Conclusion of the contract Musterklauseln

Conclusion of the contract. (1) By making a booking (travel application), you are making a binding offer to FTI to conclude a contract for the travel services you request. Bookings via travel brokers such as travel agencies, online pricing portals and mobile travel sales agents as well as directly through FTI all constitute possible booking channels (e.g. written, telephone, online etc.). You will often first receive a confirmation of receipt of your travel application from your travel broker.
Conclusion of the contract. (1) The website of CF is not an offer. By clicking on the button "Place binding order" in the last step of the checkout, you submit a legally binding purchase offer. Immediately before submitting this order you can check it again and correct it if necessary.
Conclusion of the contract. 2.1 Inquiries by VICTREX to the Seller concerning the Seller’s Goods and delivery or performance terms, or requests by VICTREX for an offer by the Seller shall in no way be binding upon VICTREX. 2.2 Orders from VICTREX shall only be valid and binding if placed in writing ("Purchase Order"). Purchase Orders shall not re- quire a signature by VICTREX. The written form shall be met if Purchase Orders are sent by facsimile, email or another elec- tronic data transmission system. 2.3 Unless otherwise expressly agreed, cost estimates submitted by the Seller shall be binding and free of charge for VICTREX. 2.4 A valid and binding contract including the Terms shall be established between VICTREX and the Seller, when (a) a written Purchase Order has been sent from VICTREX to the Seller, and (b) the Seller expressly accepts the Purchase Order ("Or- der Confirmation") in writing, the Order Confirmation being received by VICTREX within seven days from the date of the Purchase Order, or (c) the Seller commences delivery or performance of the ordered Goods. 2.5 Any Order Confirmation from the Seller that differs from the Purchase Order placed by VICTREX represents a new offer
Conclusion of the contract. For all transactions the terms and conditions of the lessor are applica- ble. Conflicting terms and conditions of the lessee are hereby rejected. Any deviations or additional agreements will only come into effect after previous written confirmation by the lessor. All offers are subject to change and, like orders, will only become valid after a written confir- mation by the lessor.
Conclusion of the contract. 3.1 The contract will be deemed to have been accepted as soon as the Seller, following receipt of the Buyer´s order, has dispatched a written confirmation of the order.
Conclusion of the contract. The contracting parties are Restaurant Zum See AG (referred to below as “Restaurant Xxx Xxx”) and the guest. If a third party has acted on behalf of the guest, the guest has joint and several liability with that third party for all obligations arising out of, or in connection with, the booking or the guest’s stay at the Restaurant Zum See restaurant. The contract is closed when the request for a booking is accepted by Restaurant Zum See. If Restaurant Zum See makes a binding offer to the guest, the contract is closed when the guest accepts the offered table. In both cases, Restaurant Zum See is at liberty to confirm the booking in writing without that being a necessary requirement for conclusion of the contract. Changes to the content of the contract are binding only when they have been confirmed in writing by Restaurant Zum See. If Restaurant Zum See makes a binding offer to the guest, the contract is concluded when the guest accepts the table offer. In both cases, Restaurant Zum See is free to confirm the booking in writing, without this representing a contractual requirement. Changes to the content of the contract are only binding if they have been confirmed in writing by Restaurant Zum See.
Conclusion of the contract. 1. Offers from Model are subject to change and non- binding, unless Model informs to the contrary.
Conclusion of the contract. (1) Our purchase order is deemed binding with its written submission or confirmation at the earliest. The Seller shall point out to us obvious errors (e.g. spelling and calculation errors) and incompleteness of the purchase order, including the order documents, for the purpose of correction or completion before acceptance; otherwise the contract is deemed to be not concluded.
Conclusion of the contract. The contract is concluded by the Customer’s order (offer) and subsequent confirmation by the Organizer via email (acceptance). The Organizer reserves the right to reject orders without giving reasons.
Conclusion of the contract. By renting via the app Tankr you accept our conditions and rules. - This rental offer is only valid for registered Camping Tamaro Resort guests. - The minimum age for concluding the contract with the rental company is 18 years. Minors only if accompanied by an adult. - By concluding the contract, the hirer declares that he/she is fully able to swim and that he/she has the necessary physical conditions to use a SUP, KAYAK or CANADINER. In particular, the renter declares that he/she is free from heart and circulatory problems or any other health impair- ments that are incompatible with safe physical activity. In case of uncertainty, the health suitability must be checked by a doctor before using the services of the Lessor. - The use of the SUP's, XXXXX'x and KANADINER's is at the renter's own risk. Furthermore, the renter assures that he/she is not under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants when conclu- ding the contract. The consumption of alcohol or other intoxicants is prohibited during the use of the services of the rental company. - These General Terms and Conditions ("GTC") govern the contractual relationship between the Hirer and the Rental Firm. The rates applicable at the time of use shall apply. The Lessor may adjust the rates at any time. - A new contract must be concluded for each new use of the leased property. The contract shall come into effect with the unconditional acceptance of the app contract by the lessee. By accepting the app contract, the lessee confirms that he has read the GTC and accepts them without reser- vation. The lessee may only open the locker and take possession of the rented item after conclu- sion of the app contract. The takeover of the rented item will be confirmed to the tenant by the app. - Rental hours from 07.00 to 20.00 hrs. - In case of loss or damage of the equipment the guest has to pay a compensation which will be determined by Tankr. - The subletting of the rental object is prohibited.