Penalty Clause Musterklauseln

Penalty Clause. If the exhibitor fails to comply with the reg- ulations as stated above (No. 16, Item 2, 3), Messe Berlin is entitled to impose a penalty of Euro 500.00 per day if its instructions and warnings are not heeded. constructions, design and furnishing, as well as about other services at trade fairs provid- ed by MB Capital Services GmbH, insurance, PR work, the catalogue, room reservations and other services. The Exhibitor Service Documents also contain the necessary forms.
Penalty Clause. In default of payment or of observance of any kind of obligation, it is agreed that the co-contractor owes, by right and without proof of default, a compensation of 10% of the amounts in the agreement, or of the amount still due, with a minimum of 75,- euro - irrespective of the allowance of interest that has been included in the current terms and conditions of sale. Thermo-Clean Niedersachsen GmbH reserves the right to suspend or cancel the further settlement of other orders in the above-mentioned case.