Exclusions Musterklauseln

Exclusions. Messe Berlin is entitled to demand that exhibits should be removed if these were not included in the stand hire contract, or if they subsequently prove to cause annoy- ance or danger, or are incompatible with the objectives of the event. In the event of non- compliance, Messe Berlin is entitled to have recourse to law in removing the exhibits at the exhibitor’s expense.
Exclusions. Excluded from the Warranty are, and Simi shall have no responsibility for damages of any kind as a result of one of the following events: the repair and replacement of the Product(s) or any part thereto due to normal wear and tear, vandalism, accidents, negligence, or otherwise without any fault of Simi; repairs, alterations or adjustments to the Product(s) performed or originated by the Customer or any third party without Simi’s prior written consent; unreasonable use, misuse, abuse, accident, alteration, modification, reengineering, neglect, lack of maintenance, or use after the Product(s) is significantly worn. The Warranty described above applies only to Products manufactured by Simi.
Exclusions a) Excluded are insurance claims of all persons who have caused the damage by deliberately deviating from laws, regulations or official orders or ordinances directed at you which serve to protect the environment. A1-2.4.2 does not apply.
Exclusions. No claim for reimbursement may arise from any bar to the trip resulting from: • impossibility of vaccination, • the use of stupefacients that have not been medically prescribed, • practicing a sport as a professional, • an intentional act on the holder’s part: suicide or attempted suicide, • a cure or an esthetic, psychic or psychotherapeutic treatment.
Exclusions. Ne donne pas lieu à remboursement tout empêchement au séjour dû à : • une impossibilité de vaccination, • l’usage de stupéfiants non prescrits médicalement, • la pratique d’un sport en tant que professionnel, • un acte intentionnel du titulaire : suicide ou tentative de suicide, • une cure, d’un traitement esthétique, psychique ou psychothérapeutique.
Exclusions. In addition to the exclusions indicated in the text of present contract, Gan Assistance can intervene only within the limits of the authorizations granted by local authorities. Gan Assistance cannot, in any case, replace the local emergency service agencies, nor pay for the resulting costs. It may not be held liable for shortcomings or mishaps in the performance of its obligations resulting from cases of force majeure or from such events as civil or foreign war, revolution, mass movements, mutinies, strikes, attachment or constraint by the authorities, official interdictions, piracy, bomb explosions, nuclear or radioactive effects or climatic disturbances. Gan Assistance shall not be required to intervene if the subscriber has voluntarily committed infractions of the legislation prevailing in the countries through which he is traveling. Events that may occur due to the subscriber’s participation as a competitor in sports competitions, bets, matches, rallies or in preparatory trials for such events are excluded, and the same is true of arranging and paying for search costs. Outre les exclusions précisées dans le texte du présent contrat, Gan Assistance ne peut intervenir que dans la limite des accords donnés par les autorités locales. Gan Assistance ne peut en aucun cas se substituer aux organismes locaux de secours d’urgence, ni prendre en charge les frais engagés. Elle ne sera pas tenue responsable des manquements ou contretemps à l’exécution de ses obligations qui résulteraient de cas de force majeure ou d’événements tels que guerre civile ou étrangère, révolution, mouvement populaire, émeutes, grèves, saisies ou contraintes par la force publique, interdictions officielles, pirateries, explosions d’engins, effets nucléaires ou radioactifs, empêchements climatiques. Gan Assistance ne sera pas tenue d’intervenir dans les cas où l’assuré aurait commis, de façon volontaire, des infractions à la législation en vigueur dans les pays qu’il traverse. Les événements survenus du fait de la participation de l’assuré, en tant que concurrent à des compétitions sportives, paris, matches, rallyes ou à leurs essais préparatoires, sont exclus ainsi que l’organisation et la prise en charge de tous frais de recherche.
Exclusions. Hyland will have no liability for any Claim based upon (a) use of non-current versions of the Software when Hyland has made newer, non-infringing versions available to the User; (b) altered versions of the Software (unless the specific alteration was made by or for Hyland); (c) use, operation or combination of the applicable Software with non-Hyland programs, data, equipment or documentation if such infringement would have been avoided but for such use, operation or combination; (d) Hyland’s compliance with designs, specifications or instructions provided by User where those designs, specifications or instructions cause the infringement; (e) use by User after notice by Hyland to discontinue use of all or a portion of the Software; or (f) third- party open-source software. This section constitutes the entire liability of Hyland, and User’s sole and exclusive remedy, with respect to any third party claims of infringement or misappropriation of intellectual property rights. 8.3 Haftungsausschluss. Hyland trifft keinerlei Haftung in Bezug auf Ansprüche hinsichtlich (a) der Nutzung von veralteten Versionen der Software, wenn Hyland dem Nutzer neuere Versionen der Software zur Verfügung gestellt hat, die keine Rechte Dritter verletzen; (b) veränderten Versionen der Software (es sei denn, die konkrete Änderung wurde von oder für Hyland vorgenommen); (c) eine(r) Nutzung, Betrieb oder Verbindung der jeweils einschlägigen Software mit Programmen, Daten, Geräten, oder Dokumentationsmaterialien, die nicht von Hyland stammen, sofern die Verletzung von Rechten Dritter ohne die/den besagte(n) Nutzung, Betrieb oder Verbindung vermieden worden wäre; (d) der Befolgung durch Hyland von Designs, Spezifikationen oder Anweisungen, die vom Nutzer bereitgestellt werden, wenn die betreffenden Designs, Spezifikationen oder Anweisungen für die Rechtsverletzung ursächlich sind; (e) einer Nutzung der Software oder von Teilen derselben durch den Nutzer, nachdem Hyland mitgeteilt hat, dass die Nutzung der Software oder von Teilen derselben einzustellen ist; oder (f) der Open Source Software von Drittanbietern. Diese Vertragsziffer regelt die Gesamthaftung von Xxxxxx und die dem Nutzer zustehenden Rechtsmittel in Bezug auf Ansprüche Dritter wegen Verletzung oder rechtswidriger Zueignung von gewerblichen Schutz- und Urheberrechten abschließend.
Exclusions. The Company does not reimburse the penalty for cancellations or changes determined directly or indirectly by:
Exclusions. Benefits are excluded:
Exclusions. ZEDAS shall be released from the obligation to provide Maintenance if and so long as (i) Customer fails to identify the alleged errors in reproducible form or to provide ZEDAS upon request with all information, tools, access to and use of systems, personnel and other assistance which may be required or useful to provide Maintenance; (ii) Maintenance is requested by persons other than those designated in advance by the Customer or not on the forms prescribed by ZEDAS; (iii) a given problem is not caused by a reproducible error of the Deliverable, in particular by possible interference from hardware, operating systems or other software applications which have not been certified by ZEDAS; (iv) the Deliverable has been adapted, modified or enhanced by a party not authorized by ZEDAS; or (v) the Customer fails to use reasonable efforts to implement advice received from ZEDAS.