the processing of personal data and related rights is available on the Bank’s website in the document entitled “Information on Personal Data Processing”.
Personal data protection. 7.1. The handling of buyers' personal data is subject to data protection legislation, including in particular EU Regulation 2016/679. The principles governing the processing of your personal data are contained here.
Personal data protection. 5.1 ČP as the controller processes the personal data of the Sender (if the Sender is a natural person) and the personal data of its contact persons provided in this Agreement as well as personal data of other persons provided under this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “data subjects” and “personal data”), solely for the purposes of performance of this Agreement, for the duration of this Agreement, or for the purposes resulting from legal regulations for a period longer than justified by such legal regulations. Accordingly, the Sender is obliged to inform the individuals whose personal data is transmitted for the purposes related to the performance of this Agreement by ČP. Further information related to the processing of personal data, including the rights of the data subjects related to such processing, is contained in the “Personal Data Protection - the GDPR” section of ČP’s website at xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx.