Warranty period Musterklauseln

Warranty period. The warranty period is always of the duration stated on the label or the packaging of each individual product. Should no specific warranty be stated for a specific product, this always totals 2 years from the data of purchase, whereby the date on the purchase receipt is decisive. Ex- ception: The durability of any high-gloss chrome-plated surface, such as bronzed or coloured surfaces; for this purpose, the warranty period totals 1 year; here also the date on the receipt of purchase is decisive. The warranty period for the product shall neither be extended nor renewed through warranty services. Warranty services shall not limit the warranty period unless a warranty case occurs in accordance with the legal provisions in addition to further legal prerequisites for a limitation. German law shall apply under this warranty, under the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on contracts regarding the international sale of goods (CISG).
Warranty period. Our warranty is valid for five (5) years from the date of purchase by the end customer. The date on the original purchase receipt is decisive. Warranty service does not extend or renew the warranty period for the product. This warranty is governed by German law to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). HR Pored zakonskog jamstva, koje dodatno pripada potrošaču od svojeg prodavca, tvrtka Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx GmbH, Hullerweg 1, 49134 Wallenhorst (u daljem tekstu„Schütte“) xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxx x xxxxx tuševe prema sljedećim uvjetima. Ovom garancijom ne ograničavaju se zakonska garantna prava potrošača te se ista mogu besplatno koristiti. Izjava o garan- ciji od tvrtke Schütte xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx- xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxx xx o dgovornosti za materijalne nedostatke.„Potrošač“ je pri tome svaka prirodna oso- ba, koja je vlasnik proizvoda i isti u svrhu dalje prodaje ili u okviru svoje zakonske ili samostalne djelatnosti ne prodaje ili instalira. Xxxxxxx garantira svojim kupcima, ukoliko su potrošači, bespri- jekoran sastav materijala koji odgovara svrsi, obradu materijala kao i stručno sastavljanje, nepropustnost i besprijekornu funkciju proizvoda. Xxxxxxxxx xxxx xx xxxx xxxxxx x xxxxxx europskog gospodarskog prostora. Prvi kupac je potrošač, xxxx xxx prvi stječe proizvod radi korištenja. Uvjet za nastup ove izjave o garanciji je xxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xx rad / montažu kao i priznatim pravilima tehnike i pridržavanje navoda o rukovanju i njezi proizvoda u daljem pogonu. • Kartuše, ventili • Crijeva od ručnog tuša • Oštećenja zbog nestručne montaže, puštanja u pogon i rukovanja • Oštećenja zbog uporabe neodgovarajućih rezervnih dijelova • Oštećenja zbog vanjskih utjecaja kao što su vatra, voda, nenor- malnih uvjeta okoliša • Xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx, xxxx xxx xxxxx • Xxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx uništenje • Uobičajeno trošenje ili oštećenja zbog nedostataka u održavanju • Oštećenja zbog nedovoljne njege ispupčenja zaštićenih od kamenca • Oštećenja zbog popravaka od strane nestručnih osoba • Oštećenja zbog nepridržavanja uputa za njegu kao npr. nestručno postupanje, nedovoljna njega ili korištenje neodgovarajućih sredstava za čišćenje • Kémiai vagy mechanikai hatások a szerelvény, szállítása, tárolása, csatlakoztatása, javítása és használata során Garantna usluga za xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx x...
Warranty period. The warranty period for our delivery of goods is one year after delivery of goods to the buyer. With regard to foodstuff delivered by us, the warranty period shall lapse by due date. Deviating from this the legal warranty periods are applicable for the cases as stipu- lated in para. 8.5.2.
Warranty period. 12.6.1 a. The warranty period for defects or defective performance and the respective rights of TSCNET determined above is two years. It commences upon the handover of the subject matter of the order to TSCNET or its authorised representative or upon acceptance of the work or rendering of the full service. b. In the case of notification of defects by TSCNET within the warranty period, the warranty claims shall become statute-barred at the earliest six months after notification of defects is given. c. Defects identified during the guarantee period shall also be covered by the warranty if the defects are only rectified following expiry of the warranty period, e.g. as part of an audit. 12.6.2 a. With regard to delivery parts other than the defective delivery parts that cannot remain in operation during the inspection of the defect and/or the rectification of defects, the ongoing warranty period shall be extended by the duration of the interruption of operations. b. For subsequently improved parts or replacement parts supplied, the warranty period shall commence afresh upon completion. c. If parts of the system are altered or replaced by other parts as part of the warranty, the Contractor undertakes to also alter or replace the corresponding spare parts at its own expense. 12.6.3 If operations are interrupted during the warranty period, the warranty period shall be extended by the total duration of such interruptions provided they have been caused by defective delivery or performance by the Contractor. 12.7 Further warranties TSCNET's claims from any further warranty by the Contractor are not affected. 12.8 Assignment The Contractor assigns to TSCNET its existing warranty claims against suppliers and subcontractors subject to the condition precedent of insolvency of the Contractor. TSCNET accepts the assignment.
Warranty period. The warranty period is 30 years from the date of purchase. The Warrantee is to provide proof by presenting the completed warranty pass and the original purchase receipt to the Warrantor. The warranty period will not be extended even after completion of a service under warranty.
Warranty period. The scope of the guarantee is 5 years. Should no specific warranty be stated for a specific product, this always totals 2 years from the data of purchase, whereby the date on the purchase receipt is decisive. Exception: The durability of any high-gloss chrome-plated surface, such as bronzed or coloured surfaces; for this purpose, the warranty period totals 1 year; here also the date on the receipt of purchase is decisive. The warranty period for the product shall neither be extended nor renewed through warranty services. Warranty services shall not limit the warranty period unless a warranty case occurs in accordance with the legal provisions in addi- tion to further legal prerequisites for a limitation. German law shall apply under this warranty, under the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on contracts regarding the international sale of goods (CISG).