Limited Warranty Musterklauseln

Limited Warranty. Seller warrants for a period of one year following original shipment by Seller (or for Type 28 Gas Seals 12 months from installation or 24 months following original shipment by Seller, whichever occurs first) that its products are free from defects in material or workmanship furnished by Seller. Xxxxx'x rights arising from defects are subject to the Buyer having observed its statutory duties of inspection and notification. In cases of material or legal defects Seller shall be entitled to remedy the defect or to make replacement delivery (subsequent performance). In doing so Seller shall have the right to choose the type of subsequent performance. Seller`s liability for any defect shall only apply in case the defect is not insignificant. If one or both of the above types of subsequent performance should be impossible or disproportionate Seller shall have the right to refuse these. Seller shall bear the costs incurred in connection with the subsequent performance, in particular the transport costs, travel expenses, work and material costs; however, Seller shall not bear the costs incurred by moving the goods to a location other than the place of performance. If the types of subsequent performance set out in above repeatedly failed or should they be unreasonable for the Buyer or if Seller refuses both types of subsequent performance, the Buyer shall have a right to choose to either reduce the purchase price (reduction) or to rescind the contract in accordance with the statutory provisions (rescission). Claims for compensation of damages are restricted in accordance with paragraph 10 of these Terms and Conditions. Further claims by the Buyer, irrespective of their legal basis, are excluded. Notwithstanding the provisions above, liability for consequential losses is hereby excluded.
Limited Warranty. No advice or information given by GRAPHISOFT employees, its distributors, resellers, agents, or consultants shall constitute a warranty by GRAPHISOFT or extend the warranty in this Agreement. This Agreement and the warranty provided herein may only be modified by a written amendment signed by a duly authorized executive officer of GRAPHISOFT. * In no event shall GRAPHISOFT be liable for any loss or damages whatsoever, including but not limited to loss of data, damages for lost income, business interruption, loss of business information, or other special, incidental, consequential, exemplary, multiple, or indirect damages or other pecuniary loss, arising from the use or misuse of the Software, or otherwise under this Agreement, even if GRAPHISOFT or its employees, resellers, or agents have been advised or should have known of the possibility of such damages. In no event will GRAPHISOFT's aggregate liability for any breach of this Agreement, use of the Software or otherwise, exceed the amounts actually paid by You to GRAPHISOFT for this copy of the Software, except as otherwise required by applicable statutory law. * You accept and confirm that the free of charge provision of the Software and the conditions of this Agreement advantageous to You hereof have been determined in consideration of the above provisions on limited warranty. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY THE RELEVANT RULES OF LAW, TAKING INTO PARTICULAR ACCOUNT THE FREE OF CHARGE PROVISION OF THE LICENSE, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO ITS CONFORMITY TO OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL PERFORM UNINTERRUPTED AND WITHOUT ERRORS. GRAPHISOFT DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUALITY, COMPLETENESS, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR PRECISION OF THE SOFTWARE'S FUNCTIONS OR COOPERATION WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE/ HARDWARE DEVICE.
Limited Warranty. The following is added to the end of Section 15.1:
Limited Warranty. The following is deleted from the first paragraph of Section 15.1:
Limited Warranty. 9.1. Die Gewährleistung für Mängel und Rechtsmängel gilt für einen Zeitraum von 24 Monaten vom Zeitpunkt der Abliefe- rung an. Für Rechtsmängel haftet der Verkäufer nur, wenn die geltend gemachten Rechte für Deutschland bestehen und von dem Käufer nachgewiesen werden. 9.1. The warranty for defects and legal defects applies for a period of 24 months from the time of delivery. The war- ranty for legal defects is limited to rights which are asser- ted for German territory provided that the Buyer proves their subsistence. 9.2. Die Gewährleistung beschränkt sich auf die Nacherfül- lung. Kosten für das Entfernen der mangelhaften und den Einbau oder das Anbringen der mangelfreien Ware trägt der Käufer. 9.2. The warranty is limited to supplementary perfor- mance. The Buyer bears the costs for removing the defec- tive and installing or attaching the defect-free goods. 9.3. Im Falle des Unternehmerregresses trägt der Käufer die Beweislast für den Verkauf an einen Verbraucher und den Sachmangel zur Zeit des jeweiligen Gefahrübergangs, für die Rücknahme oder Reparatur der verkauften Ware sowie da- für, dass der Käufer zur Rücknahme oder Reparatur der ver- kauften Xxxx verpflichtet war. 9.3. In the event of a business recourse, the Buyer bears the burden of proof for the sale to a consumer and the ma- terial defect at the time of the passing of risk, for the return or repair of the sold goods and for the Buyer being obliged to take back or repair the sold goods. 9.4. Zwecks Ausübung der Nacherfüllung sendet der Käufer die Ware an den Verkäufer frachtfrei nach dessen Genehmi- gung zurück. Der Verkäufer tritt dem Käufer eventuelle Ge- währleistungs- und/oder Regressansprüche betreffend die Ware, die gegenüber seinen Lieferanten bestehen, ab, wenn dies gemäß den vertraglichen Rechten des Verkäufers ge- genüber seinen Lieferanten möglich ist. 9.4. For the purpose of carrying out the supplementary performance, the Buyer returns the goods freight prepaid to the Seller after the latter's approval. The Seller assigns to the Buyer any warranty claims and/or recourse claims regarding the goods that exist against its suppliers, provi- ded tha this is possible according to the contractual rights of the Seller against its suppliers. 9.5. Der Verkäufer wird sich nach besten Kräften darum be- mühen, den Käufer bei der Geltendmachung von Gewährleis- tungsansprüchen gemäß diesen AVB zu unterstützen. 9.5. The Seller will use its best efforts to support the buyer in asserting warranty cl...

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