Conclusion of the Master Loan Agreement Musterklauseln

Conclusion of the Master Loan Agreement. 3.1. Any Loan requires a valid Master Loan Agreement. The Customer submits an application to enter into such Master Loan Agreement. Ferratum may accept such application. Ferratum retains at all time full and absolute discretion as to whether or not enter into a Master Loan Agreement with the Customer irrespective of prior acceptances of such applications with the same Customer. 3.2. Prior to making such application, the Customer shall request Ferratum to provide copies of the draft Master Loan Agreement, and all documents forming an integral part thereof, as required by applicable laws and regulations. Ferratum will provide such documents to the Customer free of charge. 3.3. By submitting an application to enter into a Master Loan Agreement, the Customer acknowledges, warrants, undertakes and agrees that he or she: 3.3.1. has provided true, correct and complete information to Ferratum and that he or she will inform Xxxxxxxx without undue delay whenever there is a change to such information or in the event that he or she notices that any information submitted was erroneous or otherwise untrue, incorrect or incomplete; 3.3.2. has provided true and correct bank account and ancillary details (if such details have been provided) which refer to a bank that is authorised to offer its services in Germany and/or in another Member State of the European Union, and that such account is held in the Customer’s own name. The Customer understands that any loan disbursements made by Ferratum, as well as any subsequent loan repayments shall be made through an account held in his or her name (if such account details have been provided). The Customer undertakes to immediately inform Ferratum about any changes to the bank account details provided to it or ancillary information. Customer acknowledges and accepts that in case of change in personal bank account details he or she may be requested to verify such details in the manner required by Ferratum; 3.3.3. has read the Master Loan Agreement and understands the information provided therein; 3.3.4. has received the Master Loan Agreement on a durable medium; 3.3.5. has received the mandatory information pursuant to Section 247 EGBGB contained in the Master Loan Agreement; 3.3.6. has entered into this Master Loan Agreement of his or her free will and has not concluded the Master Loan Agreement under threat, duress, or in distress or under strikingly unfavourable conditions with regard to his or her personal and financial circumst...
Conclusion of the Master Loan Agreement. 3.1. Any Loan requires a valid Master Loan Agreement. The Customer submits an application to enter into such Master Loan Agreement. Ferratum may accept such application. Ferratum retains at all time full and absolute discretion as to whether or not enter into a Master Loan Agreement with the Customer irrespective of prior acceptances of such applications with the same Customer. 3.2. Prior to making such application, the Customer shall request Ferratum to provide copies of the draft Master Loan Agreement, and all documents forming an integral part thereof, as required by applicable laws and regulations. Ferratum will provide such documents to the Customer free of charge. 3.3. The Customer will indicate a credit line in the Master Loan Agreement. If the credit line does not exceed €199.99, the Customer can submit the Master Loan Agreement, and all documents forming an integral part thereof, on the Website. If the credit line exceeds €199.99, the Customer shall sign the draft Master Loan Agreement and all documents forming an integral part thereof, and send the signed Master Loan Agreement via postal service to Ferratum's physical address provided above. 3.4. By submitting an application to enter into a Master Loan Agreement, the Customer acknowledges, warrants, undertakes and agrees that he or she: 3.4.1. has provided true, correct and complete information to Ferratum and that he or she will inform Xxxxxxxx without undue delay whenever there is a change to such information or in the event that he or she notices that any information submitted was erroneous or otherwise untrue, incorrect or incomplete; 3.4.2. has provided true and correct bank account and ancillary details (if such details have been provided) which refer to a bank that is authorised to offer its services in Germany and/or in another Member State of the European Union, and that such account is held in the Customer’s own name. The Customer understands that any loan disbursements made by Ferratum, as well as any subsequent loan repayments shall be made through an account held in his or her name (if such account details have been provided). The Customer undertakes to immediately inform Ferratum about any changes to the bank account details provided to it or ancillary information. Customer acknowledges and accepts that in case of change in personal bank account details he or she may be requested to verify such details in the manner required by Ferratum; 3.4.3. has read the Master Loan Agreement and...

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  • ISSUE SPECIFIC SUMMARY Section 1 – Introduction containing warnings

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  • Kategorien von Empfängern der personenbezogenen Daten Rückversicherer: Vermittler: Datenverarbeitung in der Unternehmensgruppe: Externe Dienstleister: Weitere Empfänger:

  • FINAL PROVISIONS 11.1 Alterations and supplements to the contract, to acceptance of the application and to these General Business Terms and Conditions shall be made in text form. Unilateral changes or supplements are ineffective. 11.2 If the customer is a merchant or public law legal entity, the courts of Bad Hersfeld have exclusive jurisdiction and venue. The hotel can, however, at its election, also bring legal action against the customer at the place of the customer’s registered of- fice. This also applies to customers not covered by sentence 1 above if they do not have their registered office or place of residence in an EU member state. 11.3 German law shall apply. The application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is excluded. 11.4 In compliance with its statutory obligation the hotel points out that the European Union has set up an online platform for the extrajudicial resolution of consumer dis- putes (“ODR platform”): xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxx/xxx/

  • GENERAL PROVISIONS 1 Firma und Sitz (1) Die Firma der Gesellschaft lautet Jumia Technologies AG. (2) Die Gesellschaft hat ihren Sitz in Berlin. (1) The name of the Company is Jumia Technologies AG. (2) The Company has its registered seat in Berlin. (1) Gegenstand des Unternehmens ist die di- rekte oder indirekte Verwaltung eigener Vermögenswerte, insbesondere die Grün- dung neuer Unternehmen oder der Erwerb existierender Unternehmen, die Entwick- lung und Umsetzung neuer Geschäftskon- zepte, der Erwerb, die Verwaltung und die Verfügung über Anteile an anderen Unter- nehmen und juristischen Personen in Deutschland oder im Ausland sowie die Er- bringung von Dienst- und Beratungsleistun- gen, insbesondere mit Fokussierung auf so unterschiedliche Bereiche wie Internet, On- line-Dienste, E-Commerce, Telekommuni- kation, Medien, Neue Medien, Technologien, Software, IT- Dienstleistungen, Marketing, Vertrieb, Per- sonalbeschaffung, Finanzierung, Program- mierung, Projektmanagement sowie Start- Up- und Wachstumsunternehmen. (2) Die Gesellschaft ist zu allen Handlungen und Maßnahmen berechtigt und kann alle Geschäfte betreiben, die mit dem Gegen- stand des Unternehmens zusammenhängen oder ihm unmittelbar oder mittelbar zu die- nen geeignet sind. Sie kann auch andere Un- ternehmen im In- und Ausland gründen, erwerben und sich an ihnen beteiligen sowie solche Unternehmen leiten oder sich auf die Verwaltung der Beteiligung beschränken. Sie kann ihren Betrieb, auch soweit es um die von ihr gehaltenen Beteiligungen geht, ganz oder teilweise durch verbundene Un- ternehmen führen lassen oder auf solche (1) The Company’s purpose is the direct or in- direct management of its own assets, in particular the incorporation of new compa- nies or the acquisition of existing compa- nies, the development and implementation of new business concepts, the acquisition, management and disposition of shares in other companies and legal entities in Ger- many or abroad as well as the provision of consulting and other services, in particular with a focus on areas as diverse as Internet, online services, e-commerce, telecommu- nications, media, new media, technologies, software, IT services, marketing, sales, re- cruitment, financing, programming, pro- ject management and start-up and growth companies. (2) The Company is entitled to perform all acts and take all steps and conduct all transactions relating to its purpose or which are appropriate to directly or indi- rectly effect the accomplishment of the Company’s purpose. The Company may also establish or acquire enterprises in Ger- many or abroad and participate in and manage such enterprises or confine itself to the management of its participation. The Company can completely or partially del- egate management of its operations, in- cluding its participation in other companies, to affiliated companies or übertragen oder auslagern und sich auf die Tätigkeit als geschäftsleitende Holding be- schränken. Die Gesellschaft darf auch Zweigniederlassungen und Betriebsstätten im In- und Ausland errichten. Sie kann ihre Tätigkeit auf einen Teil der in Absatz 1 be- zeichneten Tätigkeitsfelder beschränken. transfer or outsource its operations to such affiliated companies as well as confine it- self to operation as a management holding company. The Company may also estab- lish branch offices and permanent estab- lishments in Germany and abroad. The Company may limit its activity to any part of the areas designated in paragraph 1. (1) Die Bekanntmachungen der Gesellschaft er- folgen im Bundesanzeiger. Sofern gesetz- lich zwingend eine andere Bekanntmachungsform erforderlich ist, tritt an die Stelle des Bundesanzeigers diese Be- kanntmachungsform. (2) Informationen an die Aktionäre der Gesell- schaft können, soweit gesetzlich zulässig, auch im Wege der Datenfernübertragung übermittelt werden. Die Übermittlung von Mitteilungen nach § 125 Abs. 1 i.V.m. § 128 Abs. 1 AktG sowie nach § 125 Abs. 2 AktG ist auf den Weg elektronischer Kom- munikation beschränkt. Der Vorstand ist - ohne dass hierauf ein Anspruch besteht - be- rechtigt, diese Mitteilungen auch auf ande- rem Weg zu versenden.

  • Force Majeure 14.1. A party's obligations in terms of these Credit Terms shall be suspended for such period during which that party is prevented from complying with its obligations due to Force Majeure, provided such party: (a) has notified the other party of the existence of such Force Majeure, (b) does everything in its/his/her power to comply with the Loan Agreement; and (c) fulfils its obligations once the Force Majeure event has ceased to exist, within the time specified by the other party. 14.2. For the avoidance of doubt, Force Majeure shall only suspend a party’s obligation in so far as it is impossible for such party to perform the same and shall in no case excuse such party from the obligation to perform other obligations in terms of the Loan Agreement.

  • Erteilung des SEPA-Lastschriftmandats (SEPA Direct Debit Mandate) Der Kunde erteilt dem Zahlungsempfänger ein SEPA-Lastschriftmandat. Damit autorisiert er gegenüber seiner Bank die Einlösung von SEPA- Basis-Lastschriften des Zahlungsempfängers. Das Mandat ist in Textform oder in der mit seiner Bank vereinbarten Art und Weise zu erteilen. In dieser Autorisierung ist zugleich die ausdrückliche Zustimmung enthal- ten, dass die am Lastschrifteinzug beteiligten Zahlungsdienstleister und etwaige zwischengeschaltete Stellen die für die Ausführung der Last- schrift notwendigen personenbezogenen Daten des Kunden abrufen, verarbeiten, übermitteln und speichern. In dem SEPA-Lastschriftmandat müssen die folgenden Erklärungen des Kunden enthalten sein: – Ermächtigung des Zahlungsempfängers, Zahlungen vom Konto des Kunden mittels SEPA-Basis-Lastschrift einzuziehen, und – Weisung an die Bank, die vom Zahlungsempfänger auf sein Konto gezogenen SEPA-Basis-Lastschriften einzulösen. Das SEPA-Lastschriftmandat muss folgende Autorisierungsdaten ent- halten: – Bezeichnung des Zahlungsempfängers, – eine Gläubiger-Identifikationsnummer, – Kennzeichnung als einmalige oder wiederkehrende Zahlung, – Name des Kunden (sofern verfügbar), – Bezeichnung der Bank des Kunden und – seine Kundenkennung (siehe Nummer A. 2.1.2). Über die Autorisierungsdaten hinaus kann das Lastschriftmandat zu- sätzliche Angaben enthalten.