MEETINGS AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD. (1) The meetings of the Supervisory Board shall be called at least fourteen days in advance by the chairman of the Supervi- sory Board, not including the day on which the invitation is sent and the day of the meeting itself. Notice of meetings may be given in writing, by telefax, by e-mail or any other customary means of communi- cation. In urgent cases the chairman may shorten this period and may call the meet- ing orally or by telephone. In all other respects regarding the calling of Supervi- sory Board meetings the rules provided by law as well as by the Rules of Proce- dure of the Supervisory Board shall apply. Deutsche Fassung English Translation
MEETINGS AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD. (1) The meetings of the Supervisory Board shall be called at least fourteen days in advance by the chairman of the Supervi- sory Board, not including the day on which the invitation is sent and the day of the meeting itself. Notice of meetings may be given in writing, by telefax, by e-mail or any other customary means of communi- cation. In urgent cases the chairman may shorten this period and may call the meet- ing orally or by telephone. In all other respects regarding the calling of Supervi- sory Board meetings the rules provided by law as well as by the Rules of Proce- dure of the Supervisory Board shall apply.
MEETINGS AND RESOLUTIONS OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD. (1) Der Aufsichtsrat muss mindestens zwei (2) Sitzungen im Kalenderhalb- jahr abhalten.