GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1 Firma und Sitz (1) Die Firma der Gesellschaft lautet Jumia Technologies AG. (2) Die Gesellschaft hat ihren Sitz in Berlin. (1) The name of the Company is Jumia Technologies AG. (2) The Company has its registered seat in Berlin. (1) Gegenstand des Unternehmens ist die di- rekte oder indirekte Verwaltung eigener Vermögenswerte, insbesondere die Grün- dung neuer Unternehmen oder der Erwerb existierender Unternehmen, die Entwick- lung und Umsetzung neuer Geschäftskon- zepte, der Erwerb, die Verwaltung und die Verfügung über Anteile an anderen Unter- nehmen und juristischen Personen in Deutschland oder im Ausland sowie die Er- bringung von Dienst- und Beratungsleistun- gen, insbesondere mit Fokussierung auf so unterschiedliche Bereiche wie Internet, On- line-Dienste, E-Commerce, Telekommuni- kation, Medien, Neue Medien, Technologien, Software, IT- Dienstleistungen, Marketing, Vertrieb, Per- sonalbeschaffung, Finanzierung, Program- mierung, Projektmanagement sowie Start- Up- und Wachstumsunternehmen. (2) Die Gesellschaft ist zu allen Handlungen und Maßnahmen berechtigt und kann alle Geschäfte betreiben, die mit dem Gegen- stand des Unternehmens zusammenhängen oder ihm unmittelbar oder mittelbar zu die- nen geeignet sind. Sie kann auch andere Un- ternehmen im In- und Ausland gründen, erwerben und sich an ihnen beteiligen sowie solche Unternehmen leiten oder sich auf die Verwaltung der Beteiligung beschränken. Sie kann ihren Betrieb, auch soweit es um die von ihr gehaltenen Beteiligungen geht, ganz oder teilweise durch verbundene Un- ternehmen führen lassen oder auf solche übertragen oder auslagern und sich auf die (1) The Company’s purpose is the direct or in- direct management of its own assets, in particular the incorporation of new compa- nies or the acquisition of existing compa- nies, the development and implementation of new business concepts, the acquisition, management and disposition of shares in other companies and legal entities in Ger- many or abroad as well as the provision of consulting and other services, in particular with a focus on areas as diverse as Internet, online services, e-commerce, telecommu- nications, media, new media, technologies, software, IT services, marketing, sales, re- cruitment, financing, programming, pro- ject management and start-up and growth companies. (2) The Company is entitled to perform all acts and take all steps and conduct all transactions relating to its purpose or which are appropriate to directly or indi- rect...
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1 FIRMA UND SITZ (1) Die Firma der Gesellschaft lautet Zalando SE. (2) Die Gesellschaft hat ihren Sitz in Berlin. (1) The name of the Company is Zalando SE. (2) The Company has its registered seat in Berlin.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1 FIRMA UND SITZ § 1 COMPANY NAME AND REGISTERED SEAT (1) Die Firma der Gesellschaft lautet Zalando SE. (1) The name of the Company is Zalando SE. (2) Die Gesellschaft hat ihren Sitz in Berlin. (2) The Company has its registered seat in Berlin. § 2 GEGENSTAND DES UNTERNEHMENS § 2 OBJECT OF THE COMPANY (1) Gegenstand des Unternehmens ist die Ent- wicklung, Vermarktung und Erbringung von Internetdienstleistungen (E-Commerce-Han- del mit Waren verschiedener Art, insbesonde- re Bekleidung und Schuhe), die Entwicklung, Herstellung, Vermarktung und der Handel mit solchen Waren, insbesondere Bekleidung und Schuhe, die Erbringung von Logistikdienst- leistungen, digitalen Dienstleistungen und alle mit dem vorgenannten Unternehmensgegen- stand zusammenhängenden Dienstleistun- gen. (1) The object of the Company is the devel- opment, marketing and provision of in- ternet services (e-commerce covering goods of different kinds, in particular ap- parel and shoes), development, produc- tion, marketing and trading in such goods, in particular, apparel and shoes, the provision of logistic services, digital services and all other services relating to the aforementioned line of business. (2) Die Gesellschaft ist zu allen Handlungen und Maßnahmen berechtigt und kann alle Ge- schäfte betreiben, die mit dem Gegenstand des Unternehmens zusammenhängen oder ihm unmittelbar oder mittelbar zu dienen ge- eignet sind. Sie kann auch andere Unterneh- men im In- und Ausland gründen, erwerben und sich an ihnen beteiligen sowie solche Unternehmen leiten oder sich auf die Verwal- tung der Beteiligung beschränken. Sie kann ihren Betrieb, auch von ihr gehaltene Beteili- gungen, ganz oder teilweise durch verbunde- ne Unternehmen führen lassen oder auf solche übertragen oder auslagern sowie Un- ternehmensverträge abschließen. Die Gesell- (2) The Company is entitled to perform all acts and take all steps and conduct all kind of transactions which relate to the Company's object or which are appropri- ate to directly or indirectly further the at- tainment of the Company's object. It may also establish or acquire enterprises in Germany or abroad and participate in such enterprises as well as manage such enterprises or confine itself to the management of its participation. The Company can completely or partially have its operations, including the partici- pations it holds, conducted by affiliated companies or transfer or outsource its Deutsche Fassung English Translation schaft darf auch Zweigniederl...
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1. The contractual relationship anticipated by these Standard Terms and Conditions shall be subject to German law including in the case of deliveries to foreign destinations. 2. Any additions or modifications to these Standard Terms and Conditions shall be in writing only. 3. If any of the provisions contained herein are void, this shall not prejudice the validity of the remaining provisions. In such a case, the Parties undertake to replace the void provision with a valid one coming as commercially and economically close as possible to what they intended with the void provision. 4. The place of fulfillment and the legal venue shall be the photographer’s domicile in cases in which the customer is a full merchant as defined by German commercial law.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1 FIRMA UND SITZ § 1 COMPANY NAME AND REGISTERED SEAT (1) Die Firma der Gesellschaft lautet DFV Deutsche Familienversiche- rung AG. (1) The name of the Company is DFV Deutsche Familienversiche- rung AG. (2) Die Gesellschaft hat ihren Sitz in Frankfurt am Main. (2) The Company has its registered seat in Frankfurt am Main. § 2
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 7.1. When selling products over the Internet, the retailer must comply with all laws, regulations and trading practices, especially those relating to distance selling and fair competition.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1. The amount of compensation for damages to be paid by the supplier pursuant to sections VII, X, XI and XII shall be determined, in favor of the supplier, in due consideration of the economic situation of the supplier, the type, scope and duration of the business relationship, any contributory causes and/or fault of the buyer in accordance with section 254 BGB, and a particularly unfavorable installation situation of the part supplied. In particular, the replacements, costs and expenditures to be borne by the supplier must be proportionate to the value of the part supplied. 2. In the event that one contractual partner ceases payment, or applies for insolvency proceedings with regard to its assets or for an out-of-court settlement procedure, the other contractual partner shall be entitled to withdraw from the part of the contract not yet fulfilled. 3. If one provision of these conditions or of the other agreements entered into should be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the contract. The contractual partners shall replace the invalid provision with a valid regulation that comes as close as possible to the economic outcome of the invalid provision. 4. Unless otherwise agreed, the contract shall be governed exclusively by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. Application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of April 11, 1980, is excluded. 5. The place of performance is where the buyer has its registered office. A different place of performance may be agreed for delivery. 6. The place of jurisdiction is where the plaintiff has its registered office, or another competent court.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. The following regulations under§§ 1 to 15 apply to all travel insurance from the lead insurer Helvetia Versicherungs-AG and other participating insurers, as represented by MDT travel underwriting GmbH. § 1 Insured trip/insured persons/maximum deadlines 1. Insurance coverage exists for the respective insured trip, for the persons named in the insurance certificate/insurance policy or in the booking confir- mation/invoice, provided that the insurance premium has been paid for these persons. 2. The insurance protection includes all private and business trips. A “trip” is considered to be the temporary absence of the insured person from their permanent residence or regular place of work in Germany for a booked and insured stay in association with the private or business trip. The destination of the trip must be more than 50 linear km from the insured person’s place of residence or place of work. Trips, passages and routes to and from the workplace and between the place of residence and the insured person’s place of work are not considered a trip. Business trips by field service employees in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany as well as in a national terri- tory where the employee has an additional residence are not insured. 3. Insurance coverage exists for a maximum of 42 days per insured trip. For longer trips, the insurance coverage is only valid for the first 42 days. Trip cancella- tion insurance provides insurance coverage regardless of the duration of the trip.
GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1.1 The GTC in their current version shall also apply as a framework agreement for future contracts with the same customer without us having to refer to them again in each individual case; we shall inform the customer promptly of any changes to our GTC in such cases. 1.2 These GTC shall apply exclusively, even if the customer refers to alternative or supplementary terms and conditions in its order or in a letter of confirmation. Deviating, conflicting or supplementary general terms and conditions of our customers shall only form part of the contract if and to the extent that we have expressly agreed to them in writing. This consent requirement shall apply in any case, for example even if we are aware of the customer’s GTC and carry out the delivery or service to the customer without reservation. 1.3 Legally relevant declarations and notifications to be made to us by the customer after conclusion of the contract (e.g. setting of deadlines, notifications of defects, declaration of withdrawal or reduction, notices of termination) shall only be valid if made in writing.