Limitation Period. 10.1 The reciprocal claims of the contracting parties shall be time-barred in accordance with the provisions of law, unless otherwise specified below.
10.2 By way of exception to Art. 438 par. 1 No. 3 of the German Civil Code, the limitation period for claims based on defects of quality and legal defects shall be one year from delivery of the goods or provision of the services, unless the defect was fraudulently concealed. To the extent that formal acceptance was agreed upon, the limitation period shall commence with formal acceptance.
10.3 Claims for legal defects shall not be time-barred insofar as and as long as a third party can still assert its rights against the customer because such rights are not yet time-barred.
10.4 The statutory limitation period shall apply to structures and newly manufactured items, which are used as structures in accordance with their customary mode of use and which have caused the defect.
10.5 If we owe a customer contractual compensatory damages under Section 9 on account of or as a consequence of a defect, the statutory limitation period shall apply to this claim (Art. 438 of the German Civil Code [BGB]). It shall also apply to competing non-contractual claims for compensatory damages, unless the regular statutory limitation period under Art. 195 and 199 BGB results in a shorter limitation period for an individual case. The limitation period of the German Product Liability Act shall remain unaffected.
Limitation Period. The claims of the exhibitor under the contract and all claims associated with the same become time-barred within one year, unless a shorter statutory period of limitations takes effect or the liability of Koelnmesse is based on malicious conduct.
Limitation Period. The customer's claims for damages become time-barred one year from the statutory start of the limitation period unless mandatory statutory provisions provide for a longer limitation period. This does not apply to claims due to intent or gross negligence and in the case of injury to life, body, or health.
Limitation Period. If the purchasing party is entitled to claims for damages under the present Section XI, these shall become statute-barred upon expiry of the limitation period applicable to claims for mate- rial defects in accordance with Section IX no. 5. In the case of claims for damages under the Produkthaftungsgesetz [German Product Liabil- ity Act], the statutory limitation provisions shall apply.
Limitation Period. 16.1 The mutual claims of the contracting parties shall become statute-barred in accordance with the statutory provisions, unless otherwise provided below.
16.2 Notwithstanding § 438 para. 1 No. 3 BGB, the general limitation period for warranty claims is three (3) years from the date of transfer of risk. If acceptance has been agreed, the limitation period shall commence upon acceptance. The three-year period of limitation applies accordingly also to claims arising from defects of title, whereby the statutory period of limitation for real claims for restitution of property of third parties (§ 438 para. 1 No. 1 lit. a) BGB) remains unaffected; furthermore, claims arising from defects of title do not become time-barred under any circumstances as long as the third party can still assert the right - in particular in the absence of limitation - against CABKA.
16.3 Die Verjährungsfristen des Kaufrechts einschließlich vorstehender Verlängerung gelten – im gesetzlichen Umfang – für alle vertraglichen Mängelansprüche. Soweit CABKA wegen eines Mangels auch außervertragliche Schadensersatzansprüche zustehen, gilt hierfür die regelmäßige gesetzliche Verjährung (§§ 195, 199 BGB), wenn nicht die Anwendung der Verjährungsfristen des Kaufrechts im Einzelfall zu einer längeren Verjährungsfrist führt.
16.4 Mit dem Zugang der Mängelanzeige (per Brief, Fax und/oder E-Mail) beim Lieferanten ist die Verjährung von Gewährleistungsansprüchen gehemmt. Bei Ersatzlieferung und Mängelbeseitigung beginnt die Gewährleistungsfrist für ersetzte und nachgebesserte Teile erneut, es sei denn, XXXXX musste nach dem Verhalten des Lieferanten davon ausgehen, dass dieser sich nicht zur Mängelbeseitigung verpflichtet sah, sondern die Ersatzlieferung oder Mängelbeseitigung nur aus Kulanzgründen oder zur gütlichen Beilegung vornahm.
Limitation Period. All claims of the customer – regardless of the cause in law – expire in 12 months. Claims for damages pursuant to Section XI. 3. a – e are governed by legal regulation. If the vendor performs the repair work on a building and thereby causes the building to be defective, the statutory limitation periods apply as well.
Limitation Period. All claims of the orderer – regardless of the cause in law – expire in 12 months. The applicable statutory limitation periods apply to compensation claims pursuant to Section VIII. 3.a - e. If the installation contractor performs the installation work on a building and thereby causes the building to be defective, the statutory limitation periods apply as well.
Limitation Period. All claims of the lessee – regardless of the cause in law – expire in 12 months. The applicable statutory limitation periods apply to compensation claims pursuant to Section XIV a through e.
Limitation Period. The Customer's remedies for Defects shall be subject to a limitation period of twelve months; if the Deliverables at issue were designed to be incorporated into a building, were in fact so incorporated and caused such building to be defective, the limitation period shall be five years. However, all remedies for fraudulent concealment of Defects, and all claims for damages against ZEDAS based either on gross negligence or willful misconduct or on bodily injury to a natural person shall be subject to the applicable statutory limitation periods. All other claims for damages against ZEDAS shall be subject to the applicable statutory limitation periods or to a limitation period of two years from the date on which the Deliverables, supplies or services which have given rise to the claim at issue were provided, whichever is shorter. The statutory limitation period for claims based on product liability law shall remain unaffected.